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I had a pretty awesome day!


Woke up to a nice load of RedBubble sales. It seems the Christmas rush is still going. Or this is just the new "amount I sell".


Then at work, I spoke to a descendant of JRR Tolkein (he is related to another descendant, who is on the board of partners or whatever).


Then the chairman/director/owner came round as he usually does at Christmas time to pass us our box of hand made chocolates, and wish everyone a happy Christmas. I was happily going about my business, and the woman who sits next to me said "Have you opened the card?" I was like "Oh..." (looked around and found it) "I didn't realise I had it", thinking now "Oh fucking sweet, there is gonna be like some Marks and Spencers vouchers" or something....




Bloody love him/them!


Then he was stood next to me, and the women I sit next to/my manager, and was recalling an anecdote about some time ago, when he had to get a helicopter to his house to deliver 200,000 forms, and how his dog went over to the helicopter. Anyway, it doesn't sound funny, but he is such a cool guy, and a character it was funny listening to him. He then said that the directors/other people will be listening to customer services calls in the new year, then the woman I sit next to/head trainer, semi-introduced me (I've met him in passing before and stuff, and he knows who I am and of me, but not properly properly met or whatever) and she said "This is Michael one of our best call handlers", and it also transpired that the management team had selected some of my calls for them to listen to.


Aaaaaand we had this guy who was complaining massively yesterday, and I set out all these different things about basically, why his claims and complaint was invalid and unfair (he called our service unfriendly which I took offence to), and he apologised for his e-mails and said I had been helpful etc.


And to top it off, Jonny and I found out we're pregnant. Again.


Great day.





Except when I got home I pigged out on the hand made choccies and some danish cookies and now I'm too full for a proper meal.

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Ine and I went to Brighton yesterday to see how the old place was going. Had an excellent time. It took around two hours to get there, but it's a pretty simple drive. We went down the lanes/laines to do a bit of shopping and ended up buying a few Christmas presents for some friends, (monkeys that you can make out of sock puppets (!!!) and a salt and pepper set designed like a panda) some stuff for the kitchen (a wine rack, hurrah!) and a few gifts for her family.


Was lovely being there. The decorations and lights are much better than the ones we have here in Bournemouth. We met up with a friend in this pub which was a few roads over from where I used to live (The Park Crescent, @uəʌəsʎɐɾ may know it). What we didn't realise was that the pub would soon be filled by oldies and religious types, as there was a carol service on tonight. Was pretty hilarious as our table was dead centre in the middle of the room. You told tell the oldies were looking at us thinking "THEY DON'T KNOW OUR SOOOONGSSSS!" shaking their fists and stuff.


The songs weren't even well known. There were 50 of them (FIFTY!) and the majority were regional carols...really bizarre stuff. Anyway, we stayed for 2 songs as we wanted to try and blend in (lol, a Paki at a carol service) and because we didn't really want to go outside in the cold. In the most cringeworthy part of the night, the carol service leader gave the microphone to a volunteer from the audience who stood up and did a solo for the first verse of the first song. She was very, very old...thank God for Cider.


So, we shuffled out the door after that one. Made our way to the Mongolian BBQ in the laines which is basically this buffet type place where you get given a bowl and fill it with meat, fish, vegetables, spices, herbs, sauces, pastas, etc and they cook it infront of you on a hot plate. Then, you eat it. It's lovely. The satay sauces and coconut creams made me life.


After that, we came home. Then, bed.

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I've been off work since EOB Tuesday last week, so therefore have been absent from here.


Good thing #1: Fantastic time off, especially so close to Christmas. I had the days to use and they run out at Christmas. I'm now back for today, Thursday and then half-day Friday which is pretty sweet.


Good thing #2: Went to Cairngorms to ski on Monday, 2 1/2 drive up at 5:30am, totally worth it. Skiing was good fun but really hard work because the visibility was terrible!


Good thing #3: Found out I get a £200 Christmas bonus! Wasn't expecting it at all! Fantastic news. Now to find something to splash it on.

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I don't know that pub Flink! I'm not great with that end of town and up Elm Grove way.


I've returned to Brighton myself! Good to be back! Did some xmas shopping/catch-up sesh with a friend today. Got confused by exchange rates and may not have gotten the best deal (most likely), and the bank is being a dick about me trying to give them money, and my PAYG sim card is being a dickhead and I don't know if it's because my phone went off whilst it was connecting to 3 but it won't let me send anytexts annndd yeah this is Bad Stuff territory!

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Back in July the head teacher at my school told us she'd booked a theatre in Sheffield City Centre, and for the first time we would be performing our Key Stage 2 Christmas play there in December.


Naively I decided to take on this challenge, apart from acting in pantos as a child. Anyway, at 6.30 last night the children performed 'Wybourn Christmas Carol' to 400 people. Today in school I had staff, parents and children congratulating me on my hard work, saying it's the best show they've ever seen my school do. So yeah, at the moment I'm feeling great!


Crazy to think that it all started when I wrote the script just over 2 months ago, and it culminated in a brilliant performance last night.

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Lots of awesome stuff happening to N-E'ers recently! :D


I had a pretty awesome day!


Woke up to a nice load of RedBubble sales. It seems the Christmas rush is still going. Or this is just the new "amount I sell".


Then at work, I spoke to a descendant of JRR Tolkein (he is related to another descendant, who is on the board of partners or whatever).


Then the chairman/director/owner came round as he usually does at Christmas time to pass us our box of hand made chocolates, and wish everyone a happy Christmas. I was happily going about my business, and the woman who sits next to me said "Have you opened the card?" I was like "Oh..." (looked around and found it) "I didn't realise I had it", thinking now "Oh fucking sweet, there is gonna be like some Marks and Spencers vouchers" or something....




Bloody love him/them!


Then he was stood next to me, and the women I sit next to/my manager, and was recalling an anecdote about some time ago, when he had to get a helicopter to his house to deliver 200,000 forms, and how his dog went over to the helicopter. Anyway, it doesn't sound funny, but he is such a cool guy, and a character it was funny listening to him. He then said that the directors/other people will be listening to customer services calls in the new year, then the woman I sit next to/head trainer, semi-introduced me (I've met him in passing before and stuff, and he knows who I am and of me, but not properly properly met or whatever) and she said "This is Michael one of our best call handlers", and it also transpired that the management team had selected some of my calls for them to listen to.


Aaaaaand we had this guy who was complaining massively yesterday, and I set out all these different things about basically, why his claims and complaint was invalid and unfair (he called our service unfriendly which I took offence to), and he apologised for his e-mails and said I had been helpful etc.


And to top it off, Jonny and I found out we're pregnant. Again.


Great day.


I am envious of your job experience/talent/all-around awesomeness.


Except when I got home I pigged out on the hand made choccies and some danish cookies and now I'm too full for a proper meal.


To be fair it's not the first time you've been filled by something Danish.




Had my last exam before Christmas today and am now officially free for the holidays! :)

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Hey guys, sorry I've not been about, busy, busy at work.


It's been a great few weeks, my boss is awesome, my team are really friendly and I'm super happy with them. My boss got me two bottles of wine (the big ceo one), all the stuff I could want for my RS character, £15 Cineworld vouchers and even a hand signed card from him and the execs.


Christmas dinner was prepared today, all free, its been mental.


So yes, new job = success. I love it :D

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