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Scott Pilgrim


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Read the first book today. It's ok. Prefer the film though. Then again, I probably prefer the film to most things at the minute.


God, I wish I was watching it right now.


Pure win (no spoilers that I can see):


Edited by Goafer
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Fixed. I think I posted it a few pages back anyway. I just really like the video (despite the original song being better. It doesn't have as many pretty images though).


Edit: I posted the original a few pages back. It's a better song, but the video is better for the one above.

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This might have been posted, the soundtrack is up on Spotify.


I loved it. The second half lagged a bit and it could have done with a little breathing space.


I've been listening to the soundtrack on Spotify all week. It's awesome.


I also thought the second half dragged a bit, but that might be because the first half was so awesome. It's hard to keep that sort of thing going.


My favourite fight:


The fight with Todd.

I loved it. The scene where he stands up with Scott floating was really well done. Plus him knocking the highlights out of Knives hair was rad and unexpected. His response was equally as rad.


I also loved the bit where he's just knocked Scott through the walls and he's floating in the hole, then just appears through the door next to the holes. Genius.


"Talk to the cleaning lady on Monday. Because you'll be dust by Monday. Because you'll be pulverized in two seconds. The cleaning lady? She cleans up... dust. She dusts."

"Yeah but what's happening Monday?"


Plus, Envy is just plain hot. Hell, all the girls are.








On a side note, is it wrong that I found the drummer (Kim) attractive?

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I am reading the books first


they are awesome.


Correct, sir. You are correct.


I think I actually enjoyed the books a little more than the film. Obviously they couldn't fit everything into the film in time but I thought missing out the Envy backstory made her a lot less important than she should be. She hangs over the entire story!


Also I was waiting for the band to 'be recording right now' but it just didn't happen which was a shame.


Finally, when I read the books I thought Kim was pretty, tall-ish and only a moody bitch because of Scott. In the film she was not massively attractive (although I understand some people may disagree), short and a bit weird/creepy. The part where he goes 'me and kim are totally fine now' and then it cuts to her giving scary evils... that isn't the Kim I read. But hey, again limited by time and what they could put in.


Either way, I'm going to go read the books again now :)

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I personally thought Kim was brilliant in the movie and her tough facade is completely shattered in one incredibly well acted scene when you realise exactly what's going on with her. That little look she gives after Scott and Ramona walk past her at the part is so powerful. I'm pining for more Pine in the deleted scenes.


Stills was also hilarious, too. Young Neil also. I don't think there were any characters in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World I didn't like, whereas in the books I didn't really like anyone.

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Correct, sir. You are correct.


I think I actually enjoyed the books a little more than the film. Obviously they couldn't fit everything into the film in time but I thought missing out the Envy backstory made her a lot less important than she should be. She hangs over the entire story!


Also I was waiting for the band to 'be recording right now' but it just didn't happen which was a shame.


Finally, when I read the books I thought Kim was pretty, tall-ish and only a moody bitch because of Scott. In the film she was not massively attractive (although I understand some people may disagree), short and a bit weird/creepy. The part where he goes 'me and kim are totally fine now' and then it cuts to her giving scary evils... that isn't the Kim I read. But hey, again limited by time and what they could put in.


Either way, I'm going to go read the books again now :)


This. I concur. To be honest I never got that much of a sense of her general character in the books, so they kind of improved her in the film, I thought.


Anyhoo, just got back from seeing it, it was awesome, ectect, so many brilliant touches and cheeky audio bits and bobs... awesome. As everyone else has said, needed more space to breathe, and the comics are well worth checking out..


Very weird audience when I saw it. Pretty busy screening, unexpected, and a bunch of chavvy people, very unexpected. Everyone on the row behind us seemed out of it on something, cracking up very loudly at everything. I mean, it's a consistantly funny film but still..


Aaahhh, I never see films early, always end up just repeating whatever everyone else says on this forum ::shrug:

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This is the first film in... probably years that I have been so incredibly hyped for I had to go and see it on the first day. I just can't remember the last time I was this excited about a film. It was brilliant.


Just finished the first book for the second time. Although I loved the film, I think a different actor as Scott would have made it better. Not sure why, and I'm not saying Cera was bad (far from it) but when I read the comics he looks nothing like Cera. Although he did get the character spot on, apart from the very slightly whiney tone that Cera always has.

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Haha, with my birthday coming up next month I gave the wife an not-so-subtle hint to get me some volumes of the comic of this for me. I actually took her to the book store, found where they put the Scott Pilgrim books (oddly in the kids/teen section...not with the Manga...though that is nearly non-exsitant now anyway) and said get me these. haha.

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I saw this film yesterday and wow. it's actually become my favourite film.


so much about it made me laugh.


"What do you play?"


"Zelda, Tetris, thats kinda a hard question"



awesome film. Will definatly be picking the books up.

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I saw this film yesterday and wow. it's actually become my favourite film.


so much about it made me laugh.


"What do you play?"


"Zelda, Tetris, thats kinda a hard question"



awesome film. Will definatly be picking the books up.

I wholeheartedly agree.


However, in the cinema, I don't think it was well received. At almost all points it was just me, my friends, and some dudes in the back laughing. Bit of a shame as it was awesome, but mostly obviously aimed at people like us.


Zelda music in the soundtrack = WIN!

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Yeah, let's be honest, the films target audience was basically us. Don't think it'll do too well in the cinemas, but judging by this thread it's succeeded in some circles...


As I've seen someone else point out, Fight Club didn't so great in theaters either yet it did great anyways.

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This film is awesome on so many levels. I went with my girlfriend (not a gamer), her best friend (casual gamer), my sister (semi-gamer) and her boyfriend (plays a few games) and we all loved it, but I felt like I was able to relate to it on so many more levels because of the sound effects and music used that had me absorbed the whole way through. I finished reading the books 6 hours before seeing the films and loved picking out discrepancies to myself. The bit where you hear the guy say - quietly - "yeah but the comic series is much better than the film" in the final scene was a stroke of genius. They knew exactly the type of humour people who go see this film relate to.


Anyway, I'll post more on this later as I have to get ready for work now, but yeah. I absolutely loved it. One of my favourite films, no doubt.

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This film is awesome on so many levels. I went with my girlfriend (not a gamer), her best friend (casual gamer), my sister (semi-gamer) and her boyfriend (plays a few games) and we all loved it, but I felt like I was able to relate to it on so many more levels because of the sound effects and music used that had me absorbed the whole way through. I finished reading the books 6 hours before seeing the films and loved picking out discrepancies to myself. The bit where you hear the guy say - quietly - "yeah but the comic series is much better than the film" in the final scene was a stroke of genius. They knew exactly the type of humour people who go see this film relate to.


Anyway, I'll post more on this later as I have to get ready for work now, but yeah. I absolutely loved it. One of my favourite films, no doubt.




exactly the same, i saw it with my girlfriend and her sister, who are not really gamers at all (they play pokemon, timesplitters, Wii... but that'll be about it)


so anything nerd related that got me excited i sorta poked Heather and explained what it was heh.


The Zelda sound bits were awesome. I think my girlfriend got annoyed with me as i was distracting her alot by explaining what games the film were based on when something relevant happened.

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I've been to watch it twice with two different sets of people and everyone loved it, which really surprised me since only one of them was an actual gamer. The first time was quite awkward (but still awesome) though, because there were about seven other people in the cinema and non of them were laughing (apart from me and my mate) so we had to suppress all our laughter until we drove home.


That was part of the reason I had to see it a second time, this time vowing to not give a shit about what everyone else might think. Thankfully there were two awesome middle aged dudes behind us this time who for some reason found it hilarious, so social pressure to not look a tosser receded.


I was still the only one laughing at "listen, kung pao chicken" though. I'm probably just a bad person.

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