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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Im ust say it's harder to search for this thread when one has to click on the search bar after clicking on search in order to type in "drunkje".


I don't really have much to say. I'm drunk and hIere I am in the drunk thread but I don't really have muchto say other I realy realy have to take a whixx. Whiz. You're all lucky I looked at what I was typing and saw an x there.




I'm such a pessimist. I don't see the good in things. If I ackonowledge them anyway. Eveything has negative consquencses and those are what I look at. Those are what matters, good things don't make a sidfrference to me.


Never confuse an Suastarilan, an Aussie with a Kiwi, yo may ger t c shanked. I've asked two austssies aboiut this and they've both confrimed it......ywho knows if you;ll even understand what I was trying to say.


I'm watching one of my favorite movies right now, 28 daysw later, but I've hardly watched any onf it due to being in chat and drunk. I haven't paid attention atall. I' completely missed a gastioan EXPLODING FF.S


MY GOD I have to pee so bad!

l Well I jeust finished my beeer so I gues it isn't so bad. My last beer that is.

Ergo no more will have to come out wonce I break the seal.


I'm going to bgo do that now I'll be back.




Hey, I'm growing a goatee, n o onfce cares but oh weell. Also, my new favorite chat person just left to go to sleep. It's only 11, and she already left, on the other hand she's still in shchoool so makes sense.


On the hand, I've got nothhhhhhhhhhing.


I accidentally tyhe H key.


I've got shcholl tomorrown night. It sucks , the teacher sucks and doesn't know how to teach. It takes up 5 houars of my night and doesn't learn shit.I odoesn't learn shit I mean.


Errrrrrsoemthing like that.


Why do I braeak up my paragraphs so ofeten, those aren't long enough to be paragraphes yet I hit enter twice an break them away.I bought poke,oin black it's still pokemon. fun buit all the same pokemon. heh heh I typed that while my eyes were closed better tha nI tsuspected.



We;ll I've got nothing more other than I'm seeing double. Whici is odd. Usually I automagiaclly close one eye whe n I start seeing double , now...it's noth happening and I'm just focusing harder. What sorcery is this!? Know what I don't care. Roll with it.


Wow, such a long post.

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Im ust say it's harder to search for this thread when one has to click on the search bar after clicking on search in order to type in "drunkje".


The thread was on the first page, so you didn't need to search :p


Your post has automagiaclly won the best post in 2011 so far award.

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I didn't see it on my firs t page, so I searche, but thanks anyways .


Edit: Sober now, and my god....Really I can hardly understand what I was trying to say and I typed it. Plus there is a whole sentence in there I don't remember (What Sorcery is this?!) did someone else put that in? I wouldn't be surprised because I posted on a different forum and just read that post and coincidentally there is a whole (longer) sentence I can't remember in that post.


My god though, that it some atrocious typing. Especially when I start with I don't have anything to say followed by a page of rambling.

Edited by Nolan
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So it was one of the guys from Franz Ferdinands birthdaty today so they had a live gig in Moniaive's village hall...I just saw Franz Ferdinand for free! in your faces! Plus i gotr boob! I got b00b!! franz ferdinand and bewbs awwwwwww yeah!!!! thrust0 dance0

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why is this not on opage 1?


i talke to a girl,

i went with a girl, she lives on 1 loor own,

i'm at her hallway,

she stares at me

i have no iea whart tos ay or o,

i look somewhere reelse

an shee says, "i see yo at school"


i go home alone, 1 loor up

but o I get on ne, hell yuaeh.

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why is this not on opage 1?


i talke to a girl,

i went with a girl, she lives on 1 loor own,

i'm at her hallway,

she stares at me

i have no iea whart tos ay or o,

i look somewhere reelse

an shee says, "i see yo at school"


i go home alone, 1 loor up

but o I get on ne, hell yuaeh.


Should of totally banged her.

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Best night ever. Spent the night with housemate and his friend from back home. I pulled a married 40 odd year old (I didn't mean to, she just came up and kept stroking my hair and kissing me) and my friend got offered sex by an older woman and her partner (swingers ftw). Going out tomorrow so hopefully can pull someone our own age (or at least within a decade).


But I have a 9 o clock in the morning so I best get to beddy byes.



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Guess who's Drunk drunk drunbk Drunk again gain gain Nolan's drunk tell a friend.


I don't know how the rest of that goes though, so screw lyrics.


U've been drinking Punmking ale tonight, it's not exaclt yhe the season for it, but it's still good nonetheless. It's a Michigan based brewing company and I decided to check theri site out. The nI saw this.




Do watnt. It's so dark. Guinness drazk. Hopefully I can find a store selling Dragons Milk....my god that's a dumb aname I hope I don't have to saaske them to otrder it for me. It looks so tasty, but I don't want to say "Hey., I want some Dragons milk from New Holland Brewing"


In other news chat is dead. Well that's hardly news I suppose, of course I'm not specificallty talking NE chat, by specifically I mean....at all.







I'll see you all tomorrow.



Edit FUCK size 3 is bigger than size , well bigger than normal and 1....oh well.

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