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Smoking is cool. Don't ya know it. I wish it didn't give you lung cancer. I'd totally smoke then.


Tried a cigar once. It was strange. And then someone told me that cigars are for lesbians.


You hang out with the strangest people.


Cigars are awesome, the smell and the taste, I refuse to smoke usually but cigars are different, specially if you get the good ones! :bowdown:


..and no I'm not a lesbian.

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I smoke, i like it, i should quit, but i cant, its shit.


The craving is annoying, but they are nice in certain situations, after a massive dinner, after work, stuff like that. And also good for when your angry i find.


I'll quit soooon, maybe


And the reason i started smoking was weed, I cant see how anyone can quit weed without becoming a smoker, I just couldnt do it.

Edited by Bren
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Well here are my two cents.


I don't really like smokers, but I don't discriminate towards them. Sure I judge them, it's natural, like judging someone who believes in Chackras.


But if I'm at a bus stop, smokers are the most annoying thing ever. Clearly I am standing there to keep away from the rain, and everyone has that privilege, but not if you are going to smoke. I don't care if it is legal, it is very rude to smoke near other people, or at a place where other people would need to be. Smoking at doors is terrible too. Mostly smokers hover at doors.


Smoking is not like fumes, or olives or cat allergies. If smoke comes near me, it nearly burns my throat and I have to cough. I hate the smell of tea, and when people drink it I can smell it, but things like that are nowhere near the same. One is unpleasant and the other is downright terrible.

Edited by Diageo
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Right well as some people know here, I'm a smoker.


Although I understand the frustrations of having people smoking right next to the entrance, I hardly ever see it happen. Most places have dedicated smoking facilities outside but not next to the door, I can't think of any place I've been to lately that lacked it.


But I've seen cases where it's lacking but I still don't smoke near the door, as I'm obstructing an entrance and I don't want to piss the management off. It's like at uni, yes, smokers will gather outside after a lecture, but no one obstructs the entrance/stairs whatever.


But that's my decision, if people are near the door, even when I wasn't a smoker (I started like a year and a half ago), I was never offended. As long as they aren't committing any crimes standing where they are or purposely blocking the entrance, what's the fucking problem? It's well fucking ventilated, you're OUT SIDE. It's one thing to be frustrated, but it's another to be arrogant and call for further bans which are impeding of people's freedom of choice.


As some one previously said, non-smokers are becoming worse than smokers. Banning it from inside pubs, yeah, good idea, 'second hand smoke' and the fact it's not a very nice atmosphere when the whole place is full of smoke, even I, a smoker, can't stand environments like that.

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But that's my decision, if people are near the door, even when I wasn't a smoker (I started like a year and a half ago), I was never offended. As long as they aren't committing any crimes standing where they are or purposely blocking the entrance, what's the fucking problem?


So people can only have a problem if it's a crime? What very strange logic you apply. As soon as a group of higher-ups decide on a law, we can then feel free to have a problem if it's broken? But not before they declare it a crime, or course.


It's well fucking ventilated, you're OUT SIDE. It's one thing to be frustrated, but it's another to be arrogant and call for further bans which are impeding of people's freedom of choice.


You say impeding people's choice, I say improving the health of the nation and having children not grow up in a smoke-filled environment against their will. Sometimes you have to take away choice, because people make stupid choices that hurt themselves and others.


As some one previously said, non-smokers are becoming worse than smokers.


It's because smoking is a disgusting and dangerous habit and many of us don't like smoke anywhere near us. Is that so difficult to understand?

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As long as they aren't committing any crimes standing where they are or purposely blocking the entrance, what's the fucking problem? It's well fucking ventilated, you're OUT SIDE. It's one thing to be frustrated, but it's another to be arrogant and call for further bans which are impeding of people's freedom of choice.

Just because it's outside doesn't mean it's giving you perfect ventilation. Naturally this would depend on where the smokers blow their smoke, because the ones I see don't aim for the sky. They aim ahead or down, which means it's going to linger not even counting the ever-slow movement of the smoke from the cigarette alone which doesn't dissipate as quick as you may think. The fact is you have to walk through it in many cases. Set your garden on fire and walk through the flames, see if they affect you. Don't worry it'll be outside so it's well ventilated :p


Joking aside, I don't mind those that smoke. If you want fuck your lungs or cancer or whatever they attribute to smoking these days, that's your choice. Power to the people. All I ask is that you don't bring me into the equation.

But that's my decision, if people are near the door, even when I wasn't a smoker (I started like a year and a half ago)

What got you going? As mentioned previously everyone I've encountered who smokes said they didn't like it to begin with. What made you go back?

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So people can only have a problem if it's a crime? What very strange logic you apply. As soon as a group of higher-ups decide on a law, we can then feel free to have a problem if it's broken? But not before they declare it a crime, or course.




You say impeding people's choice, I say improving the health of the nation and having children not grow up in a smoke-filled environment against their will. Sometimes you have to take away choice, because people make stupid choices that hurt themselves and others.




It's because smoking is a disgusting and dangerous habit and many of us don't like smoke anywhere near us. Is that so difficult to understand?


1) Oh it's one thing to have a problem, but being a dick about it is another. By all means express yourself, but don't think your better because you don't smoke. As I've said, I understand people may not like it, so I don't do it myself. But if these people want to, although it's awkward, you've already pushed them out of the building, why be a douche and call for them to go even further away?


The whole law thing, yeah, may have been retarded. But if it were illegal I'd have thought of your complaint as "Yeah, it's out of order this guys gotta put up with this" rather than "What a whiny bastard"


2) I actually can't argue with this


3) Although I know there is a health risk, it still isn't fully proven. There are people that smoke their whole lives and have no health problems what so ever. Many people in my family had started smoking at a young age and still lived on to their late 90's with no problem and died of causes attributed to age, not smoking.


Man up about the disgusting habit shit, do you complain every time you're out in the fucking sun because it could cause you to get skin cancer?


Set your garden on fire and walk through the flames, see if they affect you. Don't worry it'll be outside so it's well ventilated :p


What got you going? As mentioned previously everyone I've encountered who smokes said they didn't like it to begin with. What made you go back?


Ah yes, I do appear to have a bit of a flawed logic about the ventilation in my post, I was knackered. But still I've never seen a case of too many people gathering outside an entrance and smoking etc which could make people here feel uncomfortable with it, so I guess this is why I can't understand people's problems with it.


The reason I started was kind of a weird one, I usually had the social smoke when I'm out having a drink, it was like 1 every 2 months cause I'm not usually one for going out to drink often.

I got a bit depressed at some point when I really couldn't work out what the hell I'm doing in regards to education, being stuck in a course which you've already taken a loan for that you're not enjoying sucks. So I remembered how relaxing an occasional cigarette is, bought a pack of 10, smoked it and thought I could use them to chill out as I've tried every thing and nothing calms me down quite like it.


Although I smoke, it's usually around 5 a day. I still can't get my head around how the majority of people smoke 20 a day..

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Smokers can suck my wang after the day I've had.


Working like Rick Waller at a buffet, juggling 3 jobs, I noticed someone from out area was missing. It didn't take much to figure out that he'd fucked off for a cigarette. He's a lazy prick and everyone bar the people who could actually fire him know it. He literally finds any excuse to not work. His favourite pastime is staring at other peoples screens. A co worker (who shares responsibility for the lab with me) notices he's gone as well, looks out the window to the smoking area and goes out to check (it's hard to see at times). On his way out, I say to him "I bet I know where he is" in a generally displeased manner. He mirrors my attitude. When he comes back in, he walks over to one of the other smokers, hands him a cigarette and lighter and tells him to be quick. The cunt had joined the other guy in a cigarette. No offers of a sneaky break to the non smokers either.


I'm struggling not to generalise the whole smoking population, but it's hard when the only ones I've ever met have been selfish pricks (I'm not just referring to the ones at work).

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I'm struggling not to generalise the whole smoking population, but it's hard when the only ones I've ever met have been selfish pricks (I'm not just referring to the ones at work).

I was like this for a long time. The people I knew who smoked at my age all fell into the category "people whose view of life I do not agree with", and so it was quite easy to associate the two. But that prejudice was smashed to bits when I met extremely awesome smokers.

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1) Oh it's one thing to have a problem, but being a dick about it is another. By all means express yourself, but don't think your better because you don't smoke. As I've said, I understand people may not like it, so I don't do it myself. But if these people want to, although it's awkward, you've already pushed them out of the building, why be a douche and call for them to go even further away?


Because the point is that people who don't smoke don't want to breathe in smoke. They made the sensible choice of never choosing to inhale carcinogenic fumes, so they don't want to breathe in those fumes as they walk in and out of buildings.



3) Although I know there is a health risk, it still isn't fully proven.


Passive smoking is most definitely proven to have detrimental effects on health. Roy Castle is the most famous example of a non-smoker dying almost certainly from passive smoke inhalation. The smoke from cigarettes is harmful, more so to ashthma sufferers.


I know we're talking about brief exposure to smoke (or longer than brief in queues), but really, why would anyone in their right minds want to be exposed to carcinogenic shite that causes a number of diseases even for a second? They wouldn't, hence annoyance of smokers by doors, in queues, etc. It would be like if I started snapping asbestos in front of you; you'd be livid. Obviously asbestos is worse, but really, if something is still toxic (but less so) why should we go completely the other way and act as if it's fine?


There are people that smoke their whole lives and have no health problems what so ever. Many people in my family had started smoking at a young age and still lived on to their late 90's with no problem and died of causes attributed to age, not smoking.


This is a classic smoker anecdote. It's undoubtedly the reason why many people continue to smoke, because they think that since their family never died from smoking (at least so they think) that they are somehow immune. Or at least somewhat resilient.


Let me just say; there is not one regular smoker who has 'no health problems'. Because the baseline level of cardiovascular fitness for a person drops for regular smokers, that's a health problem in itself. Smoking causes a breakdown of the lung epithelia, and is proven to reduce your lifespan on average by 10-15 years.


Finally, the cause of the most serious disease associated with smoking; lung cancer. Anecdotes won't work - it's random mutations in specific genes that result in cancer. So if your family didn't get it, it's no real reason to assume you're somewhat immune. It really doesn't work that way.


Man up about the disgusting habit shit, do you complain every time you're out in the fucking sun because it could cause you to get skin cancer?


This is also quite classic. There's almost always a comparison made to justify smoking, yet I've not once found a comparison that even comes close to mirroring it. The sun; really? We could start by saying that the sun in this country is not going to damage your skin, unless you have a genetic abnormality or it's an extremely hot day. Second, we can easily control skin damage ourselves using sun lotion. Thirdly, the sun serves the necessary task of keeping us alive, and we have no control over it. Me complaining about the sun would be useless, mostly because it's not damaging me whatsoever, but also because no one would be around to do anything about it.

Edited by Sheikah
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Working like Rick Waller at a buffet, juggling 3 jobs, I noticed someone from out area was missing. It didn't take much to figure out that he'd fucked off for a cigarette.


This is what I hate with smoking culture. Pitiful people making it out as if it is a necessity and they deserve more breaks at work than any one else. I can easily do it, so can my peers so what makes these guys think they can honestly do it? Kick his ass.


Because the point is that people who don't smoke don't want to breathe in smoke. They made the sensible choice of never choosing to inhale carcinogenic fumes, so they don't want to breathe in those fumes as they walk in and out of buildings.


Passive smoking is most definitely proven to have detrimental effects on health. Roy Castle is the most famous example of a non-smoker dying almost certainly from passive smoke inhalation. The smoke from cigarettes is harmful, more so to ashthma sufferers.


I know we're talking about brief exposure to smoke (or longer than brief in queues), but really, why would anyone in their right minds want to be exposed to carcinogenic shite that causes a number of diseases even for a second? They wouldn't, hence annoyance of smokers by doors, in queues, etc. It would be like if I started snapping asbestos in front of you; you'd be livid. Obviously asbestos is worse, but really, if something is still toxic (but less so) why should we go completely the other way and act as if it's fine?


This is a classic smoker anecdote. It's undoubtedly the reason why many people continue to smoke, because they think that since their family never died from smoking (at least so they think) that they are somehow immune. Or at least somewhat resilient.


Let me just say; there is not one regular smoker who has 'no health problems'. Because the baseline level of cardiovascular fitness for a person drops for regular smokers, that's a health problem in itself. Smoking causes a breakdown of the lung epithelia, and is proven to reduce your lifespan on average by 10-15 years.


Finally, the cause of the most serious disease associated with smoking; lung cancer. Anecdotes won't work - it's random mutations in specific genes that result in cancer. So if your family didn't get it, it's no real reason to assume you're somewhat immune. It really doesn't work that way.


This is also quite classic. There's almost always a comparison made to justify smoking, yet I've not once found a comparison that even comes close to mirroring it. The sun; really? We could start by saying that the sun in this country is not going to damage your skin, unless you have a genetic abnormality or it's an extremely hot day. Second, we can easily control skin damage ourselves using sun lotion. Thirdly, the sun serves the necessary task of keeping us alive, and we have no control over it. Me complaining about the sun would be useless, mostly because it's not damaging me whatsoever, but also because no one would be around to do anything about it.


The whole what we don't like but are subjected to thing works on both sides mate, yeah people don't want to breathe in the smoke, but there are also people who are just trying to get through the day who don't want some dick who thinks he knows better preaching the shit out of them. I do class it as bad manners that they are smoking near the entrance, but I also find it wrong some one writes as if they are the scum of earth and shit like lol dey so stoopid, smoking is dangeroos for me. Surely if you're so fixated on sensible choices, get the fuck off the computer, as we all know there's health hazards with the majority of the shit we do through out the day.


Classic smoker anecdote? The fuck? You honestly thing because I know many people who've died smokers at an old age with a reason unattributed to smoking I'm going to use it as an excuse to smoke forever? God damn. I have absolutely zero intention of smoking if I ever settle down to have a family, I know it can cause problems, but it's still not fully proven, as there are those which still have managed to evade complications.


Also, there's no need to justify smoking. It's a freedom any one is allowed to have the choice of doing once they are of legal age, despite me recommending against it. The sun was merely toying around with the health conscious societies perception of smoking and the like. You could always be nocturnal to avoid it;)


I think what needs to be justified is how hostile you are because of the minimal health risk you suffer from it. Go chase a bigger fish mate, I'm sure pollution posed by cars completely dwarfs the second hand smoke problem.

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The whole what we don't like but are subjected to thing works on both sides mate, yeah people don't want to breathe in the smoke, but there are also people who are just trying to get through the day who don't want some dick who thinks he knows better preaching the shit out of them. I do class it as bad manners that they are smoking near the entrance, but I also find it wrong some one writes as if they are the scum of earth and shit like lol dey so stoopid, smoking is dangeroos for me. Surely if you're so fixated on sensible choices, get the fuck off the computer, as we all know there's health hazards with the majority of the shit we do through out the day.


Solution: Smokers don't smoke next to strangers or by doorways. Then no one preaches, and you get your cigarette.


Classic smoker anecdote? The fuck? You honestly thing because I know many people who've died smokers at an old age with a reason unattributed to smoking I'm going to use it as an excuse to smoke forever? God damn. I have absolutely zero intention of smoking if I ever settle down to have a family, I know it can cause problems, but it's still not fully proven, as there are those which still have managed to evade complications.


No, no, no. lol. You said "I know many people who lived into their 90s", or similar. This is what I mean by a classical smoker anecdote - they use their own experience of a few select individuals to argue that smoking isn't all so bad, rather than large-scale statistics.


As for the 'not fully proven' - it is fully proven. Every regular long-term smoker has health implications, either in the form of reduced cardiovascular fitness or something more serious. And it is fully proven in the sense that smoking greatly increases your chances of getting lung cancer. Just because you don't get lung cancer, it doesn't mean that your chances aren't significantly increased.


Also, there's no need to justify smoking. It's a freedom any one is allowed to have the choice of doing once they are of legal age, despite me recommending against it. The sun was merely toying around with the health conscious societies perception of smoking and the like. You could always be nocturnal to avoid it;)


Then you'd have Vitamin D deficiency, so that wouldn't really work.


I think what needs to be justified is how hostile you are because of the minimal health risk you suffer from it. Go chase a bigger fish mate, I'm sure pollution posed by cars completely dwarfs the second hand smoke problem.

And yet again, justifying against other 'evils'. :p


I've heard this one before, but it never holds up because:

1 - You don't tend to have your face anywhere near a car exhaust

2 - Smoking is far more likely to cause lung cancer than car fumes (some estimates are up to 10-fold).

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Non-smokers a question if you will. Do you drink alcohol?


If yes then fuck off you're also choosing to poison your own bodies.


If no, stop being so uptight and live a little. :p


Yes yes Alcohol isn't the same as smoking (doesn't affect another beings body), but it can still ruin the drinkers body and be addictive.

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Non-smokers a question if you will. Do you drink alcohol?


If yes then fuck off you're also choosing to poison your own bodies.


If no, stop being so uptight and live a little. :p


Yes yes Alcohol isn't the same as smoking (doesn't affect another beings body), but it can still ruin the drinkers body and be addictive.


What is it with justification against other evils in this topic? Not really a good defense for smoking. :p




- Our bodies can break down reasonable quantities safely with no ill effects

- Research suggests that small quantities can actually be good for you

- As you said, when you drink alcohol, you don't pour it down other people's throats at the same time (although some may actually thank you if you could, lol).


It can be addictive, correct. But so can anything that feels good. The basic point is that smoking is always bad for you no matter how much you smoke, and it affects others directly.

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Non-smokers a question if you will. Do you drink alcohol?


If yes then fuck off you're also choosing to poison your own bodies.


If no, stop being so uptight and live a little. :p


Yes yes Alcohol isn't the same as smoking (doesn't affect another beings body), but it can still ruin the drinkers body and be addictive.


The main difference is that you can't get second hand drunk. If I stand next to somebody drinking, I won't be in any danger. Unless that person has had too many and becomes violent. But that's a completely different argument altogether.


Alcohol can ruin your body, yes. But then, you can drink in moderation. Can you smoke in moderation? Even then, chocolate can ruin your body. So can caffeine.


The point of it is that one person drinking does not directly affect somebody else. Smoking can. Unless you were daft enough to throw a pint into somebody's eyes, or throw it over someone.

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I feel the need to quote myself.


Non-smokers a question if you will. Do you drink alcohol?


If yes then fuck off you're also choosing to poison your own bodies.


If no, stop being so uptight and live a little. :p


Yes yes Alcohol isn't the same as smoking (doesn't affect another beings body), but it can still ruin the drinkers body and be addictive.

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