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How I Met Your Mother


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Has anyone ever wondered why Ted is telling the kids the story of how he met their mother? Has there ever been a "mothers" voice in those 2030 scenes/voiceovers!

I don't think so, because if so she would've cut out the bullshit and just explained the ACTUAL moment they met.

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Does Daisy die?


In the previous episode, they mention how they're no child-free after Marvin does to college. And if she dies not long before when we see Ted and the Mother telling stories at the inn, it would explain why that would make Ted look upset and how the Mother could say that sentence without realising (I don't see how a dying mother could inadvertently say those words) - she then looks guilty after she realises what she said.


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Does Daisy die?


In the previous episode, they mention how they're no child-free after Marvin does to college. And if she dies not long before when we see Ted and the Mother telling stories at the inn, it would explain why that would make Ted look upset and how the Mother could say that sentence without realising (I don't see how a dying mother could inadvertently say those words) - she then looks guilty after she realises what she said.


Hm, could be. Did they mention that they're child-free after Marvin goes to college? Another possibility is that Lily is going to die, though we do see her and Marshall grow quite old. In either case, it would be a (yet another) brilliant bait-and-switch after the previous episode.


Back on the "the Mother is dead" theory, there was something I couldn't help noticing: When Robin's mum asks her if she has someone she can depend on etc. and Robin says yes, it's never actually specified that she means Barney, which could hint at the possibility, should the theory that the Mother dies be true, that Ted and Robin could get together again.


Now, given how the series has progressed, I still find this unlikely; Ted's journey for the past several series has been about moving on from Robin, Barney's journey for most of if not the entire series has been about actually falling in love, and Robin's journey has always been about opening up to the idea of settling down in a relationship. It would seem weird if they were to subvert all that in the end, especially considering how much of this last series they've spent on Ted finally letting go as well as showing the compatibility of Barney and Robin.


Before that final scene we also got confirmation that Barney is in fact not exactly like Robin's dad, and the point of difference (Barney is a hugger, which Robin's dad was not) could be considered a metaphor for how Barney is not emotionally distant like Mr Scherbatsky. Another point to consider is how future Ted has consistently referred to Robin as "aunt Robin", which would be very weird if they were in a relationship at that point. The kids' shock to learn that Ted had been chasing "aunt Robin" in the very first episode also suggests that the idea of Ted and Robin being in a relationship is completely foreign to them; if Ted and Robin had ever shown romantic interest in each other since the kids' birth, it seems unlikely they would react with that level of shock.


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I don't think they're going to go down the Ted and Robin romance path again, but rather have them discuss how Robin trusts Ted in a way that she doesn't Barney.


If done right it could be refreshing. Far too often on TV people meet someone and they're the one and only perfect person for them. It would be nice if they acknowledged that isn't always the case, nor is it a bad thing.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just watched Penultimate Episode



(Been trying to find a Barney crying gif, can't seem to find any)


Only one more episode ever left :cry:


On the plus side it's gonna be a 1 hour double ep :yay:


But yeah the final ever HIMYM episode :cry: I know some of ye have felt it's gone on a season or two too long but I still loved it, will be sad to live in a world when there are no new stories with Barney and Co (we all know Barney is the true star of the show, screw Ted!) hell I made a point to go play Lasertag in suits with me mates for my 30th last October because of this show :D


Ah well least I can always rewatch some eps whenever I start to miss the gang :(

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I only caught up with this recently. I have to say this season has been really good, despite the somewhat slow start.


It's going to be weird, not watching this, knowing it's over. I've been watching it since the very beginning (as weird as that sounds).


Let the final episode come! :cry:

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So... that's it. I'm conflicted.







That CAN'T be it. I JUST got used to the fact that "the mother" was THE mother and they KILL HER OFF?!?!?!?! They build up a character, a personality, a back story (a pretty good one - i cried my eyes out during "her episode". AND THEY KILL HER THE FUCK OFF?! :shakehead


And they don't just kill her off - they do it in the SHITTIEST WAY: "oh yeah she got sick". That's cool, hollywood i was sick the other weekend bring her some soup and she'll be fine OH YOU MEAN REALLY SICK well it's a shame you don't have any brilliant writers on staff who might be able to convey that in a clever and eloquent way that isn't horrifically vague and hasn't been done a million times. She got sick. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKING HELL.



and he ends up with ROBYN??!


AND the divorce?!?!?! They built up the changes with Barney and Robyn really nicely - I BELIEVED IN THEM!!!!! (number 31 should've totally turned out to be Patrice or something)


it's like the regular staff wrote the whole season UP to the last episode and then some random person got to write the ending because he won a bet or something. and they HAD to let him do whatever he wanted because it was a bet.




I've wasted eight years of my life watching this show. :blank:

Edited by bluey
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Have to agree with @bluey, here (my feelings aren't that intense, though :p )


Was a great episode until Tracy 'got sick' and Ted wants Robin again...

Don't like how it ended.



becoming a Dad in this manner...urgh. I was getting used to seeing him becoming a really great husband and now he's just a Dad because he hooked up with a woman.

The worst part...

Just to be with Robin...



Nope, don't like it.

Didn't happen :D

Edited by drahkon
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I saw someone say "the ending would have been fine when they first crafted it nine years ago, but it doesn't work now". They dragged out/closed down the Ted and Robin thing so many times, to then go back to it just felt like a bit of a cheat. I know they wrote the ending ages ago, but I would have preferred that they had the mother live instead. I much prefer their relationship to Ted/Robin.


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Just watched the finale...


I'm conflicted about it. I don't mind that it's a story explaining to the kids about his very real attraction to Robin. I felt more invested in Ted getting together with Tracey. Having her brushed aside with "She got sick." I realise in the context of this being a story he's telling his kids to get them comfortable with him asking out "Aunt Robin" it makes some sense but ugh.




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Y'know, I'm going to go against the majority here; I think it was a pretty perfect ending. Granted, it did feel a bit rushed in some places, but as a conclusion to the series, I think it couldn't be better.


You're right, it did feel as if they went back on a lot of things they had seemingly been building up - I was somewhat conflicted myself at first. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense: This series was always about subverting expectations; about demonstrating that even when you think you have everything figured out in life, stuff can happen and things can change - and that's okay. Right from the very first episode and throughout the entire run, plotlines have been built up only to be torn down again - really, why would it be any different with the one we thought we had in the bag? The point is that it doesn't take away from what was - Ted and Tracy had a wonderful life together before things got in the way; and though the nature of those things were different, the same can be said about Barney and Robin.


What really sold the ending to me was two things: One, the very end of the episode, from Penny and Luke's confrontation to the end credits; Penny says it all - this story was never about their mother, it was about Ted and Robin. All the way through. From the very first episode to the very last, which is then underlined by the recreation of the iconic scene from the Pilot. The second thing was Barney's story: The inevitable product of his countless one-night stands was what finally got to him like nothing else had before; his journey of accepting the fact that he was raised by a single parent ended with him becoming one himself. It's poetic, really.


So yes, Last Forever did surprise me and make me feel conflicted at first. But then I realised that's what made it perfect in my eyes.


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Wow, this has everything. Excitement, humour, lots of character development, romance, problems, fun, although the Barney thing was lame. Still ending at that point is perfec...












If it had ended 3 and a half minutes earlier, it would have been amazing. Not without its problems (Robin/Barney), but a perfect end for Ted.


Ted ending with Robin, though....that's just awful. I'd go as far as saying that those 5 minutes make it the worst ending of any TV show, ever. What made it even worse was how they "killed off" the mother. Ted says "she got sick", but it's a bit ambiguous then we get the kids saying "You clearly love Aunt Robin. And Mum has been gone for 6 years". No emotional goodbye or anything.


The character who is in the title of the show itself, who the show had been building up for 9 years, was killed off off-screen and the death was only mentioned in a throwaway line.


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I actually really liked part one, and I'm okay with how it ended. However I thought they went about it badly. Instead of spending the whole season on the wedding, then squeezing 16 years into one episode, they could have easily spread out the last episode across the season, focusing on an aspect each episode, as there was lots of great material there that wasn't fully used. I don't think we would have felt so annoyed with the ending then.

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On an overall show point of view about the fact it is over....NNNOOOOOOO..... I will miss these characters :cry:



On the ep itself....






OK I did enjoy it, it had some good moments, it had some great moments but it also had some moments that felt wrong in the bigger scheme of things.



Ok so the whole 2nd half of season 8 was the lead up to Barney and Robins wedding and WHOLE of season 9 was about their wedding, only for them to suddenly fast forward a few years and for them to divorce? NO, that's bullshit! DID NOT LIKE!


I thought the whole point of Barneys journey from season 8 to the wedding was that after him and Robin broke up the first time that they had grown since then and were different and could make their relationship now work forever. Robin was the meant to be the one that could get Barney to settle down. The whole thing with when he met the "Mother" and she told him to get "the one" or whatever it WHICH WAS REFERENCED BY BARNEY AT THE VERY START OF THE EP! just rubbed out? The whole plan he set out to lead up to him proposing to Robin and gaining Teds approval (even without Ted knowing)..... everything he had done for Robin to show he loved her, the whole Rehersal Dinner on Ice thing..... like only amounted to 3 years? And from the quick glimpses we got of their married life didn't even seem like we 3 happy years at all.


That whole thing did not sit well with me.


However the scene with Barney holding his daughter for the first time was a massive moment, loved that. BUt again it shouldn't have been needed to give Barney the final ending to his story and character development, that should have been when he married Robin. Their marriage broke down in very much the same way their first relationship did which was just jarring considering I'm almost certain that was referenced sometime this season with both of them saying something along the lines of they're different people and grown since then so they know they can make it work.


Pretty much I wanted Barney and Robins relationship to work out more than I cared about Ted and the Mothers story :heh:


Marshall and Lilly having a 3rd child was cool, and Marshall getting offered a Judgeship again was great, loved to see it all worked out for him even though it took a bit longer.


Then Ted and the Mother, my gods Ted and the Mother, the little moments they had at the start were awesome, him noticing her in the band, the old lady at the trainstation spotting her and Ted shy to go talk to her. Then the few moments we saw of her in the "future" she did seem to really become one of the group, would have liked to have seen more of that though of them all together as a group.


The scene when he did finally talk to her at the trainstation and the convo about the Umbrella was brilliant as they realised how they've been connected somehow for so long through the umbrella and just narrowly missing each other, be it at the club on St. Paddys Day to Econ 305. It was after that scene they should have ended it with Teds voice over going "and that kids is the story of how I met your mother" with the two under the umbrella just smiling in silence at each other....that would have been PERFECT!


But then they just had to go throw in one final twist and IMO it was a twist too far. Ok they had hinted previously that the mother might have died sometime between 2024 and 2030 when he is telling the kids the story.... but the way they just brushed over it "oh your mother got sick" and a little scene with him at her bedside.... no funneral, no farewell.....this is the character the show is titled after and they just killed her off in such a "meh" way..... and I know it's been 6 years for the "kids" but not even a hint of "oh dads just told this long story bout meeting Mom, and just reminded us of her dying but we show no sadness or emotion for her memory".


OK even at that they could have just left it, fine the mother died and it could have just been a story of Ted telling the kids How he met her and how much he missed her, would have been a bit of a sad ending but I would have prefered that to "oh hey now that mom is dead why don't you go bone aunt Robin"


All I could think of was that ep from last season when Ted was having convos with his "future" selves and imaginy Barney about Robots vs Wrestlers and it ended with that amazing scene of Ted telling his kids what he wished he had done that night, and imagined himself going to the Mothers house and telling her that they would meet in 45 days and they would fall in love and be so happy together and that all he wished for was if he could have those 45 days back so he could spend them with her instead of waiting the 45 days in misery before he does meet her.


That scene was so powerful but the way the show ended with Ted going back to Robin (and after the whole "letting go of her" this season....AAAAAHHHHHH), that scene just get negated..... does that scene mean anything anymore? It may as well be retconned to Ted taking to Robin wishing he could have all the years he spent with Tracey back so he could spend them with Robin instead.


I think what irks me even more is since that ep with the scenes in 2024 that hinted at the mother dying there's been internet spec that the mother would die and the whole thing was for Ted to get the kids approval to date Robin.....and I can't believe that turned out true! It just doesn't feel right when what the internet speculates turns out 100% correct.





I may need to let it sink in for a few days and do a rewatch, but if (and when) I do a Youtube blog on it (prolly monday as I'm working the weekend and off monday) I'll prolly just be repeating whats in the spoiler tag

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I'm in the don't like it camp. I felt like he just brushed away the mother like she didn't mean anything when he was talking to the kids at the end, just so he could off to shag Robin again. Personally I'm quite tired of that storyline. Genuinly disappointed by how it ended. If I could have written the ending, Ted and Tracy would live happily ever after, and the mother of Barney's daughter was that stripper he should have married to begin with.


Some shows you pretend the later seasons never existed. I'm going to pretend the last five minutes didn't.


But then they just had to go throw in one final twist and IMO it was a twist too far. Ok they had hinted previously that the mother might have died sometime between 2024 and 2030 when he is telling the kids the story.... but the way they just brushed over it "oh your mother got sick" and a little scene with him at her bedside.... no funneral, no farewell.....this is the character the show is titled after and they just killed her off in such a "meh" way..... and I know it's been 6 years for the "kids" but not even a hint of "oh dads just told this long story bout meeting Mom, and just reminded us of her dying but we show no sadness or emotion for her memory".


OK even at that they could have just left it, fine the mother died and it could have just been a story of Ted telling the kids How he met her and how much he missed her, would have been a bit of a sad ending but I would have prefered that to "oh hey now that mom is dead why don't you go bone aunt Robin"

He says it better than me.




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I'm not exactly surprised this happened. We all sort of knew that Ted would end up with Robin. I mean, the show ran for years and we only just saw the mother this season. I didn't think she'd die and I thought that it was a bit rushed. In saying that though, I thought the ending was okay. I liked it, I approve. The most touching scene of all was Barney with his daughter. That was a brilliant scene.

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I would be lying if I said the ending didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth.


"Widow Ted going after Robin" would've been a fine ending about 5 seasons ago. As it is, I can't help but feel disappointed that Robin&Barney didn't work out, and that Ted&Tracy didn't actually last forever (or rather, more than 11 years).


Barney, especially. I liked the fact that he had grown to finally settle down with Robin, but then he regressed. His "father" ending would also have been more fitting 5 seasons ago.


Maybe it would've been better if all of it didn't come out at once. Maybe have the season focus on life after the wedding, instead of the wedding weekend.


As it is, I'm disappointed. Especially since it's a disappointing last episode to a quite good last season.


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It was too soon. We'd only just met and fell in love with the mother and she gets brushed aside like nothing. I get the concept is that he's telling this story to his kids about how he met their mother and it ends up being all about Robin... but reality/tv wise it's not good for the viewer.


From our perspective the mother is this elusive character we know Ted is going to end up with and with all the suffering he goes through (a lot of it at the hands of Robin), we want him to end up with this perfect woman. It feels belittling that he would fall back to Robin afterwards. It was 6 years for him but 6 seconds for us.


This last season didn't have the audience crying out for Ted and Robin, we were crying out for Ted and the mother and we really didn't get it.


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Was yhat actually recorded 9 years ago and sittibg in a safe somewhere till they decided to end it? The actors for the kids dont seem to have aged and the bits with Ted seemed very out of place like they werent filmed at the same time.


If this was set up 9 years ago cant believe they wrote themselves into a corner like that.you thibk they could have filmed a few alt endings with the kids just in case thibgs changed over the years. Or just have a silent teary eyed shot of the kids to go after the umbrella scene with ted saing "thats how i met your mother" maybe also saying "may she rest in peace" if still going with her dying but leave out the Robin bit



I'm hoping it'll all be an April Fools and we get the proper final ep next week :heh:

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