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The Amazing Spider-Man


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Yeah that bit was amazing, I was doing a silent clap in the cinema at that part (nobody else gave any reaction so didn't want to be accused of disturbing the rest of the cinema by being the only one making noise :heh:)


Speaking of stuff like that, there was a couple of times when I laughed and no-one else seemed 2... awkward crowd! haha

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I really hated the


Bit where the kid's father helped out. "Hey guys, I know we've been told to evacuate the city, but fuck it, Spiderman saved my kid dagnammit, and I just happen to be operating a crane in the vicinity and I can order all my mates to risk their lives by sticking around too." It was just waaaaaay too convenient, even for a superhero movie, and was even more eye rolling than the Agent Coleslaw death meaning that all the Avengers, including Hulk decided to be nice to each other and work together after all






Stan Lee cameo



was awesome though :D

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Well I Saw it in 2D last night, very pleasantly surprised with it.


It started off me not really feeling much love for Garfield as Spiderman, I guess just used to it being Maguire, but then he slowly grew on me more and more.


How quickly the suit was fashioned together, but this is the same from the old Spiderman films, Just a case of "I've got this idea, I'll stitch this stuff together then boom I've got a suit that looks like it could never be made from spandex!"




Lizard was a lot better than I thought too. Actually felt like a real menacing villain to New York, where as previous Spiderman villains like Goblin didn't feel like they could or would do much damage to the city.


Just felt alot more serious, the whole film, obviously despite the odd funny one liners.


Really looking forward to the 2nd one...


and with everyone else here -

No Idea who the guy was in the mid credits scene.


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Just back from seeing it. Thought it was pretty damned good. Was a bit unsure about Garfield but definitely seemed to fit the role better than Maguire (although to be fair to Maguire, it's only really in the 3rd film where he's a bit off in character but that may have been more to do with the scripting). Regardless, he was great and definitely made for a more believable Spiderman in his movement.


Similarly, as others have said, Emma Stone was great. Kirsten Dunst never clicked as Mary Jane (or as an actress in general. Not a huge fan of hers) for various reasons but Stone put in a very good performance.


Lizard was handled slightly better than I thought he would be (but there's definitely a look of Super Mario Bros.: The Movie about his design, mainly in the face) but:


They didn't really cover his 'descent', if you will, in to terrorising Manhattan. He felt a bit rushed and underdeveloped and I personally wouldn't have minded some extra time being put into explaining what was happening other than his desire to defeat weakness.



My only real complaint, however, is the music. Not sure how others felt about this (and it's likely no one gave it much attention outside of me) but at times, it definitely felt like the music, at times, didn't fit with what was going on. It tried to be a bit too grandiose in some places and it just felt disjointed. Not movie ruining but I feel they should have looked at the music a bit more before releasing as it just didn't feel right at times.[/moot point]


But yeah, much better than I thought it was going to be. Interested to see what they'll do with the sequel. But there's no way they'll ever be able to do a better Stan Lee cameo than that one. Loved it and just couldn't stop laughing.

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I justed watched the trailer for this on the Nintendo Video App on the 3DS and I found the depth created by the 3D effect in that to be better than what I actually saw in the film at the cinema.... not sure what that says? Was it an issue with the cinema or my glasses (was using an old pair I've had for ages)?

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My only real complaint, however, is the music. Not sure how others felt about this (and it's likely no one gave it much attention outside of me) but at times, it definitely felt like the music, at times, didn't fit with what was going on. It tried to be a bit too grandiose in some places and it just felt disjointed. Not movie ruining but I feel they should have looked at the music a bit more before releasing as it just didn't feel right at times.[/moot point]


Oh my god, yes!


I was seriously disappointed at the music. Danny Elfman's score in the first couple were amazing, and whoever they got (Horner i believe) to do this one was a bit rubbish. Especially the strange horror piano clashing bit when Emma Stone is in the Osbourne lab? What the hell?

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I justed watched the trailer for this on the Nintendo Video App on the 3DS and I found the depth created by the 3D effect in that to be better than what I actually saw in the film at the cinema.... not sure what that says? Was it an issue with the cinema or my glasses (was using an old pair I've had for ages)?


Yeah I thought that too. A couple of times I actually took my glasses off and didn't really notice the difference.


Oh, and that avatar is the most awesome thing ever!

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Oh, and that avatar is the most awesome thing ever!


Cheers, have you not seen the video it is from?


(music vid theme)

(movie trailer theme)


part 3 still in the making (and missed it's target release of June :heh:) but here's a



[/off topic and personal advertisment]

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Really loved this. Felt exactly like a Spider-Man comic. Andy G and Emma Stone were both great. Liked the fact it was Gwen Stacey rather than MJ, and I liked the police vs vigilante thing going on. Also liked how it set up the parents/Kurt Connor thing -- it actually gave him reason to be all nosy and to get bitten by the spider, rather than it just being random. Loved the humour, was loling throughout, even at bits which weren't explicitly supposed to be jokes, just because I love looking at his and Emma Stone's faces.


And I liked how it felt like Spider-Man had to outwit and then use Incapacitate to deal with Lizard, rather than just having 3 damage.


I preferred it to Avengers. Kinda annoying that they can't be in the same continuity. I look forward to the sequel; Spectacular Spider-Man? Astonishing Spider-Man?

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Avenging / Peter Parker, The Spectacular / Sensational / Untold Tales Of / Astonishing / Ultimate / Marvel Knights / Friendly Neighbourhood / Web Of / Deadly Foes Of / Lethal Foes Of / The Many Loves of the Amazing




's Tangled Web / Unlimited / Family / Loves Mary Jane


etc etc.


Many pre and suff to choose from.

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Rhys Ifans on End Credits Character


Ain't It Cool spoke to Rhys Ifans, who plays Dr. Connors in the film, and he said that the mystery character is not Norman Osborn. "A representative from OsCorp appears miraculously in the room," he tells the site. "How he gets in there and how he leaves, we don’t know. Maybe we will find out. But it’s not Norman Osborn. ... But it is someone who is in the employ of Norman Osborn without question."


The site followed up by asking, "[it's] someone we're familiar with, who we don’t know is employed by Osborn?" And Ifans replied, "Yeah."


So if it's not Osborn, then who the heck could it be?




Anyway, I watched this yesterday and really enjoyed it! More than I thought I would given the trailers.




*some minor spoilers*




Firstly the entire cast and acting were suberb, and for me delivered by far the most emotional Spider-Man movie; one where you actually cared for the characters (in such a short ammount of time), especially around the Uncle Ben scenes; when Peter had to go to school the next day *heart-breaker*.

This was an uncle ben, aunt may, gwen, peter that you really invested in much more than any one character from the pervious trilogy (bunch of whiners).


I thought the costume looked great, a definate step up in design from the previous one, and the red and blue colours/lighting in general throughout the movie were lovely.


To me I have two main issues with the film and that was:


1) The pacing... it's difficult because you don't want to dwell on the death of Uncle Ben for too long etc... and go all emo, but I did feel things seemed to move on a little too quickly. A number of events happened throughout the film and then 5-10 minutes later everyone just seemed to be over it and on to the next thing. Everything was dismissed or accepted to easily and quickly. Creating web shooters and especially learning to use them!!! (also kinda true of him perfecting his abilities... although the scenes where he innitial discovers them were really good) Uncle Ben's Death/Taking Revenge/Peter revealing he's Spider-Man to Gwen and telling her he was responsible for Dr Connors (both of which she just takes in her stride) etc...


Also how the Asian guy just dissapeared after the bridge scene... and I didn't think Connor's evolution into a bad guy/motivation was handled very well.


2) The look of The Lizard. Was pretty bad I thought, and almost ran the risk of somewhat ruining the film... however I think the rest of the film being very well done and visually beautiful somehow allowed me to overlook/lesson it, and didn't allow for this... and in the end I didn't mind too much.


I was surprised Sony didn't put some more care and attention into the CGI creatures overall tbh... that was where the weakness lay... The Lizard, the Mutated mouse/rat looked bad, and even the CGI Spider that bites Peter... a pretty huge scene in the context of things, didn't look very good.


The cranes was also a bit of a low.


But there were some truely incredible scenes... The school fight and Peter crawling round Lizard like a Spider... The bridge scene and suspending cars from webs, and then the epic night time web swinging scene towards the end of the film etc... Beautiful!!


I think in trying to distance this reboot from the orignal origins movie a few scenes and lines were missed out/reworked... when maybe it actuality it might have just been worth just repeating them, but on the whole it worked.


Andrew Garfield is a great [emotional] actor, and a great Spider-Man (movements/look/mannerisms).

Looking forward to a sequel now! :D




Oh and just work it out Sony and Marvel would you!... and give the fans what they want and include elements across Spiderman and The Avengers films, including Spiderman himself, Stark/Oscorp tower (Oscorp tower was almost in The Avengers apparently, but they ran out of time with the finished look!), SHIELD, and crossover characters/same actors e.g. Nick Fury, Justin Hammer (for Electro's creation) etc...

Edited by Retro_Link
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Saw this the night before last and really enjoyed it. There were one or two moments when I thought "fuck yes!", particularly:


The part in the school where he stops the Lizard from moving by surrounding him in the web. Just brilliant on so many levels.


The other part, for some reason, was where he was skating and began to use his new strength and powers, hanging on the bars, just jumping around the place. It seemed like a great scene, the way it was shot.



I loved both Garfield and Stone in this. Couldn't have cast anybody better for the roles. Garfield just makes the parts of Parker and Spiderman a bit more enjoyable to watch. Although Emma Stone and Kirsten Dunst play different characters, I found it easier to like Stone's character, in both the way she was portrayed and acted. Dunst always looks like she has been woken up midway through the night with a bucket of piss being thrown over her face. In every single film she's in, she seems this way. Couldn't stand her in the other Spidermans.


There were a few moments in this, especially towards the end, where it seemed to fall a tiny bit flat/ran out of steam.


Thought the final confrontation between Spiderman and Lizard was a bit weak. The parts with the crane workers just felt too cheesy for me, and would've been perfect in the other films, but felt too out of place in this. Seemed too "American Heroooooo" for me.


Didn't like the final words of Gwen's Father either. Again, seemed a bit too corny and out of place in the context of the rest of the film.


I can't decide if I liked the character of the Lizard or not. I did feel sorry for the character, the scene where he's at home and looking at his missing limb in the mirror seemed like a poignant moment. They seemed to "cover" his reason for turning "evil", but in a tickbox kinda way. (Humans are weak, because I am weak, yeah...lets roll with that). I did like many elements of the character, but it felt off in one or two places. Definitely didn't like the close-ups of the Lizard's face, and it might have been wise if they had tried to cut down on the amount of close-ups shown in the film.



I definitely liked more of it than I disliked. In addition to this, I like it a hell of a lot more than the Raimi films. The casting helps, for a start. Will definitely be watching the sequel.

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Just watched it for the second time, in 3D (2D the first time).


Andrew Garfield's chin/jaw is really narrow and it distracts me :(


Loved all of the dodging and evading, and use of web. Liked how Gwen/Peter are younger and look more like the characters they're portraying in that respect. I always hated Kirsten Dunst as MJ, so it wasn't hard for me to like Emma Stone. The Lizard was genuinely scary and gross, which I liked - never felt that with the villains of the previous trilogy. Hated the soundtrack. Dialogue was a bit shallow and all relationships were underdeveloped - it could've been longer, to counteract that?


I dunno, I can't say I love it but it was still entertaining the second time around. HIS CHIN IS REALLY SMALL OR SOMETHING OMFG.

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Watched it last night on IMAX 3D. Maybe I overpaid, I think I would've enjoyed it as much on 2D.


My overall feeling about the film was that I enjoyed it, but it was very unbalanced in several respects. It was also painfully cheesy in places, three standouts, but there were plenty:


1. Cranes

2. Connors speech about a new species in town

3. Football into goalpost


That crane scene. So bad it needs elaboration. I cringed. It was as bad as the American flag scene in Raimi 3. So unbelievable too. A dozen crane operators all knew the same person, all the same distance apart, all happened to be ready to manoeuvre their cranes late at night during an evacuation? Really let down the closing moments. The scene itself was great, the desperate struggle, but the plot was lame.


There were plenty of great things too. Keeping Spidey in highschool, the fact that he almost looks young enough to be there. He was witty, Garfield acted the part great. Many of the dialogue based scenes were wonderfully realistic, Parker asking out Gwen in the hallway and the way she spins around really stuck in my mind. Also it told a great story about heroism and motivations, watching him grow from chasing down his Uncle's killer, to bringing down petty thieves with the same motivation, to saving that kid. There was a clear transformation in the character.


The balance... too long on an origin story which is still fresh in our mind. Not enough insight into the motivations of pre-crazy Connors. (One minute he's crying "no human trials", next it's in his arm! Norman Osborn did the same in Raimi 1, but he had the threat of his company going under as motivation).


Also the webbing. He just like... orders it in? Huh.


It's a weird movie. I came away saying I enjoyed it yet almost everything I had to say about it was "why did they do x? Why didn't they do y?"


I think Dark Knight Rises will promptly push this right out of my mind for the rest of the year come next week.

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It was basically the opposite of Spiderman 1. The first one got the pacing and story right, but Tobes and Wetface were terrible for the roles, while this one had great acting but messed up on the story bit. Also the 'cheese' moment in Raimi ("You take on one of us, you take on aaaaall of us!") was a lot better, and less noticably cheesey than Crane Bit.


If you put the two together somehow, it would have been 'amazing'.

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I can't remember which film it was exactly, but it was something pretty recent where they showed both the Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises trailers back to back. It's sad that we probably won't ever see a Spiderman film that is created, directed, acted and produced as well as Nolan's Batman films.


One thing that Nolan seems to have nailed is the role of the villain. Whilst Rhys Ifans did a decent job, it just isn't up there with what we've seen in the Batman films. It would be great if we had a similar sort of calibre Spiderman film.


Overall, I did enjoy it, but I have to agree with most of what @Shorty says. Particularly the crane scene. It doesn't fit in with the rest of the movie. There were definitely moments of greatness in this, and I enjoyed watching Garfield as Spiderman. With a little more refinement and time, it could have been even better.

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It's the rights issue over the Spiderman franchise that ultimately caused the problems in this film.


If Marvel had the rights, I have no doubt they would treat this franchise with the same regard and respect that Nolan has handled Batman. Actually if Sony's situation with the rights had been more stable then they might have done the same.


As it was, Sony's ownership was running out, and therefore they rushed this film into production; which no doubt caused the story/pacing issues this film has, as well as the somewhat dodgy character design and CGI of the Lizard and other CGI characters in the film. The film would probably have had a bigger/better structured budget as well.


Just such a shame this situation exists.

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Does the fact that they've made the film still mean the rights run out, or do they get an extension now they've used them?


I don't know the specifics of the film right contracts for such things but I think it is something like.


A studio has from the time a film is released to start production on a new film in a set number years (lets say 4 years), if production doesn't start before that 4 year period ends they lose the rights.


I'm not sure if they also have to finish the film and release it inside that time frame or if say they started production the day before the 4 years was up if they then get another 2 years or something to finish and release the film at which point they get to keep hold of the rights for another 4 years to try start making another film.


Or, to put it another way, is Spidey going to be in the motherfucking Avengers or what?!


Not likely unfortunately.


Sony already have plans for a sequel to The Amazing Spiderman, I think they've even already set a target release date. All they have to do is start production on it and they have teh Spidey rights locked down for whatever number of years they can lock it down for.


So the only way to get Spidey in the Avengers is if Sony allow it too happen. And they way they would view it is giving their "property" to a rival company to make money off of.


You could say "sure what if Marvel pay Sony a fee to have Spiderman appear in Avengers 2" they could try and most would think Sony be silly to refuse money, but I remember reading Marvel had tried to get Fox to allow them have Hugh Jackman make a cameo as Wolverine in teh Captain America film but Fox said No :(



Think of it like Banjo Kazooie, Banjos first and second games were on the N64, Nintendo have since sold Rare to MS and Rare took with them the Banjo rights. It would be nice (awesome) to have Banjo appear in a Smash Bros. game but that just ain't gonna happen. :(



Even if Sony did come to an agreement with Marvel/Disney I'd imagine it could cause some continuity issues/headaches as they'd be essentially placing the new Spiderman films into the same Universe as the Avengers films.... so how do you explain The Amazing Spiderman not having Nick Fury or someone from SHEILD appear in it with all that went on....when did it happen reletive to The Avengers film? Do you place it afterwards?

Then why no mention of the events of what happened in the Avengers? Do you place it before The Avengers? Then your left wondering again why no Nick Fury recruiting Spiderman for the first Avengers film.



As much as I'd like to find out who that was in the mid credits scene and see where they plan to bring this Spiderman, I prefer if Sony frakked up and missed the deadline somehow so that the rights would revert to Marvel.


They could then reboot it (sigh, again) but maybe skip the origin story this time :heh:

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SO. I saw this today. In 3D(though it didn't seem to use it too much, kinda good in my books but not in my wallet) and I think....


It was rather good. I'll maybe write something more detailed tomorrow, but if I had this 10 years ago rather than the Tobey Maguire one, I think I'd have been really rather impressed! More so than I was with that, possibly. I think this has had the criticisms it's had because it's been compared to that series(or the first two at least), and I think that's not particularly fair.


So, for the first hour yes, it's essentially re-setting the scene and telling the all too familiar story. It departed a lot from the original however, which I understand was truer to the comics, but tbh I felt this was actually better. Uncle Ben's death was so casual that I felt it hit better, a little more modern. They've done a lot of interesting re-work with the familiar origin story and I liked it. I felt it was mildly grittier/darker/possibly realistic than the original, loved Spidey's quips, his original intentions upon becoming Spiderman, and I felt this had less of a comic-booky style than the original, which had this weird fairy-tale edge for me now I compare the two. It did have a proper cheesy scene or two though, which let it down.


Going for Gwen over MJ is also a plus, and Garfield and Stone's on-screen chemistry was fantastic, their characterisation really worked well together. Having George Stacy in it too is also a nice departure from the familiar. Given criticisms of Lizard's character design, whilst he did at points quite remind me of a Goomba, I actually felt it was rather nice at first. It seemed a bit more realistic given the circumstances, and I also appreciated having a different villain! Working in Peter's parents was a nice touch given it wasn't overplayed. It could be criticised for lacking in action until the latter parts, and then still being a bit sparce on action, and I actually felt it went a bit downhill in the mid/end section. I liked the wrapup though. I loved the suit, and enjoyed the action scenes moreso than than the original Maguire ones(which I felt were too obviously CGI'd, but that might be tech limitations) as it felt a bit more realistic in places. Not sure if they used awesome CGI or live-action, but it did look quite live-action on the ground a lot. All in all, thought it was banging, and Garfield made a brilliant Spidey.

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3. Football into goalpost


I actually facepalmed in the cinema when that happened. Felt like something you'd expect to see in the Maguire Spiderman films and felt so out of place here. If he just threw the ball and it went really far that would have worked. Here he damanges a bloody goalpost and nobody on teh pitch or from teh school questions it :mad:

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