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Working like crazy because there's a job I want and the application is due next Sunday. Trying to get together a portolio and some example work and spent most of the week running on about 5 hours sleep. Anyway, just taken stock of what needs to be done and tried to spread it out over the next few days. Should finish by Friday, meaning that I can actually have next weekend. Fingers crossed!

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Second week back at uni, and the workload already seems overwhelming. :heh: It's good to be back, though, and especially two of this semester's courses are bloody brilliant: Critical Thinking And Argumentation (a course offered by philosophy - LOVE IT) and Greek Language Knowledge (basically just nerding over the language, which is what got me hooked originally).

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Back in college too, damn - feels nice to be back. I've been ridiculously busy trying to meet with folks, organise bills / banking / housing but I'm happy. Your course sounds amazing, wish I could do it / learn about it professionally. I did sneak into a few lectures about Greek though :D


Eddie & heroicjanitor have been acting silly and decided to graduate so I'm the one remaining N-Eer here >___<

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I have about five freelance jobs flying around me and only one of them has landed which is starting to get frustrating. Say hello to the life of a freelancer writer/creative.


Although I cannot be arsed to work right now so this is a good thing.

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I have about five freelance jobs flying around me and only one of them has landed which is starting to get frustrating. Say hello to the life of a freelancer writer/creative.


Although I cannot be arsed to work right now so this is a good thing.

Actual mental image I have of you these days:


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I can't really be much more proactive (which is most of the frustration). I've set all the wheels in motion, things just need to line up and I have a good reputation in the industry so people ring me out of the blue for jobs which is awesome. I got a call this morning to come in and do some video editing but they didn't have enough rigs in the end (and I was working of a different program so it would have been a little too complicated to work around that with the imposing deadline) but that's cool because now next time they need someone, I've talked to them and they know they can call me. Also I can work on my own stuff at the same time which feeds back into my "job" so really it's about maintaining a balance. Plus I get paid a crap load of money so I'm not up against it or anything.


I do want to get back into an office, though. Get a semblance of a routine going again. I think I'm writing copy all next week.


In short, that picture is half accurate. Freelancing is really weird. I'm still getting used to it. I think it might be the best job ever, but I definitely feel kind of like a slob. But then unless I'm crying because I have too much work, I never think I'm working hard enough...and even then I would tell myself to work harder.

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I can't really be much more proactive (which is most of the frustration). I've set all the wheels in motion, things just need to line up and I have a good reputation in the industry so people ring me out of the blue for jobs which is awesome. I got a call this morning to come in and do some video editing but they didn't have enough rigs in the end (and I was working of a different program so it would have been a little too complicated to work around that with the imposing deadline) but that's cool because now next time they need someone, I've talked to them and they know they can call me. Also I can work on my own stuff at the same time which feeds back into my "job" so really it's about maintaining a balance. Plus I get paid a crap load of money so I'm not up against it or anything.


I do want to get back into an office, though. Get a semblance of a routine going again. I think I'm writing copy all next week.


In short, that picture is half accurate. Freelancing is really weird. I'm still getting used to it. I think it might be the best job ever, but I definitely feel kind of like a slob. But then unless I'm crying because I have too much work, I never think I'm working hard enough...and even then I would tell myself to work harder.


I hate you. In a "I want to be in that position" kind of way of course. But I am finally working on creative stuff rather than bitching and moaning about it so hopefully my day will come.


Good luck with it all. I'm sure the stars will align (as they say) soon.


If you want some easy but not great money they're looking for temps at my work for next week, but I don't think that's what you're looking for.

Edited by Ashley
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If they can afford me they can have me.


I just confirmed a meeting on Friday for this book concepting. If it becomes regular it'll be huge and I've brought in my friend as my art director (she's amazing) who will also benefit massively from it so it'd be huge and awesome and I would be happy which I haven't been for a while now.

Edited by Daft
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Had the first classes for my Masters course today. Have been wondering whether I've chosen to do it for the wrong reasons/not properly thought through what I'm hoping to achieve but it went well and was a lot of fun, which is strange considering all the classes today were research methods although going through singles ads as part of Qualitative research methodology produced was hilarious.


Still, quite a lot of people from my undergrad are back and a decent number of new people so was good getting to some of know them over lunch and some lecturer-related gossip.


Early days on whether I'll stick it out, as something doesn't quite feel right about it at the moment, but it's looking up.


Also, managed to have the first solid nights sleep, uninterrupted, for weeks which is always a bonus.

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I do not want to jynx it....but hopwefully...after tomorrow © , I will have a fucking incredible amazing story about a waterfall.


So....I was about to type out a long post to this, then I got on the phone for 25 minutes and now I do not have time. I will do a very big post about my trip to Wales soon.


This post jynxed/jinxed the waterfall thing anyway. :p

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That one course really makes me wish I was studying philosophy. But then I'd be missing the philology. Oh, and then there's drama, and music, and physics, and ...


Basically I want to study everything. :heh:


I'm not the only one :') if only there was a course that taught everything...


Try sneak into large lectures of subjects you have interest in. It works!

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They are okay, not amazing. If Choco/Coco/Chocolate Corn Flakes are in the same store, there should be no reason to purchase any other cereal.



Personally, I find Shreddies have no rival in the breakfast cereal department.

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