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At work today I served Jenny Agutter :) the best bit? I was pretty much unaware until the next customer and one of my work colleagues informed me.


She was really nice though, very polite... perhaps she was happy enough not to be recognised for a change, was funny though, we were talking and she even mentioned that she was from Somerset but it just didn't register in my head though at the time I did think that there was something 'familiar' about her.


It made my day a bit more interesting anyway. :D

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At work today I served Jenny Agutter :) the best bit? I was pretty much unaware until the next customer and one of my work colleagues informed me.


She was really nice though, very polite... perhaps she was happy enough not to be recognised for a change, was funny though, we were talking and she even mentioned that she was from Somerset but it just didn't register in my head though at the time I did think that there was something 'familiar' about her.


It made my day a bit more interesting anyway. :D


Who? Never heard of her.

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Last couple of days have been great. Had an engagement party for a friend on Friday night and got to see a bunch of friends who I hadn't seen since graduation back in June, which was nice. Great night as a result of that and other things (although having to bundle a random drunk out of the pub without the help of security was a slight downer).


Then last night had a night out for another friend's birthday. Probably shouldn't have agreed to heading out for that as I was feeling a little worse for wear after Friday but so worth it to see my friend again, even if it did mean having to put up with a few of her other friends that I really dislike.


And today has been spent in bed watching TV. Nice wind-down after all of that before a sudden return to the monotony of university and post grad life tomorrow morning.

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The theme for our work Christmas party was revealed yesterday -


Dear colleagues,


The 2012 Brightside Group Christmas party will let you relive the roaring 1920's: a decade of prosperity and decadence!


Think - 'Gangsters' and the' Mob' who turned bootlegging into a lucrative business...

Think - 'Flapper girls' with their knock-knees, crossing hands and flying beads dancing to the Charleston...



On the 14th December 2012 the Passenger Shed at Bristol Temple Meads Station will be transformed into an underground speakeasy inspired by the Jazz age where debauchery meets style with suitable aplomb. This year's party will include arrival drinks reception; three course meal, band, disco and entertainment.


Dress code: The Great Gatsby - Mobs, Gangsters, Flapper Girls or if you don't want to dress up Black Tie & Glamorous gowns.



All I can think of is...





Looking forward to it already!

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I could put this in bad stuff but it's mostly good so I'll get the bad over with. One of the people at work who I've made friends with has resigned because he's become a manager at some other store. I'm happy for him though but he's such a laugh. He's still coming to the Christmas staff do (which I may end up organising?!?! WUUUT! :s)


So now the bad is out of the way, the good news is here: My contract has been highered from 8 hours to 12 hours and I'm also getting an extra 4 hours til December. I'm very happy right now! In my place, everyone's either 4-8 hours except for Supervisors and bosses so I'm on the same hours as most supervisors so I'm happy for the time being. Also, I've had a few other customers complimenting me to the boss AND I've apparently broken a record for selling the most in a day in my store. Yay! The craziness continues! Not that I'm complaining or anything! :D


Oh and also, I've been put in charge with doing this Christmas event in my store where you get offers and things like that. It's basically for children for charities like NSPCC and Tommy's and stuff. I'm going to have to try and find face-painters, puppet shows and balloons and stuff. Hopefully, if all goes according to plan, it'll be pretty kick-ass. I get to choose a theme as well and the theme I've gone for is Heroes and Princesses (Disney or otherwise). I just want an excuse to go as Blade (when he's retired and become a slob, lmao) or Agent Jay (after eating too many pizzas ;)) from Men in Black.

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I got offered a graduate job. Really happy about it. Don't have a start date yet, going to get more details tomorrow.


With four family birthdays and then Christmas coming up I really need the money as well.



Also it's a little depressing that this thread wasn't on the first page. What's wrong with you miserable buggers?


EDIT: Apparently only 1 in 30 candidates have been offered a job, so it's nice to know I beat the odds. Although that's not like the 13,000+ applicants for the Jaguar Land Rover graduate schemes, which worked out at about 1 in ~250.

Edited by MoogleViper
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Went to Alton Towers for two days! I had been wanting to go to a theme park for ages (we booked this all the way in August too). It had its bad parts (see Jim's post in the Rollercoaster thread), but I enjoyed being on some of the rides. =D


Also, I finally have my new laptop! Just using it for the first time now! Still getting used to the keyboard because all the keys are in different places haha. But mannnn, so happy I finally have it!


And lastly, my family are here! My parents, sisters and their partners came over today and we had a nice meal in my flat. They will be staying over until Sunday. So nice to see my family again, even though they were all very tired from the long journey. Tomorrow we are going to Stonehenge and Bath, Saturday the men are going to watch football and the women go shopping and we will probably watch fireworks in the evening. Good times I hope! I needed this! =)

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