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What Have You Bought?


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Well, for the last couple of years I've mainly been listening to Fightstar, The Strokes and Bloc Party (though I maybe don't listen to the latter as much as I used to, even though I still enjoy their music and am awaiting their return.. hopefully with Kele on board :eek:)


I've also enjoyed stuff like +44 and Angels & Airwaves recently along with some of Julian Casablancas' solo material.. though my album of 2011 is easily Young Pilgrim by Charlie Simpson.




Well.. everyone said the album was one of the best ever, then I listened to it and it just isn't. Karma Police is clearly one of the better tracks on OK Computer but you've been so starved of quality up until that point that you'll basically accept anything as brilliant :indeed:


Ah, Bloc Party are one of my favourite bands. :)

Dislike The Strokes and Fightstar, though. The Strokes in particular. But, you make up for it with Bloc Party, who are a billion times more talented and just better in every way. Excited for the new stuff as well. :D


I completely agree.. just as you'll have to agree that a lot of people liking it doesn't make it good :blank:


Normally, I would be all "yes, subjective, etc" about this whole thing.

But, I'm gonna be an arsehole and say this isn't subjective at all. It's a proven fact that Ok Computer is awesome. It's a very important album and one of the most important albums of the last few decades. Without that album, some of the bands we listen to today probably would sound a whole lot different. The sound they brought through, particularly with The Bends and Ok Computer allowed for other bands to be "accepted" into the mainstream. Funny enough, Bloc Party are one of those bands. It's an iconic sound.


Maybe you'll find more joy in The Bends. It's possibly a bit easier to get into than Ok Computer. Each album has a different sound, which is part of their signature.

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I'm.. an arsehole




It's all subjective.. basically :heh: I certainly don't think anyone is a fool for enjoying it, it just isn't something I'm enjoying and a mere mention of this dislike has spiralled into.. well, this :grin: I kinda wish I hadn't bought it now :indeed:


When I first put it on, I actually thought it sounded a bit like Muse in some ways, largely due to how whiny it all sounds :hmm: That's one of the main reasons I'm not particularly fond of Muse :nono:


Wii U Essential? A Fucking F Zero.


Oh.. you're forgiven :heh:

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I'm not looking for anything. I only wish that when people talk about her musically, they don't factor in anything else she does. Her music is no different than run of the mill pop. Now there's nothing with that, but it's not the new dawn like some idiots like to claim.



I meant she's better than X-Factor as a generic example, as the majority of them don't write their own stuff. She's certainly no better than someone like Kelly Clarkson, yet that comment would no doubt outrage people because Clarkson doesn't arrive at award shows in a giant egg or wearing a dress made of meat.




"Run Of The Mill" ?





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I bought a lot of shit yesterday, but two of them stood out so much that I had to post about them here.


Curry and kimchi flavoured soda's.



Curry one didn't smell like curry. Didn't taste like it either. Was pretty nice though, I think it was ginger flavoured..


Kimchi one though.. fucking hell. Smells and tastes exactly like kimchi. If you don't know what kimchi is, it's a really popular side dish in Korea which is spicy, fermented cabbage.


And I fucking love it.

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Woooooah, woah, woah boy.


Greggs is alright.


Part of the appeal is that it's super cheap.


But let's not act like anything in Greggs can compete with... well... decent food.


It's not even that cheap these days is it?


The cheapest food I can generally find is the stuff they sell in Ikea - not the restaurant type deal but their little fast food..thing. It's like £1.40 for a hotdog with fries and some cola. It tastes alright when you eat it but the aftertaste is just...errrggghhh.

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Saw a few episodes on holiday and fell in love with it. So bought the whole set.


It's a bit of a bumpy ride when the cast changes but it stays mostly good throughout :) You ain't bought the whole set though, cos there's one more season on the way.

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It's a bit of a bumpy ride when the cast changes but it stays mostly good throughout :) You ain't bought the whole set though, cos there's one more season on the way.

Oooh more! Bring it on.


I just assumed that it hadn't been on for awhile that was the end of it, haven't heard much of it. This holiday was most productive, made my girlfriend and I start to love Hustle (and a little positive feeling to its American imitation Leverage), Hot in Cleveland and the US Hell's Kitchen.

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