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My friend who I went travelling with last summer and I have agreed on Operation InterRail Mk.II, scheduled for summer 2012! :D


The proposed, expanded 6 week route is: Lisbon-Madrid-Barcelona-Nice-Florence-Rome-Dubrovnik-Budapest-Olomouc-Prague-Munich-Cologne-Berlin-Copenhagen-Stockholm.


I'd better get saving!


(Before anyone says 'you missed out X', last summer was Paris-Nice-Florence-Rome-Venice-Munich-Prague-Berlin-Brussels-Amsterdam over 3 weeks. The best 3 weeks of my life to date.)




That sounds so awesome. Some great cities there, I loved Barcelona, Florence, Rome, Berlin and Cologne. Though the last two I feel like I didn't get to do enough in, so would love to go back. Not been to the others except for Madrid.


I'd also suggest going to Valencia at some point, simply for the City of Arts and Sciences designed by Calatrava. Lovely buildings, lovely city too. =)



Anyway the best part of my day (yesterday)... was finding €10 in the pocket of my jeans which I hadn't worn in months. Whoo.

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P.S. Daily win for me; Girlfriend gave me a surprise jar of articholkes!!!


She gave you a jar of ReZ? How on Earth is that a good thing?


I personally like the new titles. They're more streamlined. :)


Fish, I hope you plan on seeing the old part of Dubrovnik. It's really beautiful. I recommend taking a walk around the old city wall for the best view of the old city. If you spot the old classical grammar school (it's a bit out of the way), that's where I stayed during my trip there. :D

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Lolling in my pants.


On Facebook I saw two friends of mine (who live far away, I moved away from their area a decade ago) talking and some random chick joined in teh conversation. I added her because I liked her name and funny profile picture.


We got chatting and it has transpired we are both passionate about a lot of the same things (particularly or specifically, creatively speaking) and have decided to put our juices together and work on some (short story comics) and some (longer but still self contained stories eventually)


Anyway, we've been emailing back and forth and she just posted on my wall to check my email. We then chatted via email and said very breif comments on Facebook like "Our shit is gonna be amazing" and the friend who "introduced" us has only just seen this and said;


"What the fuck"


Laughed my ass off.


The internet is fucking amazing.

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Saw Sir. Ian McKellan speak at the Oxford Union. Am stunned.




He opened with: "There's two things I know about in life, acting, and being gay."


Pointed out how X-Men stuns as a concept, because its a direct allegory for people who feel outside of society (ie. LGBT youth and ethnic minorities). I was clapping.


Undoubtedly the best bit was:


During the questions, a guy puts up his hand, in the midst of a packed, packed hall (like 500+ people there) "Having listened to you speak about your homosexuality, I feel so heartened and moved, and I want to say this. I know many of my friends are here, and none of them know this. I'm gay."


And then the room burst into applause and cheering. Am floored. My favourite moment of anything ever. Everyone there was laughing with.

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Saw Sir. Ian McKellan speak at the Oxford Union. Am stunned.


Playing catch up, are we? He spoke at my school's sixth form prize giving. He shook my hand and handed me my 'most improved' (aka "person who the school had written off as hopeless but was actually clever") award.


I haven't washed that hand since. I'm kidding about that last bit - that would be 'ewwwwwwwy'


Undoubtedly the best bit was:


During the questions, a guy puts up his hand, in the midst of a packed, packed hall (like 500+ people there) "Having listened to you speak about your homosexuality, I feel so heartened and moved, and I want to say this. I know many of my friends are here, and none of them know this. I'm gay."


And then the room burst into applause and cheering.


Nothing like that happened, though. That's awesome.

Edited by The fish
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Just amazing. There was problems at the start about letting people in, because it had reached maximum limit re: fire safety, so he stormed to the front of the queue of people waiting outside, and shouted "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"


Amazing. Awesome.


This didn't happen.


I don't believe you.


It's too awesome.

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Someone reminded me of this today. Some pr0 beatdown of a coworker. Backstory: Chap at work started acting above his station, saying the boss had put him in charge and told him to tell us to do all this stuff (After a brief chat with the boss it was discovered he was full of shit) so thought I'd lay a bit of beatdown:



He calmed down after that. It was worth being told off.

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