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I totally worked on the car without resorting to swearing at it and hitting things.


I had to replace the throttle cable, since the accelerator was sticking. I managed to replace it in a reasonably competent manner. Did it in an hour too, including 2 test drives, which isn't bad considering I had to take the dashboard apart and fanny around running a cable from the pedal to the engine bay.


Didn't fix the problem, but meh. I feel manly. Fetch me a bear to punch and a beer to drink.

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I've probably just had the best night I've had for a long time tonight :hehe:


I'm just home from being at the Snooker Legends tour which was at the Waterfront Hall in Belfast tonight. Had a great time there with my friends.. and John Virgo was just awesome as the host :grin:


After it was over, we got to meet and shake hands with all of those who were participating and have a few things signed! I now have a Snooker Legends booklet signed by John Virgo, Jimmy White, Dennis Taylor, Cliff Thorburn, Ken Doherty, Kirk Stevens, John Parrot and female referee Michaela Tabb with whom we got a wee group photo with!


It was just a really fun (and much needed) night out :hehe:

That sounds awesome!


I really need to go to watch snooker sometime, I've been wanting to for a while. I was taken to watch it when I was pretty young, but tbh I can't remember anything other than wearing a waistcoat and meeting Anthea Turner! :p

I looked into prices of the later rounds of this years Crucible, but prices were higher than I was expecting... so might save up for it some other time. Or maybe think about Wembley.

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That sounds awesome!


It really was :yay:


The evening started with John Virgo walking out onto the floor to the Big Break theme tune and then he said a few things, told some jokes and got a few people from the audience to attempt trick shots.


When the players were on the table playing, he stood with the microphone and basically commentated on the game as if he was up in the commentary box.. except, of course, the players could hear every word. Some of it was hilarious and, of course, we got plenty of "Where's the cueball going..?" :grin:


For me, he was the star of the show but it was great to see a lot of those other guys playing and meet them at the end! I was quite a fan of Jimmy White when I was younger so was thrilled to get to shake his hand and get an autograph :hehe:


There was a wee raffle after the interval where two people were selected to come up and play doubles with Kirk Stevens and Cliff Thorburn. I had a wee strip of green tickets ranging from 486 to 489 and when Virgo plucked one of the tickets out he said "It's a purple one" and my heart sank a little.. but the second time he said "It's a green one" and I was just sitting there hoping one of my numbers would come up.. but sadly not..


In all seriousness, the way Kirk Stevens had played earlier in the night I almost felt like I could have beaten him :eek: He may have a 147 in the World Championship to his name, but he missed a few balls that I don't think even I would have missed :heh:


It was great entertainment and the seats we had gave us a brilliant view of the action :hehe:


And EEVILMURRAY, you'd probably have to ask my friend that question as he was drooling over her all night :heh:


My day had actually been going OK up until the snooker anyway. I usually get mocked by my manager in at work for my taste in music and most of the people I work with hate it when I have a CD of mine playing in the shop. I'm afraid I'm just not into trance and dance like they are :indeed: Anyway, I had a CD of mine in yesterday and a customer actually liked one of the songs so much that he asked me if I knew what it was and who it was by :heh:


It was this..



..and I took great pleasure in telling him what it was! Now I have that as ammunition next time the manager gets in my ear about what I play :grin:


My old football manager was in the shop yesterday too and I expressed an interest in maybe returning to play and he told me to get in touch with him when pre-season begins in July..


All in all, it was a pretty good day :grin:

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I decided to have a productive bank holiday weekend.


So today I finished up a Kismet DVD and made real good progress on my first proper MAXScript utility - hopefully to finish it tomorrow.


Hurrah for work!

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I'm putting this in here instead of the bad stuff thread because I'm resolving to be more positive.


Anyway, I was working this morning and a customer asked whether I'll be doing my Junior Cert soon.


As in she thought I was in third year...of secondary school. (I've just finished college.)


I guess it's better to look younger than older, right? :idea:

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I'm putting this in here instead of the bad stuff thread because I'm resolving to be more positive.


Anyway, I was working this morning and a customer asked whether I'll be doing my Junior Cert soon.


As in she thought I was in third year...of secondary school. (I've just finished college.)


I guess it's better to look younger than older, right? :idea:


People have a hard time believing I'm 25. I still get I.D'd in places, especially if I'm clean shaven at the time*. It's part of the reason I don't shave often.


My crowning glory of looking young was when the conductor on a train charged me for a child's ticket. I was either very late teens or early 20's. I didn't even ask for one, he just assumed.


*INB4 any pube jokes.

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People have a hard time believing I'm 25. I still get I.D'd in places, especially if I'm clean shaven at the time*. It's part of the reason I don't shave often.


My crowning glory of looking young was when the conductor on a train charged me for a child's ticket. I was either very late teens or early 20's. I didn't even ask for one, he just assumed.


*INB4 any pube jokes.


The funny thing is, I still get into pubs/nightclubs without being ID'd. I guess I don't act like I'm 14, I just look it!


Good idea, maybe I should try getting the child's ticket on the bus :hehe: And if not shaving makes you look older, you should grow the longest beard evar and try getting the senior citizens' ticket :D

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I always get away with buying a child's ticket for the train every week. €3.50 win! :grin:


Good sides and bad sides for looking young. In fairness though, I always find that Asian woman look really young. As in, the 15-25 age group is quite blurry. They usually give an impression of innocence and the like.


(I can safetely say this after seeing a few pictures of you.)

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I always get away with buying a child's ticket for the train every week. €3.50 win! :grin:


Good sides and bad sides for looking young. In fairness though, I always find that Asian woman look really young. As in, the 15-25 age group is quite blurry. They usually give an impression of innocence and the like.


(I can safetely say this after seeing a few pictures of you.)


Yeah, and the whole thing about all East Asians looking alike (to non East Asians)!


That's because you're a woman.


*abuses it* :santa:

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I'm putting this in here instead of the bad stuff thread because I'm resolving to be more positive.


Anyway, I was working this morning and a customer asked whether I'll be doing my Junior Cert soon.


As in she thought I was in third year...of secondary school. (I've just finished college.)


I guess it's better to look younger than older, right? :idea:


i got my id questionned on friday night.. im 22.. i look about 18-ish! lol.

if it wasnt for the fact i was w/ the boy (hes 23) i think that it would have been denied lol D:

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My calves ache! What a great feeling! I haven't had that ache in ages..


I was running at 9kmph... just for 30 seconds, twice... was on the treadmill for over 15 minutes, interval speeds, that was just the peak speed I was doing. Given that I'm just over 18 stone I think its fair to say that's an achievement. I'd like to see how far a lightweight runner would get with an additional 8 stone strapped to them :p 1k in 10.04.. gotta get that down to single figures!


As well as that I did a bit of vibrating plate work at the end of my gym session. Definitely pushes that little bit extra out of your muscles without damaging the joints.


And my women bits have stopped hurting from the spin class I did on Thursday... yay.






Ahhh I've become a gym freak!!!!


*hides in shame*

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People have a hard time believing I'm 25. I still get I.D'd in places, especially if I'm clean shaven at the time*. It's part of the reason I don't shave often.


My crowning glory of looking young was when the conductor on a train charged me for a child's ticket. I was either very late teens or early 20's. I didn't even ask for one, he just assumed.


*INB4 any pube jokes.


The beard works well. Since I let my beard grow out, people have always assumed me to be well in my twenties - and that's been the case since I was 17! :p Now, if I shave it, I look 15 again ... >_>

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Whilst we're on the subject of getting ID'd, I always find it a bit funny when I get ID'd when my tattoos are visible. I know there are ways to get underage tattoos, but c'mon it's a pretty safe bet that someone with tattoos are over 18.


Besides, if an underage person is mature/stupid enough to put ink in themselves, a bit of beer is hardly going to make a difference.

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Returned from the Pokémon Nationals Tournament yesterday. Out of 95ish I came 32. A much better improvement from last year.



Part of the team from the shop we all frequent wearing the awesome t-shirts I designed. Pissed all over "Team Exeter" who has iron on transfers. Fucking pussies.


Apparently this picture (a better quality one) is going in the Pokémon World magazine. Not sure how I feel about that yet.

But the burning question on everyone's lips is, are Michaela Tabb's breasts as perky as they look on TV?


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