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Rizz sort of looked like a Cocker Spaniel before, though.


Haha yes! It could do that. I had it tied back most of the time though so was there really much point in even having it? I haven't told any of my friends it's gone yet, they gonna have quite a surprise tomorrow :heh:

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Today one of the team managers stopped me while I walked past her, saying "Have they told you anything?"

"No? Told me what?" *no clue what she was talking about*

"You sure no one told you?"

"Ehhhh, no?"



Turns out I got the promotion to a Quality Assessor role today! Whoo!


I applied for it in September and only had the assessment test two weeks ago. Took them long enough to sort it out. =P


But yeah, it is a small step up from being a support agent. I will now be benchmarking agents and giving feedback to them. Which will be challenging as it will be on a support vertical I haven't done yet myself. It will be a complete change from the support I had been doing so far, which is kind of daunting. But then I always seem to manage new roles fine, so I am sure this will be fine too after some training.


As for money it is only £1000 per year more, which means that instead of about £1130 I will now earn about £1160 per month. So still not amazing sadly. =P


But yayyyy! =D

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True! Though apparently it is more difficult to get a bonus in that role. We can get a bonus quarterly, which helps a lot (usually helps pay for my electricity bill).


Also, I have to start paying into the pension scheme starting February, so any extra money I will start earning, will basically just go straight into the pension thing. Darnit. =P

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Oh and I got a compliment from a couple of my mates about my mini-Christmas tree that has Animal saying "Ho Ho Ho" on the top of the tree.


I also got shifts on Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, which I'm quite happy about. This isn't me being sarcastic by the way, I'm genuinely happy because I need the work so it's a good thing.

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Went to a Mongolian restaurant yesterday.


It was fucking amazing.


Appetiser was deep-fried grasshoppers and mealworms. :)


And then...all you can eat...

Crocodile, USA beef, llama, and so many types of fish, I don't even remember their names.




Best dinner I've ever had.

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Sometimes being an adult is fuckin' great isn't it?


Actually when I was younger/in uni, I could spend hoursssss playing games haha. Especially during holiday breaks (which I wish I could still get!); these days I rarely get to play. Was nice to get to do it again yesterday though. It ended up being even more than 7 hours in the end, oops. Lazy day. =P

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Today I drove my car for the first time in 17 months, it was amazing! Forgot how much I enjoy driving, especially singing really loud to shit music when no one else can here you! I also stopped at the barbers on my 2 hour cruise so I'm looking super sexy as well :heh:


Fuck you epilepsy!! :bouncy:

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