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I'm on the cover of Aber's Annual fund report.




Such a horrible photo of me. I know I've gained a few pounds (read:stone) but I hop to god I'm not as fat as I look in that photo. Although I'm sure I'm as miserable.


You don't look that fat.


Wait, you're the asian girl right?

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Guys your pictures are great!


I have some piccies of New York (warning some may have been altered in instagram):


(train back from Long Beach):




(view on the way to my friend's apartment):




(view from work - we're in a google building :D):








(Freedom tower):



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You don't look that fat.


Wait, you're the asian girl right?


*South American


And yes, yes I am.


A friend posted the photo on facebook, this was one of the comments: "You look like a rent boy that's about to be raped by a fat Terminator." :weep:

Edited by MoogleViper
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It's ridiculous Retro, it's by far the biggest building in that part of Manhattan and still isn't near finished. But it's very pretty looking.


I have more photos and videos and will post them when I've been here a few more weeks, but I'm really enjoying everything so far.

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You don't look that fat.


He does, however, look like the socially awkward guy that's been left out of the study group. "Like guys, what the eff? I thought we were totes gonna study?"


Speaking of socially awkward:




In terms of ruining photographs, I think I nailed it.


ooh I didn't realise the freedom tower was that far along already!


Every time I hear something named Freedom something, I feel the overwhelming urge to yell "Amerrrca" in a comedy American accent.

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He does, however, look like the socially awkward guy that's been left out of the study group. "Like guys, what the eff? I thought we were totes gonna study?"


"Guys! There's definitely space on that sofa if you all scootch up. Guys, c'mon!

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A few pics of me from British National Finals, where me and my partner finished 3rd out of everyone in the UK in the Men's synchronised competition! Casually walked in to the podium ceremony behind the Olympian...








And my personal favourite:



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Been in Australia with my boyfriend with a few weeks now. The story so far...


Most of time has spent with me on Tumblr and him knitting so... yeah




Or accidentally staring into each other's eyes for eons because our love is like the collapsing of stars... inevitable, beautiful and destructive.




Or making cheesecake.




Or going to American diners and eating our body weights (which is pretty bloody heavy).




We TRIED to do something manly. We went to an Aussie Football game. We tried to be manly. But then there was a double rainbow and everything was fabulous and yeah... fuck.



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