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Teachers be tripping if they think I'm going to allow them to put so many (blank)'s in my homework, I'll abuse that system like a mother fucker.


It's a homework of asking how to do things in Japanese. I'll spare the Japanese, but here's the question:

Excuse me, will you do me the favour of telling me (blank)?

Answer: (blank)


Filling in the blanks..

Excuse me, will you do me the favour of telling me how to cook instant noodles?

Answer: No, I'm very busy. Read the packaging.


I feel like I'm missing several curse words, but the homework is finished.

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Isn't cursing in Japanese pretty limited/seriously lame, anyway? :blank:


It's a lot more accepted because if you think about it, the whole idea of 'curse words' is pretty stupid.


I only feel like I'm missing a few harsh words because I was trying to emulate the context of the homework, as in a friend was asking you how to make a Pot Noodle etc. I'm pretty sure I'd call them out on being a fucking retard.

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Well, maybe you can make your homework gradually more offensive as the semester goes on.


And I was only going by what I've heard people say about the Yakuza series. Someone was complaining about how they add so much cursing in the translations, but someone pointed out that the Japanese don't curse a lot, so the translators add cursing to get the same effect for us Westerners who are more used to it.


Something like that, anyway. As far as I know, the characters could be cursing all the time!

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Isn't cursing in Japanese pretty limited/seriously lame, anyway? :blank:


That's why Italian is better, tu cazzo! (Typing that into Google Translate kind of works...but try looking at 'cazzo' as a noun)


Think I've thought of a good present for my mother's 50th. She's been saying for (2) years that she wants to see the Oxford Street Christmas lights so I thought I'd pay for her and her husband to come down toward the end of November to do just that.


My nan and granddad haven't been able to go anywhere this year so think I'll pay for them to come down too, and my cousins as she normally takes them places during summer but has been ill.


Family day out at Winter Wonderland (and Oxford Street as previously mentioned)! So it's a birthday present that gets everyone involved!


Just looked into it and will come to just under £150 for hotel rooms and train for 7 people, which isn't too bad. Just need to organise it with their work so I've got to wait until they're both off on Thursday and speak to their boss.



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Leaving for London today. Have four certification exams to do but the first weekend will be free, so I'm hanging out with two good friends whom I haven't seen in four years! Excited to go to UNIQLO and Chinatown ♥ Everyone is planning nights out but meh, why can't they all be nerds and go to the cinema or have LAN parties instead :'(


I always feel so frumpy in London though, and I couldn't pack many non-work outfits... (also, I procrastinated heavily when packing)

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Was in court today, as a witness for the prosecution. I was told the defendant had aload of his family/friends with him in the court so I opted for a video link.


They could still see me though, so it only served as a measure against proximity, not privacy. And the minus intimidation factor.


But what a rush!


And managed to bag a Keldeo after hunting for a GAME store.

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Fixed the lighter socket in my car. Can actually use the sat nav on long journeys now. Though I'm happier that I can now connect an mp3 player to my car. Though I will need to shell out about £50 for the adapter. I'll also need an mp3 player.


I also thing I may have figured out how to fix the locking mechanism for my rear seat. unfortunately I can't try it as I don't have any torx bits large enough. My dad says he hasn't got any either, but he says he'll have a look at work.

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I'm now officially in my new house!


Its pretty cool, though right now there's so things that need sorting that should have been done whilst we were away *grumble*. Never mind, the internet is fab though, between 49 and 59 all day and Borderlands 2 only took 15-20minutes to download..!



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A couple of weeks ago we accepted an offer on our house and yesterday we had an offer accepted on a house. Now to get down to the gritty business of moving. I already know a couple of things.

1. Stamp duty is evil.

2. HSBC are evil.


It will be sad to move from a house that is all nice and finished to another "project." But, yay, more rooms.

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Best of luck to you oddy! I remember seeing bits of your [old] house, in the middle of a work-in-progresss. The fact that you've ACTUALLY FINISHED the project and been able to move on to a new one is, in itself, fantastic. I applaud your motivation to do so in the midst of family/wife/kids :)

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Good luck on the move. I know they can be really stressful.


Are you moving far?


We're moving about a mile, so no not very far at all.

The project side of a house is not something that I enjoy, but you get a nice house for cheaper in the long run! Anyways, my wife doesn't work, and the kids are both in school full time as of next September, so she'll have loads of time to do it up/make me dinner.

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I was living in the centre of dublin the previous 2 weeks and have now moved into my permanent home for the rest of the school year! Gaaahh, love it a lot. It's not as handy as living literally on one of the biggest streets in Ireland but I now have my own room & am overlooking a big green square / park, pleasent.


My housemates are the sweetest things too.

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Went to see fun. again yesterday and they put on another great show:D




Weird looking back on their gigs here. The first one was in a tiny pub and they were hanging out having drinks and now they're playing huge venues.


Oh and got the Some Nights sweater. Warm!


Seeing them again tomorrow!

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