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What Have You Bought?


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All of these cameras climbing around all over the place are starting to creep me out. :blank:



Fairy wings? What for? =)


I still haven't gotten around to buying Fimo. I really should! Need to make stuff!

You should make stuff. But didn't you just make some magnets? You should show those off first. :p


A friend commissioned me to make her a fairy out of clay, and after agonizing over how I was going to make the wings for several weeks, I came across this tutorial. So now it's just been a matter of tracking down everything needed to make them.

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Oooh those wings look pretty! Hope they're easy to make, otherwise you're gonna curse quite a bit. =P


The magnets I've made are just simply glass domes with a picture stuck underneath them (currently using pretty chiyogami paper and some of my drawings). So nothing special like your Pikachu magnet. =P



Today I decided to finally buy something for myself again! Been ages since I bought something (apart from clothes and jewellery supplies), so thought I deserved something.







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I feel like the only games I buy these days are handheld games to keep my brother entertained.


Not that I'm not going to play these games, but I probably wouldn't have bought them right now if I didn't feel like I had to keep my brother from replaying the Ace Attorney series for the hundredth time.


Chrono Trigger I've already played, though, so I only bought that because I knew it was the only way he'd ever play it.

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