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If I was going to buy LED bulbs, I'd back this :D



Edit: or I would've before they'd sold out


Damn it now I want one of those!



Apparently I did buy the two Travelodge rooms on Saturday, I have just yet to be charged or emailed about it so I booked them again -_-

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6 train tickets to London and 2 hotel rooms. My mother's 50th is next week and I'm paying for her, her husband, my nan, 2 cousins and one cousin's boyfriend ('modern family') to come to London in early December to see the lights (my mother keeps going on about wanting to see them every year) and I'm going to take them to Winter Wonderland too. Probably will also do touristy stuff as it's one of my cousin's first time in London, and I guess my other cousin's boyfriend's but not sure.


Took a lot of planning. As my mother and her husband work together had to ring their boss to re-arrange his days off to fall in line with hers, had to ask my aunt and get her to ask cousin's boyfriend's dad if he can come.


Should be worth it though :)


About £120 in total.


-Random aside moan- Red Spotted Hanky make a big deal out of their loyalty system. Spent £100, get £1 back. Great! I appreciate it's still better than nothing but c'mon.

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Urgh. Pre-order.


The Australian people have this right now. NOW. I have a pre-order. :(:shakehead


Worst part? I've heard it. And oh good God is it amazing. It may be the best album of the year for me - and that's on one listen of crap quality.


I need this. Any Australian person wanna give me their iTunes log in so I can download? I'll pay in kind? Haha.

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Finally purchased a proper winter's coat. Looks less like a woman's coat when worn...


Unfortunately they wouldn't take my student discount card on it :( (and you know, it should have expired 18 months ago but whatever).

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Finally ordered the upgrade to my current laptop. Took me half a year to save up, but it is finally on its way to me (and we won't be home when it gets delivered, aaaaah!).





15 inch MacBook Pro with anti glare screen.

My new baby. =)

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Moneyball DVD and book £4.50 ish. Meant to be good.



@Ashley yeah the loyalty scheme on Red Spotted Hanky is a bit pants. I know if you go through both via their fb app you get double points. Personally I find most loyalty points a bit rubbish never more than the equivalent of 1% cashback.

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Pledged some money towards the new album in exchange for a gig that is described as "A special one off intimate show in London with a live set, music quiz, dj sets, question and answer session, raffle and party games." So far only 11 tickets sold, may be quite intimate. Two days before my birthday too :D

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