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good stuff thread.


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Back from a trip to sheff, lots of gooood tiemz - me and shorty being several shades of fantastic on MW3 spec op missions (troopers, go check your top score leaderboards and bow down before our first successes on vet mode).


Just... yeah. Not bothered to write-up full-on report, but essentially I had a good few days seeing old friends.


Dan Dare sucks at catan. Listen not to his lies. :P

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Looks like my mother and her partner have provisionally booked a date for their wedding. I want to do a nice gesture for them as they don't have much money (and just want to do a small thing anyway) so it's either buy the dress (I don't think she'll go for the big white dress again but just something nice), buy the catering or book a week/weekend (depending on cost) in Disneyland as she's always wanted to go.


As it's his 40th this year, her 50th and their wedding I figure I can roll all those gifts into one super awesome gift, Katamari style.

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Looks like I might have a new project (if they win the proposal). Another week and my super paranoia would have kicked in again about not having any work again and this all being a false start and running out of money.


Now for the hard part. Working out how much I'm going to charge. I fucking hate this bit.

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Looks like I might have a new project (if they win the proposal). Another week and my super paranoia would have kicked in again about not having any work again and this all being a false start and running out of money.


Now for the hard part. Working out how much I'm going to charge. I fucking hate this bit.


I always work on a base rate of £40 / hour and then try and figure out how long it will take to do and start there.


If you know the client has money then this can be increased significantly, if you know them to have less money then you can lower it. The worst thing you can do is undervalue yourself. Leave room for negotiation.

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I always work on a base rate of £40 / hour and then try and figure out how long it will take to do and start there.


Yeah, that's what I've been doing with my day rate but...dunno. Just feels weird asking for so much money. I mean, I don't know what the 'right' amount is.


I definitely undercharged them for the first project (I said I'd do a flat fee as it was our first project together) but whatever, was a tactical decision. The second project was probably about right. But then all these projects require pretty different things.


Also, projects tend to slowly change and grow so what they ask for at the beginning and what they ask for at the end would change and might (read: almost definitely) have extended the deadline. Do I send them an estimate (in the form of a pro-forma) and then give them an accurate bill at the end?


Is that the professional thing to do? I don't want to come off as some lame amateur (although I am when it comes to charging people).


Srsly, worst part of my job. Although if that's the worst part I'm pretty happy. :heh:

Edited by Daft
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Done 'the impossible' by preparing for Oz at my own pace and getting shit done, despite lots of people shaking heads and tutting and generally not believing in me.


I am finding that I am increasingly bothered by the amount, or lack, of faith that people have in me. It's merely reinforcing the whole "have low expectations and you'll exceed often" element of my psyche.


Oh. Yeah. 'Good Stuff Thread.' Well, I suppose it's good that I've done packing, cleaning, delivering, preparing. Done with goodbyes. Going to be on a plane somewhere when it gets to this time tomorrow. Long flight(s) ahead, with puzzle books and kindle and notebooks and little else. Big change a-happening.

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Done 'the impossible' by preparing for Oz at my own pace and getting shit done' date=' despite lots of people shaking heads and tutting and generally not believing in me.


I am finding that I am increasingly bothered by the amount, or lack, of faith that people have in me. It's merely reinforcing the whole "have low expectations and you'll exceed often" element of my psyche.


Oh. Yeah. 'Good Stuff Thread.' Well, I suppose it's good that I've done packing, cleaning, delivering, preparing. Done with goodbyes. Going to be on a plane somewhere when it gets to this time tomorrow. Long flight(s) ahead, with puzzle books and kindle and notebooks and little else. Big change a-happening.[/quote']


Doing shit and acting like it ain't no thang when people doubt you is great though.


Makes you feel awesome.


Loving the upside-down stuff too.

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Looks like my mother and her partner have provisionally booked a date for their wedding. I want to do a nice gesture for them as they don't have much money (and just want to do a small thing anyway) so it's either buy the dress (I don't think she'll go for the big white dress again but just something nice), buy the catering or book a week/weekend (depending on cost) in Disneyland as she's always wanted to go.


As it's his 40th this year, her 50th and their wedding I figure I can roll all those gifts into one super awesome gift, Katamari style.


All of them sound like great gifts! :hehe: I think Disneyland would be the most incredible present though because, yknow, it's DISNEYLAND.



You have to record their reactions for N-Europe and advertising purposes!




And like, seeing as were in the good stuff thread I may as well throw this out there: Finally got the dentist out of the way and have nice shiny teeth. AND i have cold pizza left to eat. :D

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So anyone who had been following or taking part in the weight loss thread last year will already know this but yesterday was my one year 'anniversary' of the day I decided to try and start losing weight.


I managed to lose about five and half stone, most of it was done within eight months tbh and I have been maintaining since.


Still want to lose some more and tone up etc but it makes me feel good thinking about the year and looking at pictures etc :)

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Yeah, that's what I've been doing with my day rate but...dunno. Just feels weird asking for so much money. I mean, I don't know what the 'right' amount is.


I definitely undercharged them for the first project (I said I'd do a flat fee as it was our first project together) but whatever, was a tactical decision. The second project was probably about right. But then all these projects require pretty different things.


Also, projects tend to slowly change and grow so what they ask for at the beginning and what they ask for at the end would change and might (read: almost definitely) have extended the deadline. Do I send them an estimate (in the form of a pro-forma) and then give them an accurate bill at the end?


Is that the professional thing to do? I don't want to come off as some lame amateur (although I am when it comes to charging people).


Srsly, worst part of my job. Although if that's the worst part I'm pretty happy. :heh:


What you need to do is get an exact specification of what your client wants. If you are charging a base rate then that's easy enough, if they ask for more on top of the original spec then they are charged more. If you are doing it hourly then give them an estimate of how many hours it will take to complete. Anything else they ask you to do make sure you give an estimate for that too.


Base rates are far easier and more companies would prefer them, just make sure you work out exactly now long it will take.


So anyone who had been following or taking part in the weight loss thread last year will already know this but yesterday was my one year 'anniversary' of the day I decided to try and start losing weight.


I managed to lose about five and half stone, most of it was done within eight months tbh and I have been maintaining since.


Still want to lose some more and tone up etc but it makes me feel good thinking about the year and looking at pictures etc :)



Well don't mate! That's great going so far. Keep up the good work!

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Fair few of you probably know already, but this has been a pretty good week for me. Almost to the day it's been a year since I graduated from my Masters and I've finally achieved something! I just started a new job at the University of Sheffield doing internal comms stuff. It's exactly what I want to be doing, it's a really exciting place to work and it's just generally the best bit of news I've been able to come on here with since as long as I can remember.


Which leads me nicely in to my other, even better bit of news! Me and @Emma are living together! I finally have sdome money so I moved in over the weekend in to her place, making it our place. Pics soon etc.


Happy times :D

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Aww Dan! Congrats, it's about time you got a break.


Congrats you and Emma also.


Today, well things have been a bit crappy, but then I found out for the mean time that we will close work at 8 and not 11 and our rotas are much more stable, huzzah! It's the little silver lining, no more getting home at midnight.

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Just received my offer letter that confirms I will be working as a Commentary Systems Operator at the Aquatics Centre at London 2012!




2012 is looking to be such a good year for me - the London marathon, graduation, Isle of Wight Festival, Olympic (and hopefully Paralympic) games, a trip to Chicago, hopefully getting a good job... I can't wait for it all!

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Just received my offer letter that confirms I will be working as a Commentary Systems Operator at the Aquatics Centre at London 2012!




2012 is looking to be such a good year for me - the London marathon, graduation, Isle of Wight Festival, Olympic (and hopefully Paralympic) games, a trip to Chicago, hopefully getting a good job... I can't wait for it all!


Dunno about you, but I've had a weird sense of zen calm- kind of assured that this is all good times with few worries.


In my case, I think it hows how much of a crock the whole 'dole scrounger' label is. I'd been unemployed so long I'd forgotten what it was like to live without that low level pressure and stress every single day and the low self esteem. Being unemployed is fucking miserable, no matter how much the right wing press portray it as some kind of holiday.

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