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Videogame Quotes - Your Picks


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For the latest instalment in the stellar 'Your picks' series, we have videogame quotes! Your favourite dialogue or scripture must be shared here.



For teh lols of course.


I've got a few lined up myself, but it's late and I cannae be bothered to contribute yet. So yeah, I just made this before I forgot.


I thought I'd throw in a token TTYD for a certain somebody.

“I suppose it wouldn't be right if a sassy little lass like you met with an untimely demise…â€




I may end up making a sound effects/sound-byte thread to go alongside the best music wun. Stuff long the lines of the Starman theme etc. Winblog.

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Great thread. From the Japanese version of Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon:


Well... I was caught by the Peach Mountain guys. And... I gave them Mechanical Robots and an Instant Stage Beam... Well... in exchange for a hentai poster and five porn magazines... (laughs)


What did you just say?! My house has been blown up?! Grrrr! All those porn magazines I collected over the years!


In the other versions, hentai got turned into car magazines...




From Lylat Wars, the promised land of one-liners:

Never give up! Trust your instincts!


Do a barrel roll!



From teh awesomeness that is Phoenix Wright:



I grow tired of the foolish foolery of the foolish fools of this foolish country..




Smell ya later!
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I am Andrew Ryan and I am here to ask you a question:


Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?


NO!says the man in Washington; it belongs to the poor!


NO! says the man in the Vatican; it belongs to God!


NO!says the man in Moscow; it belongs to Everyone!



I rejected those answers.


Instead, I chose something different.


I chose the impossible. I chose...






A city where the artist would not fear the censor.


Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality.


Where the great would not be constrained by the small.


And with the sweat of your brow,


Rapture can become your city as well.



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I am the great Cackletta's most best pupil, who is named Fawful! I am here, laughing at you! If you are giving us the chase, just to get your silly princess's voice, then you are idiots of foolishness! Princess Peach's sweet voice will soon be the bread that makes the sandwich of Cackletta's desires! And this battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom!




..you, the Master of Unlocking


...you were almost a Jill sandwich!

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Great thread. From the Japanese version of Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon:



In the other versions, hentai got turned into car magazines...



The best part was, they added a laugh track. In a videogame. Based in feudal Japan :laughing: God, I love Mystical Ninja.


Off the top of my head, I'm only remembering Regal's overdramatic line in Tales of Symphonia:

"What is this ominous light that threatens to engulf us?!"

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Fallout 3 is like quote heaven.


for man had succeeded in destroying the world. But war... War never changes.

The whole intro is gold so have a listen. (from 1:53)

Broadcast Yourself


Be prepared to be astounded, bedazzled and otherwise stupefied! I'm Three Dog, your master of ceremonies!


What the hell is going on down there?! Revolution? Vacation? Somebody fart?! Your guess is as good as mine kiddy.


Bringing you the news, no matter how bad it hurts.


I has forgot moar tho.


Resistance 2

For radio USA, this is Henry Stillman.


Today our country shudders in the wake of cataclysmic devastation. Torn by war with a brutal and terrifying enemy, the likes of which we have never seen. This morning, I awoke to the sound of thundering crashes that I thought could only be an earthquake, but as I looked outside I saw their battleships looming over the city. Each one wider than Forbes Field, and each leaving nothing but burning disfigured wreckage in its wake.


Former friends and neighbors, now lie in storm drains, limbs twisted in ways I can't begin to describe. This struggle, for the very survival of mankind... this struggle that has now reached across the shores of our homeland. This struggle, ladies and gentlemen, may now be forever lost

Incidentally, he is called 'Stillman' because in the game he's one of the people who are 'still man', and haven't been converted into the Chimera. Yeah.

Broadcast Yourself



You'd have to have a death wish to go in there.......Sounds like the perfect job for me.


War has changed. It's not about nations, or ideologies. It's not even about profit, resources, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines. War, and its vast consumption of human life, has become a rational, well-oiled business transaction. War has changed.


I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer hired to do some wet-work


You were the lightning in that rain, you can still shine through the darkness


I am lightening. The rain transformed

Broadcast Yourself


BROTHER! ... It's been too long!


The system, is MINE!


Timesplitters: Future Perfect


That was my best pipe you bounders!



What the hell was that?




Ghosts? But how do you see them?


Ghost Goggles


*confused glance at gun*


Ghost Gun!


Half Life 2: Episode 2


Alyx Vance: Dad, Dad please. Dad! Oh my God.


Lylat Wars/ Starfox 64


To add one to those already mentioned:

Use the boost to get through!


You're just like your father


Follow me, FOX!



Tasty, very very tasty!
Edited by dwarf
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From the U.S. versions:


Pro Wrestling (NES)





Legend of Zelda (NES)







Mega Man (NES)






Super Mario RPG (SNES)


Booster, sir! There's a 70% chance that the object you're standing on is a cake!
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The writing talents of Tim Schafer and Dave Grossman deserve a mention I think.


Secret of Monkey Island


Guybrush: That’s the second biggest monkey head I’ve ever seen!


Guybrush: Can you tell me the story about this LeChuck guy?

Pirate: LeChuck? He's the guy that went to the Governor's for dinner and never wanted to leave. He fell for her in a big way, but she told him to drop dead. So he did. Then things really got ugly.


Barkeep: Guybrush? Is that a French name?

Guybrush: No, actually it’s a fictional name.


Pirate: Guybrush Threepwood? That's the most ridiculous name I’ve ever heard!

Guybrush: Well, what's your name?

Pirate: [matter-of-factly] My name is Mancomb Seepgood.


Well . . . you fight like a cow!

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me me me me meeeeeee


i am the great mighty poo

and im going to throw my shit at you

a huge suply of thish

come from my chcolate star fish

how about some scat you little twat


do you realy think u'll servive in here

you dont seem to know which creek your in

sweet corn is the only thing that makes it through my rear

how'd you think i keep this lovely grin(ting)

(have some more caviar)


now im getting rather mad

youre like a nggly tiggly shitty little tag nut

when u knock you out with all my bab

im going to take your head and ram it up my but

(your but)

yes my but

(your but??)

thats right my but


MY BUT!!!!!


(flush noise)

oh you cused squiral look what youve done im flushing im flushing

oh what a world what a world

who'd thought a good little squiral like you could destroy my beautiful claginess

oh im going awwww noooooo arrghhhhhhhhhhh


Good stuff.

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I'm not going to rely on my own memory :P, but I was reminded of the following after some googling:


Deus Ex



Giants citizen Kabuto (a whole cutscene, I hope you don't mind, but you have to watch it all :D. that game was great. I'll have to replay it soon).

For those who don't know Giants, Timmy is the guy tied to the pole in this cutscene. So he's screaming his won name along with the rest



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I may as well add one


Tales of symphonia - Kratos Aurion - GCN


Feel the pain

(Sword slash)

Of those inferior beings

(Sword slash) (Sheath sword)

As you burn IN HELL!!!!!!


Totally badass


Video in spoiler tags, added anime version as it's waaaay cooler (sp)


Kvar: What?... T-To lose to an inferior being...

Kratos : Feel the pain of those inferior beings... as you burn in Hell!



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I just remembered a couple from Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume


Battle Quote: "How dreadful, war's horrors. My shoes will never be the same"


The game has a dark and sombre tone from beginning to end, so this quote stands out as a rare moment of comedy.


A dialogue between two princes:

"You may recall leaving a certain -book- on my bed"

"Ah yes, that -book-. Well, you were coming of age and it seemed appropriate. I assure you the gesture was made in good faith."

"Then you may imagine my horror upon discovering the very same -book- in our shelves, properly tidied and catalogued"

"What? But how?"

"My mother found it"

"By the Gods..."


This dialogue only occurs in a non-canon, self-parodying mode. Still hilarious, especially since they maintain their eloquent vocabulary.

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My favourites are some quotes from God of War 2, being that Kratos is the ultimate badass pretty much everything he says is epic.


"If all on Olympus will deny me my vengeance, then all on Olympus will die! I have lived in the shadow of the gods for long enough. THE TIME OF THE GODS HAS COME TO AN END!"


And the best ever(imo)


"Zeus! Your son has returned! I BRING THE DESTRUCTION OF OLYMPUS!"


Don't watch this video if you plan on playing GoW



Both quotes are in there.


Edit: I can't get youtube videos to show up :(


Edit2: Thanks Ville, much obliged :)

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