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Yeah eyes are quite delicate, so lots of surgeries on them probably isn't a good idea. But talk about the options lots before anything is decided I guess. See what the risks are.


Every time I went to my doctor I told him about my double vision, but he just ignored it. Said it might still disappear. Even said "But will you honestly be looking sideways much? You can just turn your head.". Pissed me off, such an arsehole. So yeah, not sure there's anything I can do about this. =/


Well you don't when you're driving or else you totally lose concentration on the road in front... its always just a glance.


I had that problem when I had the prisms on my glasses, made it impossible to see when I looked anywhere but straight forward...


I agree what an arsehole :( My doctor is a complete waaaaaaaaaanker. Manners of a cactus... seriously hes awful. I'm really thankful that I'm being referred to someone else to be honest :P


I was holding my cat (Nero) when my little brother frightened him. I now have two painful scratches across my throat.


I also went down to my sister's house to drop of some stuff, but my nephew was at his grandma's (on his dad's side) so I didn't get to see him.


Wow, Emo oil really do suck. We ordered our oil on the 6th of dec, rang up on Monday to check and we were guaranteed the delivery by today at the latest. Oil tank is now empty and they are now saying we won't be getting any for a week or so. It's ridiculous. We based the decision to go pick up my nan and bring her back here on the promise we'd get our oil for today.


Woke up with a sore head this morning...


then there was an accident with a pint glass of fizzy apple and my laptop... thankfully it was off at the time but its drying off in the airing cupboard :(:(


Then my sore head developed into one of the most aggressive migraines i've ever had.. causing me to spend all of my day off in bed... :(


Not the most fabulous day I've ever had... and likely to be an expensive one


Waking up being sick. Awesome. Just in time for the party tomorrow :yay:


And the rest of the day is looking good, too:

I have so much shit to do, it's not funny. Well, fuck getting better, right? :blank:

Waking up being sick. Awesome. Just in time for the party tomorrow :yay:


And the rest of the day is looking good, too:

I have so much shit to do, it's not funny. Well, fuck getting better, right? :blank:


Meh, I can only be in agreement, finding myself looking at bank accounts, insurance, council tax is a bundle of fund.


So I'm off to play minecraft instead.




Woke up feeling nauseous, and still feel like crap now thanks to a lovely headache, a raspy cough and a nose which doesn't seem to know whether to be blocked or runny. Yay for being ill :blank:


Woke up this afternoon and the cupboard in my room was open. It's never open. I never go in there. And you have to like reaarange the room to get to it since there's a box of crap, a bookcase AND Chair was sleeping in front of it (sortof). There were loads of my old Pokemon cards spilled on the floor.


At first I thought my nosey/annoying/agile cousin probably snuck in while I was asleep to steal something he thought was in there, then knocked stuff over and ran out. But then there are Pokemon cards on my bedside table...and a picture of me, and a picture of my other cousin on there too. No idea where they came from. :o


So I went to clear it all up, and some of the cards were wet....


I smelled them, not piss (thankfully. I was drunk last night so was terrified...even though I remember EVERYTHING and Chair was with me so presumably would have like...stopped me. lol). Smelled like perfume or cologne. Anyway, I'm terrified.


Clearly haunted.


Me and my brother don't always see eye to eye although things have been better lately, last night I was texting my friend a little joke as he somehow is also going to be at the same new year's party as us(it's my friend's brother's, but one of his housemates also happens to be my cousin's best mate) so I was texting my friend a little joke at his expense, and totally sent it to him by accident.


Whilst he was sitting downstairs in my very own house. Whilst family was round. I was crai.

Me and my brother don't always see eye to eye although things have been better lately, last night I was texting my friend a little joke as he somehow is also going to be at the same new year's party as us(it's my friend's brother's, but one of his housemates also happens to be my cousin's best mate) so I was texting my friend a little joke at his expense, and totally sent it to him by accident.


Whilst he was sitting downstairs in my very own house. Whilst family was round. I was crai.


I hate that feeling of blood RUSHING with huge velocity into your cheeks when you've done something like that. Ugh. Hate. What happened?!"



I hate that feeling of blood RUSHING with huge velocity into your cheeks when you've done something like that. Ugh. Hate. What happened?!"


Mate tell me about it, I was half trying to figure out if my phone could cancel it and how, half deciding it was already too late. I heard him shout my name from downstairs, I just left it a bit before going down, he text me asking if i was really that stupid, I said apparently so. Then nothing at all came of it, it wasn't mentioned and he wasn't too weird for the rest of the night, of course, tonight at the NYE party will tell, but he was actually...suprisingly all right. It's quite nice, actually, I think we're finally growing up a bit, lol.


(watch as tomorrow i have a horrible post of event with brother to put in here lel)


A great Danish singer-songwriter died last night from a heart attack, and it's actually upset me to the point where I cried a bit. It was just, like ... he couldn't die! I have a hard time actually getting it, much less getting over it. :(


Waking up with an almighty headache, one which makes you think your eyes are about to explode, isn't nice. Couple that with sore throat, a temperature close to if not 40 degrees, constantly feeling cold even though I have a high temp, lots of coughing and dizzyness and I've got a nasty cold :(


didn't even drink a lot last night and i'm pure bolloxed today. Mega migraine again. Think my body is fighting against the amount of sugar i'm throwing at it at the moment. (Even though its really not that much compared to previous years)


I feel really sick and in dire need of some kind of detox diet.


Diets really aren't the answer though... when you think about it. I'm really sick now because i've maintained such a low sugar diet, and now sugar is just a shock to my system. :( Which has resulted in a really shitty christmas...

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