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Is it humanly possible to do 100 push ups without having the physique of Bruce Lee though? I've been stuck on a maximum of 54 give or take, for the last three years.


Anyway, I started playing Monkey Island 2 yesterday. God I love the music in that game, for some reason it's one of those games which has a soundtrack that sounds better played through a 16bit sound chip rather than orchestrated.

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Is it humanly possible to do 100 push ups without having the physique of Bruce Lee though? I've been stuck on a maximum of 54 give or take, for the last three years.


Anyway, I started playing Monkey Island 2 yesterday. God I love the music in that game, for some reason it's one of those games which has a soundtrack that sounds better played through a 16bit sound chip rather than orchestrated.


I was talking to @Diageo and he recommended me an app which I've been following. I've increased my capabilities already I think. not sure if I'll keep up with it till the end but we'll see.

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i can't even do one proper press up... :D


I'm building myself up to it by using suspension training and step bench/knees. One day I'll be able to do ittt!


I can do about 40 sit ups! I like doing them on a yoga ball as it has a good support for my back, and enables me to do them properly without injuring myself or wearing out my joints before my tummy muscles even ache!

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I really should put more effort into push-ups, but I find it takes a bit out of my chest-workout if I'm doing them before. Or, afterwards, I don't get much from them because I'm already spent.


They're pretty useful when you haven't got access to gym equipment, so I do them sometimes when at Ine's place.

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Apparently N-Gamer magazine is coming to the next Pokémon TCG Battleroads tournament at my local store. Another chance to get some t-shirts showcased. I've already started colour designs.


That and I've managed to finished the music round to the pub quiz this week. Movie themes with some Portal sounds splashed around.

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Certainly a change of pace today. I've been up since 6:00AM and immediately hit the road. At first, I was optimistic. I'm just tired now. I had an incredibly shitty day. It was all good&normal until 2:00PM.


I moved out from home today. I'm officially a student, studying in college! That, of course, belongs in the good stuff thread. I've my own room. It's pretty damn nice. I mean, it's basic. I have a bed, desk, lamp, sink and wardrobe but the feel is good. The place I'm staying reminds me of a convent. So obviously was. Perfect set for horror. Halls are long and rooms are high. If Hogwarts went cheap -- it'd be here. Definitely. I've only bumped into about 5 people briefly which is a major dud. I moved from the small country to the grand city. It's tough. I don't know actually know anyone. Well, one girl..but that's a long story. We've drifted apart as of late BLAH! She bores me. But we're friends. I think.


I'm lonely. I have nobody to talk to in person right now. I had a breakdown in college, well, sorta. I became so frustrated I had to find somewhere to let it all loose [Got to a point I couldn't talk without tearing] and ended up using the girls' toilet for cover. Absolutely ridiculous -- there was no mens' toilets in sight! Waited a long time for a bus to only be rejected. Appararently coins, not notes, are only acceptable. I was lost in my college...got lost coming home. I'm just so sad. I want to be in the college where my friends went. I'd be having so much fun there! I'm wallowing.


Why good stuff? Because this is the beginning of the film. Where I'm awkward + lost + sad. In the final scene I win at life, become a champion, and am carried by my fans [as I'm the new pop/rock sensation]. I hope. :(

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Certainly a change of pace today. I've been up since 6:00AM and immediately hit the road. At first, I was optimistic. I'm just tired now. I had an incredibly shitty day. It was all good&normal until 2:00PM.


I moved out from home today. I'm officially a student, studying in college! That, of course, belongs in the good stuff thread. I've my own room. It's pretty damn nice. I mean, it's basic. I have a bed, desk, lamp, sink and wardrobe but the feel is good. The place I'm staying reminds me of a convent. So obviously was. Perfect set for horror. Halls are long and rooms are high. If Hogwarts went cheap -- it'd be here. Definitely. I've only bumped into about 5 people briefly which is a major dud. I moved from the small country to the grand city. It's tough. I don't know actually know anyone. Well, one girl..but that's a long story. We've drifted apart as of late BLAH! She bores me. But we're friends. I think.


I'm lonely. I have nobody to talk to in person right now. I had a breakdown in college, well, sorta. I became so frustrated I had to find somewhere to let it all loose [Got to a point I couldn't talk without tearing] and ended up using the girls' toilet for cover. Absolutely ridiculous -- there was no mens' toilets in sight! Waited a long time for a bus to only be rejected. Appararently coins, not notes, are only acceptable. I was lost in my college...got lost coming home. I'm just so sad. I want to be in the college where my friends went. I'd be having so much fun there! I'm wallowing.


Why good stuff? Because this is the beginning of the film. Where I'm awkward + lost + sad. In the final scene I win at life, become a champion, and am carried by my fans [as I'm the new pop/rock sensation]. I hope. :(


I like how you alchemise the disconcerting stuff into good stuff, especially the last line :) You'll feel weird all right, since it's a bunch of major changes at once. When I started college I didn't know anyone either, was the only one from my school to come here. Find new people to talk to! Getting lost is an invitation to find new places! Cheer up soon, wait for the BGM to change to an exciting track :hug:

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Oh lovey! You poor soul.


It'll get easier, on my first day I met people and ended up drinking straight vodka, something now was a bit stupid, I got lost so much in Sheffield and looking back it's stupid, because it's so easy to get around and I remember getting upset a few times myself.


It'll get better! I promise, you'll meet loads of people who are just as lost as you and scared. :) Give it time!

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Yeah, I had a moment (like an hour) of 'Oh I miss all my friends' when I went to uni. Not quite a breakdown. In fact my face probably remained exactly the same as usual, It was just sad thoughts, which I never ever have. Then I never had them again after than first (second?) night. :D You'll find your way, you just don't know it yet.

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The concept of being worried you have no friends is a bit absurd, espeically since at uni/college you are an atom, amongst a sea of other atoms, and there's really no stigma of being a loner, because there's not really the same role-call-completeness there is at school -- for all everyone else knows, you could have thousands of friends they've never met. You have a degree of mystique at any given moment.


So it comes down to whether you're comfortable in yourself being "friendless". Obviously it's pragmatically beneficial to have friends, so you can go to bars/clubs without looking weird, but actually, in an atmosphere where everyone is new and unfamiliar, people go out their way to talk to you -- as long as you're just a normal person who doesn't shut themselves up in a library, you'll without a doubt make friends.


That said, the majority of friends I met in the first few weeks of uni are completely chaff. Not spoken to most of them for a year and a half. Only started meeting the treasures when I started doing interesting stuff like going to talks on feminism and queer theory.


Yoü'll be fine.






Been reading up on things about relativity theory and quantum theory and string theory and information and lots of physics-y things, some of which I'll be studying next year. Really excited to get back to uni and just live in the library/gym all term.

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People are overrated. I made 1 friend in my first year. :) ...and I'm a happeh as a bunneh, how funneh. :D


But yeah that overwhelming feeling of lostness/lonliness will disappear. Just be active and do everything. I hated doing that but found someone who was happy to watch me play videogames. 2 years later I now live with them.


HAVE FUNNN. :grin:

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Had a pretty amazing day at work.


I bought two new shirts the other day, one of which is piiiink and brightly so. I walked past it and said jokingly to my housemate "aha, what about that one?" and she said "...actually, that would look pretty good on you."


So, a few days later, I bought it. Went to the gym this morning before work, got showered up and dressed, got winked at by a bloke on the stairs outside of the changing room on the way out...


When I got to school, I was maybe in there for about 3 minutes and had seen 3 or so people, and had received a compliment off each of them. It was like that all day, first thing people said: You look awesome.


I thought some of them might have been taking the piss, but then it was pretty much everyone commenting: the teachers (male and looots of female), the kids, kitchen staff. Mad. I even had some of the parents saying good stuff, gah.


Best part of all?


It's from here.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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ohh thats a nice pink, dark and manly pink, hahaha. I could imagine it suiting a swarthy skinned fella like you!


One of the School Governors caught me in the hallway and asked me if I had been on holiday to get that tan.


I said yeah...Belgium. I didn't have the heart to talk about my Asianness.


His facial expressions when I told him that were pretty funny. I was crying inside.

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