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Righty I've awakend the 6 sages, (did the Spirit Temple last) and just went in and did 4 of the 6 barriers in Gannons Castle (Fire and Light left) and got the Gold Gauntlets.


Got the Defense power up from the Great Fairy outside.


I have 19 hearts and 1 piece, 3 pieces left... which is the most I was ever able to get on the N64 or on Master Quest on the Gamecube bonus disc with Wind Waker... so no idea where to start looking for those 3 that have eluded me for 13 years :heh:


Got 93 gold skulltulas, I was able to get 100 before, so will prolly go looking for those last 7 now before finishing off Gannondorf... least with those I can see which areas the missing ones are on the map, and I know none are in any dungeon or mini-dungeon as I made sure to clear all those, wish they had something like that for the heart pieces.

  Link83 said:
Hmm, I am not seeing any image at the top :confused: Any chance somebody could post a link? (If using firefox just right click on the offer image/banner, click 'copy link location' and then right click and paste the link)

Anybody? I still havent received an email and cant seeing any banner, and there is less than 6 hours left till its over :sad:

  killthenet said:
The Peeps, you might want to double check. When I registered my copy I received an email from Nintendo confirming that I had requested the soundtrack CD.


The e-mail read:


"Thank you for registering The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D for Nintendo 3DS!

Your free The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Original Soundtrack CD will be shipped to the following address...


Please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery"




Yeah I got that e-mail a while back, just assumed another one was being sent out for people who had their registration mess up or whatever :p


Ok I've now got all 100 Gold Skulltulas, was annoying looking for them as 4 of the ones I was missing were as a child and it took me ages to think of going back to look :heh:


2 were real simple ones too, can't believe I missed them (obviously just didn't look during night I guess)


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  Link83 said:
Thanks but unfortunately I think that link is just the standard login page? Also I have tried logging in and out a number of times and still no sign of a banner :weep:


keep trying, i found it eventually i logged in on the home page then in and out

then did the same from the club nintendo page


it was after this link



i think i re logged in and it was there

can't access it now get a page not found page when i try to open what i think

  Mokong X-C said:
Ok I've now got all 100 Gold Skulltulas, was annoying looking for them as 4 of the ones I was missing were as a child and it took me ages to think of going back to look :heh:


2 were real simple ones too, can't believe I missed them (obviously just didn't look during night I guess)


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  Agent Gibbs said:
keep trying, i found it eventually i logged in on the home page then in and out

then did the same from the club nintendo page


it was after this link



i think i re logged in and it was there

can't access it now get a page not found page when i try to open what i think

Thanks, I kept trying but the banner never appeared, and the offer has now finished :sad:


I have sent Nintendo an email and I just hope they can sort it out.

  Link83 said:
Thanks, I kept trying but the banner never appeared, and the offer has now finished :sad:


I have sent Nintendo an email and I just hope they can sort it out.


Did you try to claim the soundtrack when the game was released, only those who got errors could see the link?


My playing update! Just finished the water temple.


Not as hard as i remember it but i am not sure as to what they have changed in this version!?


Dark Link was a bit of a bitch though! I beat him with only half a heart left! And that was including using a fairy to bring me back to life...


I found Dark Link a lot easier than when I first played it for some reason. All I had to do was keep hammering B when he wasn't too close to me but I'm sure that didn't work in the N64 version.


The water temple was easier in the fact that when you first raise the water level, the camera specifically showed you down the gap beneath the floating platform that had appeared... I think that was new?


I only got stuck briefly once this time... and that was forgetting I could hookshot myself out of the water, to get up from an edge slightly too high to climb out.


I though Dark Link was much more attacking this time? Before I thought hr pretty much mirrored you... but this time after a couple of hits he went spam CRAZY on me for a while!!

I also didn't remember him doing the move where he stands on your outstretched sword!?... or atleast as much as he did.


Did Dark Link start of quite transparent and get much darker after a while, for anyone else?

  Ike said:
Did you try to claim the soundtrack when the game was released, only those who got errors could see the link?

Yes, but it came up with an error screen with Waluigi on it.


I'd forgotten you have to carry the princess around in Jabu Jabu's belly.


She is so annoying, I've tried killing her in several different ways, I eventually left her in the middle of the room with water rising up and she drowned.


She is a water creature who can swim underwater and she drowned and yet electrical Jelly fish can't harm her. :p




And that's it the land of Hyrule is safe once more all thanks to a hero named Mokong Link :D


And I did it with 100% items too, haha. Found the last 3 heart pieces which were oddly 3 pieces that I did get before on the N64 but forgot this time round, which means I actually found 3 pieces I've never found before without even realising it :heh:


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  Mokong X-C said:
Though was that always mirrored? I don't remember when playing it on the bonus disc with Wind Waker it being mirrored at all?

No, that's an extra bonus this time around.


I also think they've made it a bit harder overall.

  mr-paul said:
I don't remember ever having a problem defeating Dark Link in the original. I think I just used the megaton hammer.

How? It's slow as fuck I couldn't land a single hit that did any damage using the hammer. I need to know the secret.


Dark Link didn't even hit me once when I fought him, can't remember what I did exactly but it was something like slash - he backflips - then I jump attack and hit him, rinse and repeat. Didn't need to block once :heh:


Right, there's some sort of conspiracy going on and I know all you lot and all the videos I've seen on YouTube are all in on it too, so you might as well admit it. I've kept quiet about this for 13 years and now it's finally time to speak up about it.


The sinking lure does not exist. It is merely a clever ploy to get me to fuck around in the fishing pond for hours on end. It is not in the lilypads, the stream, the log or around the edges or anywhere else that I've read about. It did not exist in the N64 version and it sure as shit doesn't exist now. It is nowhere to be found.


Come on, admit that I've been lied to all these years.

Translation: I am shit and cannot find it to save my life even after hours of looking in both versions so please help me!!!

Posted (edited)
How? It's slow as fuck I couldn't land a single hit that did any damage using the hammer. I need to know the secret.

I think you need to slash (left/right and attack) rather than swing. But that was in the N64 version, haven't gotten that far on the 3DS version so they might have changed it.



I've not played it much but first impressions:


  • Looks amazing
  • Glad they've sped up some slow animations
  • Items on touch screen ftw
  • Aiming with 3DS is cool, but I tend to tilt it left automatically instead of turning so I lose the 3D
  • 3D hurts my eyes on max settings after a bit
  • God it looks good
  • I love this game
  • I do wish they hadn't lightened Gohma's cavern. Part of the point of that room was to wander in and not know where the boss is.

Edited by Shorty
How? It's slow as fuck I couldn't land a single hit that did any damage using the hammer. I need to know the secret.


I tried the hammer, I think they've "fixed" that tactic.

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