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I'm handing in my BA project tomorrow, after which I am free for the rest of the year, and am currently writing the final chapter. A combination of excitement about finally being done and hyperactivity stemming from tiredness has sent me into a seriously energetic fit; my legs are vibrating like the wings on a hummingbird, and my brain is running at the same speeds. As long as I can keep my focus, I should be able to finish this in no time.

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Aww, I remember you mentioning when you were moving @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane ^_^ good job!


I've had a pretty good week, but this weekend was nice, I got to hang out with some friends last night, figure out that boy A does like me back and I got to see the Hobbit.



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Thinking about getting a tattoo next week. Not sure if this is a good thing since it might hurt like hell, but whatever. If it goes well I might get another down the line.


You should get one of those heart tattoos with the banner, except instead of "Mother" it says "Yer Ma".

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Haha I know right! When it looks good it looks awesome, but that isn't most of the time.


I'm with you man. I cut my long hair off about 2 years, and it's way better most of the time. Sure you don't have those few days where you feel fabulous (or get told you have beautiful, angelic hair by a homeless man; true story), but it saves so much more time and bad hair days are a thing of the past.


Of course I still sometimes visualise myself with long hair, and get confused as to who the stranger in the mirror is with his dull hairdo. *le sigh

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Had my interview for a train driver today. Not sure how it went, struggled a bit with a few questions, hate those awkward silences after you've answered the question but you feel they are waiting for more.


Should find out in a week though whether I've made it to the next stage. I've been applying for this job for about five years now, so am just pleased to get this far.

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This week has been amazing so far and I truly hope it keeps that way!


So I FINALLY have my Level 3!!! (basically, to you guys, it means I can finally do the management course at work). I spoke to my assistant manager and he was saying how he was looking for other jobs such as manager and supervisor and stuff.

"Well, you're lucky you have that you're an assistant manager! You can get a job easier in management than I could!"

He said "What do you mean?"

I told him that I wouldn't be able to get a job so easily in management because I don't have any experience in it.

"Yeah but the manager is going to give you Level 3, right?"

So I just cut it straight and said "Look, you know and I know that she was stringing me along."

"I did say not to get your hopes up" he said.

"I know but where I come from and what I was taught was that if you told someone something, you'd do it. I figured out I was more or less being used and didn't try as much. I don't appreciate being used like that. She told me she was going to give me Level 3 months and months ago, it didn't happen. She told me depending on my performance in the six weeks' holidays, I'd get it depending on the feedback I got. I got great feedback from everybody but hey, no Level 3!"

He asked me what I meant about the six weeks' holiday thing so I repeated it to him and apparently, it was the first he heard of it.

Anyway, I told him that I was going to get some stock out of the stock room so I left. I come back and he told me to follow him. We went into the office and the next thing he told me was that he had a word with the manager and I'm getting my Level 3. Turns out that she ordered my Level 3 ages ago but gave it to the new supervisor instead. The supervisor's one, which she was supposed to get, come in yesterday so I got her one instead.

I also found out that one of my colleagues, who I consider a friend, stuck up for me and had a bit of a go saying how I wasn't being treated fairly and such, haha. I got her a box of chocolates, hehe.


On top of this, I saw Catching Fire and it was amazing! And as if the week couldn't get any better, this morning, I weighed myself and I'm now 16st 10lb! I've lost 3lb even though I've eaten so much crap over the weekend!

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The Scirocco passed it's MOT today. It failed yesterday on a bulb and a weird electrical problem. So I went out this morning and fixed it like a total man-boss. Went by the MOT place today and swaggered in. I slammed the MOT fail sheet down on the desk and I was all like "Fucking BAM. Check that shit." I could tell they were totally in awe of both my bitchin' 'rocco and mad electrical skills.


Have a celebratory photo of it's glory.



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Congrats Dazzy :) Maybe keep an eye out for managerial opportunities around --or perhaps you want to build up more experience first?


Had an xmas present from my dad arrive - not giftwrapped so couldn't hold off 'til xmas. It's a 17ltr capacity mini-fridge! Hoorah! I have no idea where I'm going to put it but it should encourage me to stop wasting a fiver a day on food and may my own bloody food.


Also found MOTIVAYSHUN at work and had a blitz of a day. I keep thinking that the xmas break will rejuvenate me but the fact is it's only a week off (or so) so it's not going to magically reset all my woes.



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I personally feel there are very few men who can pull off long hair.


I disagree. I think lots of men can pull off long hair, some look better than with short. I believe that sentiments like your own are often skewed due to the significant proportion of men who have long hair and don't look after it (such as many heavy metal fans and other such).


If you look at men who have long hair and take care of it, then I'd imagine people's view would be very different.

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I included a gif from giphy in a tweet and they tweeted saying if I use the giphy hyperlink it would animate within Twitter. I just responded with something like "good to know, thanks" then they responded with this:




So obviously they've looked at my twitter account (it mentions AT) and decided to send that to me. Somewhere between weird-creepy and amusing, but I'm going to lean into amusing.

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