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Where in the hell did you get Tales of Vesperia for that price?!?!?! :o



I called up our head office and asked them to see if we had any copies of the game in stock in the company at all. According to the system, out of the entirety of GAME and Gamestation stores in the UK, 3 stores had a copy. I took the phone numbers for all three stores and proceeded to call them.


First two stores didn't have it - it's a false positive. The guy at the last store was like "Yeah, I think I saw a copy of that knocking about earlier.." and he got it so I asked him to transfer it to our store - I didn't even have to tell him the cover story I'd made up and told the previous two stores (that a customer came in and wanted their disk repaired and we damaged it - such filthy lies..). He transferred it, it arrived a week later, I went ahead and purchased it with staff discount for the rather epic price of £16.50.


I still have yet to play it - waiting for my week off :D

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But you need 3 and 4 to truly understand the genius of Murray.


Actually, don't bother with Escape - skip right to Tales. It's not as brilliant as the first three, but it's still entertaining. Especially episode 3, due to a certain demonic talking skull.

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Actually, don't bother with Escape - skip right to Tales. It's not as brilliant as the first three, but it's still entertaining. Especially episode 3, due to a certain demonic talking skull.

So long as 3 gets played.





The high price after Falk died has finally slumped, even cheaper than what it was before he passed. £63.19




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Actually, don't bother with Escape - skip right to Tales. It's not as brilliant as the first three, but it's still entertaining. Especially episode 3, due to a certain demonic talking skull.


Well after finishing the first one last night I really feel like playing through the rest of the series now, so I may as well just play through escape as well.

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I'm guessing that included a service?? Otherwise you got ripped off...


It sure did.


I went to combined tyres, a lot better than kwik fit, go figure, they even mentioned that my bushes on the front need doing and will do them whenever I want to come in, but I don't really need to book anything.


Makes a bloody change.


I also mentioned the water in the door, that gave them a little giggle. :blush:

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Spent £250 in the Ralph Lauren shop in Bicester Village yesterday, followed by £100 in Jack Wills. I'm now surrounded by beautiful clothes which I'm free to wear to work, fucking win. Gonna try and claim some of the ralph stuff back on Uniform too.

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they even mentioned that my bushes on the front need doing and will do them whenever I want to come in




Sorry nightwolf.. I'm in childish mode :D


Wow, that's cheap !


Where did you acquire such a deal if you don't mind me asking ?


Check yer local GAME. It was a hardware bundle left over that was reduced to get it out of the stock room. I snapped it up before we even put it out on sale :heh:

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What network/price plan have you gone with?


Bought it handset only. So, keeping my current plan (at a reduced cost, wiped the expensive insurance and the extras Voda threw). Used to pay £39 p/m, now only pay £25.


Handset cost me £140, including part-exchanging my old Nokia.


Had to purchase a case and a memory card for it though, so price went to around £150 with that included.



So long as 3 gets played.





The high price after Falk died has finally slumped, even cheaper than what it was before he passed. £63.19





I admit, that is one heck of a bargain you have. Good purchase!!

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I know I should stop giving Fox money after they cancelled it, but I just can't help myself!


Saw this and preordered instantly. Amazon are fools - I would have paid double. £18 makes it a no-brainer.


Edit: I was on my phone so I had no idea the picture was so huge.

Edited by Cube
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Spent £250 in the Ralph Lauren shop in Bicester Village yesterday, followed by £100 in Jack Wills. I'm now surrounded by beautiful clothes which I'm free to wear to work, fucking win. Gonna try and claim some of the ralph stuff back on Uniform too.


While my anti-'those brand clothes' stance has severly lessened in recent months (I even technically own a Jack Wills hoodie - though it was my sisters, but actually a man's hoodie, and I figured it was better to have than to throw out), I still cringe a little when I see people/adults in Jack Wills.


But you work at Hollister don't you? Makes sense/I understand the wearing of if you're working there.


Today I bought a jacket/blazer for £40 from TK Maxx. Some designer caller Feraud. Meant to be £250 apparently. It's nice. I need nice clothes that don't make me look fat because they're too big.

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I know I should stop giving Fox money after they cancelled it, but I just can't help myself!


It took this long to come to the UK? I gave that as a Xmas present last year...


Anyway, 51HN-SPjFwL._SS500_.jpg


Just one actually, but that was the first picture I could find....I didn't know I could buy in bulk though.


I just might.


Dark Chocolate Reese's were a long overdue creation of yum.

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