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When is it ok to start thinking about christmas?


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So, that christmas list thread got closed, and a general feeling seemed to think it was too early for christmas related stuff. I'm not sure if I agree though, and so I wondered, when IS ok to start thinking about it!


I've seen shops starting with their christmas stuff already, all I'm waiting on to truly know it's christmas is for the local shopping centre to start getting all their streetlight jazz up, then I know christmas is coming. I totally ignore it and fail to get presents until the last minute, though.


What about you guys? When do you start thinking about christmas and doing your shopping? Early on, last minute, somewhere in between as you go along and see things you think might be good for people?



(also please don't close me, I'm actually a serious thread)

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I was wondering the same thing. Programmes which are sponsored by Dixons (I believe or something else) are already bragging their Christmas wares.


Maybe it's the old tradition, you know it's christmas when the Holidays are Coming Coca-Cola adverts start screening again.

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You know, I honestly don't think it's ever too early to think about Christmas. I know people moan when Christmas things appear in shops, but why? Really, I don't get it.


I moan about Halloween, but that's because I don't like it. I'd moan about it if the Halloween stuff appeared even one week before the event. Christmas, though, is a fine, English tradition and I have no problem with seeing a selection box a few months early.

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You know, I honestly don't think it's ever too early to think about Christmas. I know people moan when Christmas things appear in shops, but why? Really, I don't get it.


I moan about Halloween, but that's because I don't like it. I'd moan about it if the Halloween stuff appeared even one week before the event. Christmas, though, is a fine, English tradition and I have no problem with seeing a selection box a few months early.

Um, how is Christmas an English tradition? I think some bloke down in some Middle Eastern country started it. Besides, Halloween is believed to have originated in Ireland.


Anyway, I think it's totally up to people themselves to decide when they want to start thinking about Christmas. Heck, as soon as summer ends and autumn kicks in, I'm already looking forward to the winter. For some reason I'm able to project the lovely, cosy feeling of Christmas onto the whole winter month.


BUT! I try not to look forward to Christmas before Halloween. I like a bit of festive chronology. All in all, though, I love this period of time. There's just something about autumn and winter and their holidays.

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Actually, the current Christmas is based much more on a pagan festival than the birth of Christ. Especially as the church moved the celebration of Christ's birthday to December 25th in the fourth century.

I know, and it was what I was getting at. No traditions are really that "pure" anymore - they've all evolved, changed, been mixed together and adapted. I say people should just celebrate what they like the way they like it.

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Um, how is Christmas an English tradition? I think some bloke down in some Middle Eastern country started it.


I didn't say we invented it, I'm just saying it's been part of England for centuries, what with us being a Christian, Protestant country. I love the Church of England service on Christmas Eve, for instance. Halloween, on the other hand, is some sort of commercial, American celebration of horror and blackmail.

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I didn't say we invented it, I'm just saying it's been part of England for centuries, what with us being a Christian, Protestant country. I love the Church of England service on Christmas Eve, for instance. Halloween, on the other hand, is some sort of commercial, American celebration of horror and blackmail.

Well, I'd say that depends on what you choose to read into the traditions that you celebrate. Do those celebrating Christmas really celebrate Christ? Some do, other don't. That's their own choice.

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I start thinking about Christmas when it starts getting dark real early, and gets cold. I love Christmas. When you're younger, you just love Christmas because you're getting new stuff and presents. When you get older, Christmas gets more about family and friends, and getting together and having fun.






The presents are still nice though ;)

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We've had a christmas tree decoration (a small one on a table) up at work since August. However, I work at a pub and we need people to book for Christmas day and stuff (already nearly full) so I suppose it makes sense from a business point of view.


Personally I don't think about Christmas until after Halloween. I usually start properly thinking about what presents to get people mid-novemberish.

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We've had a christmas tree decoration (a small one on a table) up at work since August. However, I work at a pub and we need people to book for Christmas day and stuff (already nearly full) so I suppose it makes sense from a business point of view.


Personally I don't think about Christmas until after Halloween. I usually start properly thinking about what presents to get people mid-novemberish.



Lucky i read the rest of the post, other-wise i would have said thats very sad. But hey, makes sense business-wise end of the day.

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