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good stuff thread.


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I don't know about you guys, but due to the extent of what my teeth were, they left two bars on the back of my teeth (one top and one bottom.) I've had them since I was 15/16 now and they've no sign of coming out.


It's basically a bad idea to remove them just incase my teeth decide to revert back, as I quite like being able to close my mouth properly.


Yep, so do I, and they're definitely staying. I don't want my teeth reverting back more if it can be prevented.

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I've liked a girl for a while and I finally asked her out today and she said yes. :) Now all she has to do is break up with her boyfriend and we can be on our way.


What a great start to a relationship. I'm sure she'll be a great girlfriend. And definitely won't be constantly worrying about her cheating on you. I mean it's not as if she's the sort of person to do that, and she doesn't have a previous history of doing it. I reckon you two will be very happy together.

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Spending 5 hours in the library at Uni on a Sunday isn't my idea of a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Still, I managed to get the majority of my recordings for my dissertation transcribed (did 13 taking me up to 22 out of 24 which is pretty damn good considering they're all between 20-40 mins long) so it wasn't an entire waste. Wasn't enjoyable but at least I can sit down tomorrow, finish the remaining ones off, and make sure all the marking is correct so I can start running analyses. So big step towards getting my first draft done by Friday so very happy.


Now to relax with some food, some drink and some Castle :grin:

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Nice one. When I had mine it was similar.


The only thing is, even after 4 years of various braces, they start to move back to their previous position really quickly! After a few weeks of not wearing my retainer at night I notice a huge difference when putting it back in.


Yeah, I can confirm that. Even after just a few days without the retainer you can feel the difference when you put it in.


Eep. I've spent a lot on these braces so I guess its more motivation to keep to the maintenance!!


I don't know about you guys, but due to the extent of what my teeth were, they left two bars on the back of my teeth (one top and one bottom.) I've had them since I was 15/16 now and they've no sign of coming out.


It's basically a bad idea to remove them just incase my teeth decide to revert back, as I quite like being able to close my mouth properly.


I think my ortho wants to put the back wires on my teeth at the end too! Yeah I'm gonna enjoy being able to close my mouth comfortably lol :p

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I've started an appeal on the Nintendo Gamer forum to get Plok into the Vault as it was once denied. Make your voices heard in the Plok Appeal!




Once it sold for an apparent £50, now since the fuckwit didn't pay up I've had to relist it again. And now it's at a fraction of its price:




Bid people and make this better!

And for the good thread it means it's much cheaper for all you merchandise hungry people!


Shameless advertising?! THAT'S A GOOD THING!

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Phewwww, we managed to save my external hard drive!


Apparently it was just a faulty power supply. They couldn't replace the power cable at the store, but they did manage to put the drive into a new casing (after lots of messing about trying to get it out of the old case).


Now to make a backup of my backup. =P

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I randomly decided today that I wouldn't mind starting a statue/figure/etc collection of some kind, and that it would mainly be sci-fi ships. So I did a search for how much a model my favourite ship would cost. I was expecting nothing but out of production (and thus really expensive) models...then I saw this:




It's £80 and gets released in the UK this Friday (plus it's payday tomorrow).


I'm very tempted...

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After gymming for about a week and a half, the attrophied little twiglets that were my legs are growing back, finally did a set at 100kg, and hoping to built it back up to 110kg, which was sort of the stable point at which I felt my centre of gravity was balanced enough to where I wouldn't be knocked over by a strong gale :heh:.

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In the bad stuff thread last week I posted this:


So yesterday I booked my hotel and ticket for Download 2012 and was excited (first festival I will have been 2)... later on I tell my girlfriend on the phone (I had mentioned about possibly going a few times) and she gets a bit annoyed/upset because it's the same weekend as her final art show exhibition for her uni work (she is in third year).


She did say I wasn't to know but it has still made me feel a bit shitty because it's going to be a pretty big thing for her. :hmm:


But now GOOD news, she got her weekends wrong, her show is the weekend before! :D So I can go see that and go download without feeling bad! :heh:


High five!

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I was at NUS Student Pride in Brighton over the weekend, which is like...just a few club nights, not really gay pride or anything. I'm not sure of the reasoning/point, but it was fun. Went with a lot of people from uni I knew and some I vaguely knew so it was nice to get to know people better. Met my boyfriend down there as he is from there and has been home recently for quite serious family stuff.


I loved Brighton. It was so compact and wyndy - bits reminded me so much of Diagon Alley. I hate hills, but I was stunned that you were always really aware of what type of incline you were walking on. It's mostly only ever uphill or downhill, so when you cut through on a straight bit, you love life. Never been in a city built upon such steep hills - some of the more residential parts were crazy steep.


Every third person seemed to be gay too.

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I was at NUS Student Pride in Brighton over the weekend, which is like...just a few club nights, not really gay pride or anything. I'm not sure of the reasoning/point, but it was fun. Went with a lot of people from uni I knew and some I vaguely knew so it was nice to get to know people better. Met my boyfriend down there as he is from there and has been home recently for quite serious family stuff.


I loved Brighton. It was so compact and wyndy - bits reminded me so much of Diagon Alley. I hate hills, but I was stunned that you were always really aware of what type of incline you were walking on. It's mostly only ever uphill or downhill, so when you cut through on a straight bit, you love life. Never been in a city built upon such steep hills - some of the more residential parts were crazy steep.


Every third person seemed to be gay too.


Yeah it's such a stunning/joke place. I exclusively met characters from a fantasy novel when I went.

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Yeah it's such a stunning/joke place. I exclusively met characters from a fantasy novel when I went.




I was leapt upon by a transexual too, the one with a stunning personality from My Transexual Summer - I actually tried to walk past her to chat to another person from the show but was molested for like a minute on the way. A joke thing. And Pete of Big Brother/has tourettes-fame tripped over my foot on the way out of the toilets. Hey various C-List Channel 4 celebs.

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