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Just finished my Minecraft Zombie costume for this year's VW Action, as modelled here by the lovely Madeleine:




I will be wearing blue jeans when I wear it, obviously. And eye holes will be cut out soon too.

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That costume looks so awesome! Very well done on it!




I've lost weight...I've actually lost weight by doing nothing! I've not been able to go to the gym because of my neck, my head and my chest hurting. I weighed myself today, thinking the worst, but I've lost weight...



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Had my final presentation for uni today. Went as well as it could have done with the work I submitted!


Then to top it all off found out I got a first in my dissertation, honestly no idea how that happened but it feels bloody good! :bouncy:

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Checked with my (frankly slightly useless) letting agents, six month agreement has expired so I'm now on operation "Find Somewhere With Access To An Effing Washing Machine", in which I will attempt to find a room to rent with access to a fucking washing machine (proper broadband would be a plus too).

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FRUK is doing pretty well on YouTube right now, plodding along nicely, constant stream of increasing subs and comments. Feels pretty good.


Was approached by a PR/Marketing company for Heineken and they sent me some new Radler products to review.



Proud (a little bit. Not massively. But I built it and whatever) so....sweet.

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I know we have a job woes/win thread, but at this stage my work is my life! In the last two weeks I've made big 'deals' with banks that will save us thousands of pounds, redesigned the paperwork we send [potential] customers, reworded our T&Cs to work around certain bains, altered our CRM interface so that we can save seconds and minutes doing various tasks. I've had colleagues who have been there years longer than me going "lol no point asking for overtime jayseven! I've been trying for years..." so I asked for overtime and provided some logical reasons as to why it was essential... and bam! Got the OT.


Got a few more projects to work on, and I've been doing 4-day weeks (for personal reasons that I'll explode about in another thread in the near future) yet smashing the work in those days. I'm still working the long game. September is when we have pay reviews so I guess I need to start looking at jobs so I can work on an ultimatum or two.


Oh and most importantly I've started playing COD (black ops 2) again and I'm kicking ass and being awesome - I'd forgotten the rush!

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In the last two weeks I've made big 'deals' with banks that will save us thousands of pounds, redesigned the paperwork we send [potential] customers, reworded our T&Cs to work around certain bains, altered our CRM interface so that we can save seconds and minutes doing various tasks. I've had colleagues who have been there years longer than me going "lol no point asking for overtime jayseven! I've been trying for years..." so I asked for overtime and provided some logical reasons as to why it was essential... and bam! Got the OT.


And now, the whores!


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@jayseven - working life suits you well it seems! Good job buddy.


I've got internet in my new place and it's better than my old internet! Which given we were the last out of 100 spaces for the area (it recently got upgraded but will need sorting again soon as the area is quite populated) I'm thrilled.


I also managed to sort it yesterday that I had fitted a coil so I don't have to worry about pregnancy for 10 years! I'll be nearly 34 by that time - <3

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I wish we had good internet. Exchange able to receive fibre, but the cabinet is not...3Mb really sucks.


We dropped very lucky.


To put that into perspective, we decided to take the flat knowing that the internet was going to be 3-4mb. The BT website said that the area would be up to 80mb by the end of May.


We paid the fees on the 25th May. Thinking we'd risk it and pay the price if not.


Waited til the 28th and boom 80mb! We decided to take that straight away and by Friday we'd booked it.


We signed for the new place 1st June and have new internet today with the guy saying we are the last out of 100 places for the 'cabinet'. So now I'm not sure how others go about getting internet above 3mb...but I fail to care as long as mine works! :heart:

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At work, we bought a container of extremely cheap fabric, mostly rubbish. We have put some of it on our website with ridiculous prices.


We then got an order for a decent amount of the cheap fabric. Amusingly, it's going to the Big Brother house.


Naturally, this fabric will be the most exciting thing to happen there since it was attacked by zombies.

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FRUK is doing pretty well on YouTube right now, plodding along nicely, constant stream of increasing subs and comments. Feels pretty good.


Was approached by a PR/Marketing company for Heineken and they sent me some new Radler products to review.



Proud (a little bit. Not massively. But I built it and whatever) so....sweet.


I have started watching these since you mentioned it in the bad stuff thread.

I never realised that there was a hole in my life for snack based reviews until now. :bowdown:

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... I've been stunned all day. yes, work-related.


I was pulled aside and told that "in due course" our whole department is expanding and I will be in charge of the new team.


Like... man... Basically today all of the hard work I have put into this job (the reason I just don't post much at all anymore, and the reason I don't socialise) have come to fruition. In the next few months I will be earning more money and have MINIONS! I will have leapfrogged 5 other people for the position. If anyone has followed my posts they'll see I thought I was in teh top 4, then top 3, then top 2 for the opportunity that was never necessarily going to happen -- and now it's happening and I'm getting it. So mad. I've worked for the company for about 14 months and this will be my 4th promotion... I just cannot remember the last time I felt this happy! I don't know WHEN it will happen... and I've not told my colleagues and I don't know how that will work... A new game to play. But for now... I'm just SO happy that the work has paid off -- that the company recognises the efforts I've made. If/when I get this paygrade I've basically guaranteed myself a job for life. Madness!

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My landlords have decided to ditch the letting agency and to do it through themselves. To me, this makes perfect sense as all the letting agency has done for the past two and a half years since I moved in is look around the house three or four times for inspections. I've signed a new form for a new 6-month period (same agreements as before) and the deposit is staying with the same deposit company (just the landlord details have changed).


This also gives me the impression that they think I'm going to stay here a good while (and they want me to stay), as most of the work the letting agency would do is when people are leaving. They're also nice people and I had a problem with the electric about 30 minutes ago where the power tripped and, unfortunately for me, the power switch is located in the shop downstairs. I think the problem is to do with my dryer, as it happened when I switched it on (he's going to be upgrading the electric so more can be used at one)


The guy was here within 5 minutes, sorted out the switch and he then gave me a key to the shop in case it happens again.

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My landlords have decided to ditch the letting agency and to do it through themselves. To me, this makes perfect sense as all the letting agency has done for the past two and a half years since I moved in is look around the house three or four times for inspections. I've signed a new form for a new 6-month period (same agreements as before) and the deposit is staying with the same deposit company (just the landlord details have changed).


This also gives me the impression that they think I'm going to stay here a good while (and they want me to stay), as most of the work the letting agency would do is when people are leaving. They're also nice people and I had a problem with the electric about 30 minutes ago where the power tripped and, unfortunately for me, the power switch is located in the shop downstairs. I think the problem is to do with my dryer, as it happened when I switched it on (he's going to be upgrading the electric so more can be used at one)


The guy was here within 5 minutes, sorted out the switch and he then gave me a key to the shop in case it happens again.


That's really sweet!


I've always found it hit and miss. So far my new agency has been really good and the landlord is also very nice. (For instance he found the hob to not be very nice and asked us before we moved in if we'd like a brand new granite one instead).


Whereas here (my house I'm in now) has a lovely landlady, but boy can she be lazy/forgetful about getting things changed. We've had a hole the size of my fist in our front door for a year now and they've decided not to change it.


It's good though - sounds like you've got a lovely landlord there! :heart:

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I have never been so happy! We found a puppy we wanted today and have put the deposit down on him. We pick him up a week on Friday!


We're gonna call him Bailey!




I'm so in love with him! :heart::love:

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Further to my last post, the actual landlord (the guy I was talking about is her husband and runs the shop) came around for an inspection. She was pretty appalled about a few things: the windows, the ventilation and the heating.


The stuff I'm responsible for is fine, but the windows are single glazed, they have no vent option and the one in the bathroom isn't frosted (the bathroom window is on a main road). There's also no ventilation in the kitchen or bathroom, and I can't open the window and have the blind down at the same time. My heating is also just one gas heater. Nothing in the other rooms (like the bedroom).


So she's going to look into if she (as a landlord), the business (who owns the building) or me can get any kind of grant to help out (there are various heating-related grants, so there may be one suitable).

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