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I think I'm next in line for ReZ's best friend.


I'll definitely be his last as well.


There is no line. We're starring in a shot for shot remake of Dumber and Dumber except it going to be called Awesome and Awesomeer. Due out sometime this decade. Obviously I am the title's 'Awesomeer'.


Excuse me!


Can we go for a day trip when I'm back down south? (ReZ/Daft?)








I'm ready. Pull focus close up you and me nobody's leavin. come on an dance wi me yeah SLOW [/Kylie Minogue]




Sounds like a plan. When are you back in the civilized world?



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I like this picture of me -- I feel I've become a little more photogenic recently but then my ego has also gone way past the appropriate levels.


It's me during this Christmas Break so I've been quite laid back. Hence why I'm not in my typical 50s attire. Keep in tune though, I've got plans.

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Would this have been for the "smarmy cunt" project you were all assigned? :p


Hahaha, sort of. :P


My art professor wanted me to look "provocative" for a gallery exhibit, which seemed pretty fitting when I had poster-sized versions of these on display:













If that didn't piss you off, then this next sentence definitely will: I got the only A in the class.

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I realize that I am FACELESS, well, I am here on N-Europe. Other than a Gamecube logo or indeed, the taiko drum from erm taiko no tatsujin - I have no actual picture of myself (though I would love to be as jolly as that drum)


So what better way to once again vaguely introduce myself then to show you me as the queen. This was taken at that really rubbish wax works in Liverpool, I think they spent so much time and dedication on Cilla Black they decided to fuck everything else and just charge everyone £12 to get in anyway.


But I'm waffling.




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And this is me as Scatman John though the NGamer lot rudely claimed I looked more like another moustache wielding fiend. (Que mega photoshop skillz)



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as always I can't do the damn YouTube thing


Edited by Ashley
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