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My final got cancelled today because of the snow!


Here's a picture from the weekend, featuring the polystyrene balls Diageo spoke of. And my Converse-clad feet, which serves as a warning: do NOT wear Converse shoes in the snow if you don't want to fall over. I was standing still on a bit of sloped pavement and started sliding.




And one from this morning as I was making my way to the bus. I was tempted to gather up all of the snow to build a snow fort, like the one Max makes in Wild the Wild Things Are.



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Well, that's 3 days off. As I work in a college that is known for being Scrooge-worthy, it's a miracle we haven't been forced to risk the roads.


Either way this snow is only

terrible because we live in rural areas and the roads are dire.

Another day of cabin fever!

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Well, that's 3 days off. As I work in a college that is known for being Scrooge-worthy, it's a miracle we haven't been forced to risk the roads.


Either way this snow is only

terrible because we live in rural areas and the roads are dire.

Another day of cabin fever!


I remember once in high school, we got 3 weeks off at Christmas instead of two apparently so they could keep the heating cost down because it was bad winter that year.


It started snowing here about 4ish and then stopped. It started again though at about half 7.


Walking Uni yesterday was really bad. I don't have appropriate footwear for these conditions. I have a pair of trainers that have really thin soles and very little grip, and two pairs of shoes with leather soles (read: zero grip). I'm amazed I made it in at all.


I tend to crouch slightly as I walk to keep my COG down. It helps but it's bloody tiring. When I do that, I'm walking like Richter Belmont does... but if I try to walk normally, my legs flail around like X from the Mega Man games - they are moving really fast but I'm hardly going anywhere :p

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I love snow when I'm back over Christmas, but not when I'm in Glasgow and have things to do. My street turns into an icerink every single year here!


No one to play out in the snow with in Glasgow really either as we're all busy with work.



We had a bit more last night but it must've stopped early on. Weather forecast says heavy snow all afternoon but thats what it said yesterday and it was blue skies.

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Still snowing here. Snowed for the last 5 days or so and there's a good couple of inches of snow on the ground. Now starting to get annoying as it's screwing up the buses, meaning I can't really commit to anything as I don't know if there will or won't be any buses going around, and most of the roads and paths haven't been gritted around here. Means I've pretty much decided to abandon any attempts to go out and get stuff done. :nono:


At least the kids sledging on the hill behind the house seem to be enjoying it. Oh to be young again and not have a care in the world....

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