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good stuff thread.


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Apart from the horseshit name changes that seem to be happening to my thread..


These guys (an actual, official company)






Want me to write a comedy sketch for them to act out, produce etc and then link to Comedy Rainbow at the end.



Yeah thats pretty win.

Ask them if it was a dare. There has to be a catch. If not, get me in on this. I'm your creative consultant/Gringo for life.

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I gave the best proposal in today's documentary proposal session. Not being biased, but it clearly was. The teachers came when I was done. Called it "marvelous", used me as an example of a well-researched and thought out exploration of the topic. Kept referring to me while criticising other people's proposals.


I knew It would stun as I was writing it (if I just cut out the unnecessary prerequisite modesty), but I didn't know how much. Yes. You may. You may lick it.




Also I watched Showgirls.


You ARE a whore, darlin'.


I loved how the main character was so irrationally angry at everything. And has a half-stunning, half-whorish face.


I don't understand why It's considered one of the worst films ever. Maybe relative to the budget/fact it was a mainstream release intended to be great with a famous director, but really it's just a normal shite film that technically stuns if you let it.

Edited by Paj!
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A friend works at a gamestation near Poole and I've not spoken to her in a few years, today she sent me a message saying someone had bought over £350 worth of stuff there and didn't want an elite card, so she gave me all the points.


I'm going to go into gamestation tomorrow to see how much that makes, woo!

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I gave the best proposal in today's documentary proposal session. Not being biased, but it clearly was. The teachers came when I was done. Called it "marvelous", used me as an example of a well-researched and thought out exploration of the topic. Kept referring to me while criticising other people's proposals.


I knew It would stun as I was writing it (if I just cut out the unnecessary prerequisite modesty), but I didn't know how much. Yes. You may. You may lick it.

U have been loved.


What was your proposal in the end?




Also, why can't I see my post on your wall? My notifications say you commented, but all I smell are lies.




My favourite thing ever:




Of course she's a Cylon.




Also, been invited to my first ever wedding (of someone I know/care about). Yeeesss.

Edited by chairdriver
Automerged Doublepost
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U have been loved.


What was your proposal in the end?


For this Documentary Project, for which my keyword was “objectâ€, I’ve chosen a faulty Polaroid camera as the focus for my film. It will make extensive use of voiceover, and be shot in HD, with possible use of other types of film (i.e SD) at points.


I’ve chosen this faulty Polaroid camera as my “object†because I feel that I can use it as the focus of a film that explores or questions somewhat, the relationship between memory and photography. This camera is very old (I think from the 1970’s), and as such, many of it’s important functions are unreliable or don’t work entirely. The flash is broken, meaning that the photos the camera takes are more often that not out of focus and with bizarre lighting effects (as far as I’m aware with this camera, you NEED the flash to take decent pictures). Additionally, the inner workings seem to run through the battery on a pack of film extremely quickly, meaning I have to load and then remove a film pack. Without extreme care, this exposes the top sheet in the pack to light, affecting whatever photo might be taken and printed onto that sheet.


It is my belief that photography can, and often does, affect our view of the past. Roland Barthes says that photographs can become a “counter-memoryâ€, which can end up as what a person perceives as a true memory of an event. It is Siegfried Kracaue’s view that “Photography records space, while memory records significance.†And that if a memory is replaced by a photograph, then the factor that determines what is significant and what is not is eroded away, leaving us with a non-critical view of the past. The presence of a photograph moves the site of memory outside the mind, and into the material realm, where it may become more “objectively true†– i.e “This happenedâ€, “I was here, here’s the proof†– but this could perhaps strip the event of the mind’s ability to question the verity of what it is seeing, as something now concrete and physical is perhaps being presented as the most significant part of the event. Robin William’s character in One Hour Photo said it best: “Flipping through a photo album, one would conclude that you had a leisurely, carefree existence….no one ever wants to take photos of things they want to forget.†, “{They] never think about it, but these snapshots are their stand against the flow of time…and if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it’s this: I was here, I existed. I was young, I was happy and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture.â€


In a roundabout way, I will be exploring this notion of photography almost being in “opposition†to memory, when the photographs taken are warped and distorted. Would this distortion make the photos more false, or perhaps more true? If this camera instantly produces physical, visual representations of a moment or event that are distorted and affected by nature, technology and human interaction - is this perhaps conceptually taking the photograph back into the mind where the memory is subject to constant change and mythologizing in the first place? Something else I might explore briefly in my documentary is the fact the camera belonged to my late grandfather, who was a cameraman and keen photographer in the 50’s and 60’s. He died a few months before I was born, so what I know of him is through photographs and second-hand accounts. I find it interesting than in choosing this object, and the concepts I wish to explore, that my relationship with him, or lack thereof, should fit into the theme. I don’t wish to talk about his life (as that would go against the concept of this project being about the object), but rather how my knowledge of his existence relates to what I’ve been talking about in regards to photography and memory.


I’m very conscious that in exploring such themes that the focus could shift off the camera itself, so I have it firmly in mind that it is to be focus, throughout all the different aspects I wish to explore. Structurally I am not dead-set on any one approach. I feel like I will make extensive use of voice-over and will therefore need to script what is said. I anticipate use of atmos and ambient sound in the documentary, with possible inclusion of appropriate sound at various points (for example I considered the possibility of using time-appropriate music or sound when discussing my grandfather). Visually, I anticipate a distinct lack of the human body – visual focus solely on the camera, it’s operation, it’s subject, and the end product of the photographs. As such, I have not considered particular locations yet – the focus would be a specific object or person in that location in any case. This is an area to be thoroughly planned along with the script.



It was one of the best ideas (but there were of course stunning ones from the stunners, as to be expected), I'm so bored of not just saying it. The majority of the others were like...20 seconds long and along the lines of "I'll interview a dance instructor and film him at work."


*or else you will DIE gif*




Also, why can't I see my post on your wall? My notifications say you commented, but all I smell are lies.


My Facebook does that all the time. It says I have a notification, then shows me for a split-second before pretending it was never there. Eventually (like hours later) it lets me see it. If you log in and out you can see it sometimes.

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Another birthday at work = another batch of Blueberry muffins...


I got paid today and I get my PS3 at 3pm today...



this evening i'm going to a friends house for a Wii night, and we shall be competing in Mario Kart / Goldeneye / Smash Bro's and playing some New Mario Bros.


Awesome day ahead of me :)

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I got some really good feedback about my final year project, not just good, but so flattering that my tutors could think I'm above people in my class and certainly on my way to becoming a good artist.


It's exactly the boost I needed and extremely nice of them.

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I win at today...yeah...why?

Because I'm awesome. I did it. I passed the English test and the interview. Tomorrow I will be medically examined. Well, this could ruin everything, but I don't think it will, meaning I'll become an air traffic controller. :bouncy:


Congrats dude!


I've got another meeting with the company I had an interview with yesterday. About the only thing awesome about the time in between two night shifts. ::shrug:

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