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What Do You Want From Life?


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To be Happy and Healthy (and the same for family and friends)... is really all you can ask for.


A loving relationship.


I'd like to be in a position in the future where I can travel and see the world.


Hopefully a successful business at some stage, and hopefully a job that I enjoy!

Dream job would probably be a professional photographer for an F1 team/magazine/website and getting to follow it round the world!


I wouldn't have to be rich, but I'd like to be able to afford to do/have nice things.

Including some part time motor racing.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I think really he might have been speaking in terms of employment? Seems to be what most people are really asking.


I want to be happy, with a beautiful flat, two bunny rabbits, a ferret and chinchillas, with a lovely car or the car I have now.


..and a job in a gaming company as a 3d environment modeller.



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What do I want from life? :hmm:


I don't...want to see a ghost.


It's a sight that I fear most. :(


Rather have a piece of toast.


Watch the evening news. :)


Ghosts scare the bajeezers out of me!


Zombies etc... I can handle, but not ghosts.


Ironically, a couple of years ago I went on a ghost hunting trip with some friends, and some freaky stuff happened and I wasn't scared, not even a little. My friends ran off like little girls.

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Ghosts scare the bajeezers out of me!


Zombies etc... I can handle, but not ghosts.


Ironically, a couple of years ago I went on a ghost hunting trip with some friends, and some freaky stuff happened and I wasn't scared, not even a little. My friends ran off like little girls.


That's because zombies don't exist, but you are both quite right not to want to see a ghost. Don't be fooled into thinking they don't exist by all the silly programmes like Most Haunted and Celebrity Ghost Hunting!

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Just us oldies! ;)


Are you calling me old? =(





As for life, I don't really want to be rich, just want enough money to live life and enjoy things like travelling etc.

I want to get a job I like, preferably illustration. Other than that, I'll see what life brings. I just want to be happy.

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