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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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That was....something indeed.


I was too two things last night really tired and really drunk. Luckily I sit in a recliner because that's where I fell asleep with my laptop on my lap in an active chatroom and listening to Super Troopers in the background. I woke up at 5:11 and it was extremely hard to focus my eyes to tell what time it was.


I was still buzzing pretty hard and making it to me bed which is practically touching the chair was hard.

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'shove it up my ass you filthy piece of shit'

the quote from school tht has stayed with me most. yes. I iwhs i was.


I love a hatherig of a few people that initally was awkward 9not enoufg peple) being great i the end YES crrtaijs getting ates . wasted. oh no what if they die in thir sleeo sleep. les fun,


lets hope not.


Ugh kitcehn is a mess.


OMG havent heard this song in ages!!! Tori!!!!!!! wtf omg

PRETTY GOOD YEAR yes fuck forgot the name...FLOP TORI GAFAN FAN





what haoond to tori>


Kate is still so vital . Uh. *sigh8

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I'm sad...I have no 151, well no more 151. I took half a 5th to a friends tonight (illegal I think since it's an opne conatainer) and that was the end of that....now I need to replensich my home stock.


I'm at a pretty happe level at the moment, nbbut sooooo tired. I like working sicne it means money and the path to getting the fuck out of my parents hous (yay freedom) but it also means not being able to fuck off and easily drink all night and stay up way to late and what not. I'm tired by like 10:00, I feel like an old person and I shold be readin the paper....

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So I've just walked in the door after my last exam, ever. Still pissed as. Fort. No backspace will be used. Was in the oub for 4pm. Can't remember leaving to chime back to the flat. Sort of remember buying Bucky. Don't rememberr chiming up to thbGU. Remember bits and pieces from in it. Stayed at some ransoms. Now home. Had an argument with my flatmate about something. No idea what. Oh well. Phone long since out of battery. My mates in my bed so I'm on the sofa in a sleep bag. Work in 5 hours. No way I'm driving!

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'shove it up my ass you filthy piece of shit'

the quote from school tht has stayed with me most. yes. I iwhs i was.


I love a hatherig of a few people that initally was awkward 9not enoufg peple) being great i the end YES crrtaijs getting ates . wasted. oh no what if they die in thir sleeo sleep. les fun,


lets hope not.


Ugh kitcehn is a mess.


OMG havent heard this song in ages!!! Tori!!!!!!! wtf omg

PRETTY GOOD YEAR yes fuck forgot the name...FLOP TORI GAFAN FAN





what haoond to tori>


Kate is still so vital . Uh. *sigh8



HAHAHAHAHA :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:

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Was at my grad ball last night. Great night! Went round to my mates room at the hotel for around 5ish to start drinking cos we new the drinks we re going to be incredibly expensive at he bar. turns out i didn't buy a drink all night cos i filled up the hipflash and my mate was buying the sofites softies and just topping up with voddyl.

-danced with ym ex, getting quite lcose

-danced with my gay lecturer and 2 other lectures during the 'disco'

-condfessed mylove for my ex to my mates gf who ive never even met before last night

-edidnt spend a penny

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proper durnk for only the second time since i cagve birth to this theread no backpace me and said long stiuand girlfriend voging theough rough time so bee nice night out with lads etc... had funf now in bed waiting to speak to the girl of myt dreams.

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I went to a bachelor party last night....I wish I had a smart phone so I could post in here when out.


By the time we got to the strip club though I was already ready to just sleep. Alcohol+chronically tired makes me ready to pass out early. Which is kinda what I did.

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'shove it up my ass you filthy piece of shit'

the quote from school tht has stayed with me most. yes. I iwhs i was.

Fuck... no wonder chair Thanks most of your posts after a proposition like that.


I'm turning into a typing wizard after all these drinks. It's fucking unusual. See I even spelt that as inusual but went back to edit. I need another b33r * opens mini fridge next to me* Give me a minute. I mat get so drunk I may not check what I type.



EDIT:... mat, I'm getting there.

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Go away.




Went to world's deadest club after drinks post-art exhibition. The DJ was up for playing our requests, but never played any Nicki Minaj, which i wasked fotr. Cunt.


I all ready to Super Bass up in the m_______this motherfucka.

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