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What do you have to look forward to?


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So life is good my fellow N-Er's! I have a mountain of things to look forward to, I've got so much planned!


- My final year project idea is sorted and ready for starting!

- Eurogamer, I'm also volunteering on the sunday.

- Halloween!

- Uni starting

- 21st birthday (parents are taking me on a long holiday)


So what do you have to look forward too? How far ahead do you look forward to things? Days? Weeks? Years?

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I'm looking forward to Halo Reach Day :)


Also 19th December as i'm off for 2 weeks,


Looking forward to 1st November 2011 as i'm going to Mauritus for 3 weeks,


Looking forward to some point in 2012 as i'm going to Las Vegas, then touring some of the West Coast of USA (dont quite know the complete plans, just know that it's happening)



there is of course other small trival things inbetween these holidays, but nothing quite as exciting.

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At the moment I don't have much to look forward to. Just a few things that I know are happening (though not looking forward to two of those...):


- end of driving lessons this week, unless I get told I still suck and have to take more

- eye surgery this week D:

- start of school September 20, though they still haven't enrolled me



Maybe also starting an extra evening course in October for artists (financing, marketing etc.), but not sure yet. Afraid I might be taking up a bit too much if I do?


But yeah at the moment I don't really have anything "fun" to look forward to.

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I'm looking forward to moving out and starting University. The change of scenery and having new faces to see instead of the same ones I always do now coupled with a new challenge and yeah, should be good.


Looking forward to Eurogamer Expo - I have tickets for the Friday and I was worried it may have clashed with uni but now I know it won't, it's not a problem. It turns out though that freshers' week is actually a fortnight so it's all good (and that's something else to look forward to). Never been to anything like that before and should prove a good opportunity for a night out after wards.


In theory I should look forward to my birthday but past experience tells me it's not worth the hassle.


I am looking forward to one day in particular though. I have no idea when/if it will come but it doesn't stop me looking forward to it.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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At the moment I'm not sure what I have to look forward to, mainly because I'm waiting to hear on something that could change everything. At the moment I have:


Scenario 1:

Dubai Trip + Grand Prix

South Korea Trip + Grand Prix

Car being totally fixed


Scenario 2:

New Job

Moving house

New Car


Pretty good either way, I'm hoping scenario 2 is the one that works out though.

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If I was answering this question about six months ago, I could have written an enormous list of things I was looking forward to.. absolutely massive!


As it stands right now, I see nothing at all :hmm:


I believe it was Blue who told us "It's kinda funny how life can change.. can flip 180 in a matter of days.."


How right they were...

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I ... need ... to go there ...


If I was answering this question about six months ago, I could have written an enormous list of things I was looking forward to.. absolutely massive!


As it stands right now, I see nothing at all :hmm:


I believe it was Blue who told us "It's kinda funny how life can change.. can flip 180 in a matter of days.."


How right they were...

Hey, don't knock yourself completely out yet, okay? :) Remember, the night is always darkest right before dawn.

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Believe me... it's not quite as picturesque with 1000 more people cramed into that shot.

All of them kids smacking everyone with twigs shouting "Expecto Patronum"

..try worst six months of my life :hmm: Everything I ever wanted was within my grasp and all of it has gone.. so.. not really sure where I go from here :eek:

I feel the bullshit mate. Life isn't as Macktastic as it once was. Monies are tight, the only jobs locally are forklift drivers and high end managerial. We should join forces. Become a freelance panto horse for hire. Shotun front.

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..try worst six months of my life :hmm: Everything I ever wanted was within my grasp and all of it has gone.. so.. not really sure where I go from here :eek:

Only one way to go, my friend: Forward. :)


Believe me... it's not quite as picturesque with 1000 more people cramed into that shot.

I don't care. I don't care that there will be a shit-tonne of people. I don't care that everything will be steeply overpriced and commercialized. I'd still love every second of it.

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/nando/ how about looking forward to tomorrow and try not to look at yesterday?


It's pretty much a transition period I guess.. but I was clearing stuff from my room last night while I (slowly) decorate it and what I uncovered just brought up a lot of memories :hmm:


I don't want this annoyingly negative / nando / to be around for too long because, lets face it.. he sucks :eek:

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