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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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Okay, correct me if I'm wrong but did I, in this world of beautifully 3D crafted boobs, AGAIN see those piramides on a fairy goddess?
Yep! She's a little smoother, but they are still the same old paramids! There are too many angles in general.


When you look at the comparison screenshots, you can see that they've taken exactly the same base design and done nothing more than apply newer textures to it, and in some cases, not even particularly good ones.

There's no reason for the cobwebs in the deku tree to still be semi-circular 'walls' for example.

And the walls, ceiling and floor with Dodongo still don't blend, look overly complicated and somewhat stretched.


It's just when you see the likes of Resident Evil/Paper Mario, I can't help but feel if this is the best they can do with it, I'd rather they save it for a future console!

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It does seem the game has a long way to go to look like Starfox 64 3d but the Sheik scene looks alot better than the other parts.


New vs Old




Poor gameplay.


Nintendo-Live Hands-on


Considered by many players as the best game of all times, The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina Of Time was originally released in 1998 on Nintendo 64.

This 3D version will be launched in spring 2011 on Nintendo 3DS, will this remake be worthy of its reputation ?



The demo presented at Nintendo World 2011 proposes 3 stages, I played all of it :

Kokiri Village

Mojo Tree

First Boss



First image : Link in Kokiri Village in front of his house, with some fireflies around.

First impression : "Whoah !!", the graphics has been significantly improved, but the original atmosphere is still there, and the 3D realization is high quality, really deep and beautiful, I felt that 3D gave a better perception of the situation.


Comparaison with the Original Game

Some details had been redesigned, like the herb where you can get some rubies in the Kokiri village or inside Link's house.

Animations have also been improved from the original game, for example when the Kokiri that don't let you go to Mojo Tree gets out of your way, he shows an exaggerated walking style so that the situation is quite more funny, or when the Mojo tree Boss is disintegrating after you beat it, the body progressively falls during the disintegration.

Those improvements are cool if you know the original game like your pocket because it makes you feel like rediscovering.

Another modification is the menu, it still works the same way but the appearance is modified. You can access the Quest, Map and Item screens on the touch screen, this will pause the game. Those menu screens have been reorganized and redesigned (except the map inside Mojo Tree), the result is pretty good.

Those are the only differences I saw compared with the Nintendo 64 game : no sound differences (except menu screen transition sound) and no added or modified stuff so far.


Touch Screen and Gameplay

The touch screen use is not only to access the menu, but also to see the map, see the X and Y items, use up to 4 items (including the X and Y ones) and launch first person view. When the view is in first person mode, you can move the 3DS in the air to look around, this is also true for weapons first person view ! But you can still use the stick, the gameplay is improved !

Unless the item and first person view use, the controls are very instinctive if you played the original game, because exactly the same, I felt like native Zelda gamer.



The Nintendo World public choose Zelda, with up to 150 minutes waiting to play 8 minutes, and the public was right !

I believe this demo was the final version, I've been very impressed by the exceptional quality of the 3D, playing in such a little screen disturbed me at the very beginning compared to a TV, but I can ensure that it is worthy ! I really had pleasure playing the demo, and look forward to the release !

Edited by Dante
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^ The 'Mojo Tree'? wow the French version of the Deku Tree sounds retarded...


Surely it would have been better to keep the name 'Deku' in all versions being that it refers to something that exists within the game, does that mean that in the French version you have such things as 'Mojo Sticks' and 'Mojo Scrubs' oh and lets not forget 'Mojo Nuts' :p plus your faithful 'Mojo Shield' ... I'm surprised that such a translation that makes stuff in the game sound worse actually exists. :blank:


I could be missing something here but... Deku > Mojo so... ::shrug:

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I hope that there's no "folding castle" scene at the end this time. They really should re-do all of that scene - the sound, too.


I definitely agree with this, it certainly served its purpose but even at the time it all felt like a bit of an underwhelming moment like 'really... is that how a castle collapses?' I mean it was semi-convincing at the time I suppose when you were caught up in the moment and the epic battle that would ensue afterwards but now... no way would that hold up.

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The bottom screen has an "eye" icon which can be used to switch the game into a viewing mode for getting a look at Link's surroundings. You can control the camera in this mode the old fashioned way with the analogue stick, or you can make use of a new feature for the 3DS version: gyro support.


When in viewing mode, you can directly control the view by moving the system up, down and around. This basically means turning your body around just like Link would. Yes, playing like this will draw stares on the train, but I found the gyro-based controls intuitive and preferred using it in place of the traditional analogue controls.

Might just be because I've got Pokémon on the mind, but I can't help but think of Pokémon Snap when these controls were mentioned...




What with the 3DS having camera capabilities, It just seems like a natural fit! Maybe you could even upload the pictures you take in-game to your 3DS' album, like you could upload them to the Wii Message Board for the Virtual Console version.


...Oh, right, Zelda! Looks good and stuff. Yeah. =P

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^ The 'Mojo Tree'? wow the French version of the Deku Tree sounds retarded...


Surely it would have been better to keep the name 'Deku' in all versions being that it refers to something that exists within the game, does that mean that in the French version you have such things as 'Mojo Sticks' and 'Mojo Scrubs' oh and lets not forget 'Mojo Nuts' :p plus your faithful 'Mojo Shield' ... I'm surprised that such a translation that makes stuff in the game sound worse actually exists. :blank:


I could be missing something here but... Deku > Mojo so... ::shrug:


Ever occurred to you that "Deku" might sound ridiculous in French?

Count Dooku (a Star Wars characters) is one of the most ridiculous names ever in Portuguese (roughly translating as AssCount), for example. Certainly, there must've been something similar in French. Kakariko to Cocorico was probably changed for the same reason (I'm not that fluent in French, mind you, but Kakariko does not sound right in a French accent)


Anyway, somebody should tell that French guy that Mido walked funny in the original, too, with his legs consistently opened.

Still, glad to know the game feels familiar.

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Dooku sounds "do cu" which is sometimes pronounced like "du cu" and means "from the asshole" [in Brazil].


Deku then is "de cu" which means "of the asshole".


In Brazil everyone plays the games in English [because they have to] and laugh at these little things.

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Dooku sounds "do cu" which is sometimes pronounced like "du cu" and means "from the asshole" [in Brazil].


Deku then is "de cu" which means "of the asshole".


In Brazil everyone plays the games in English [because they have to] and laugh at these little things.


Oh yeah, "Cu" is even more explicit in Brazil ("Asshole") than in Portugal (Where it's just the "Ass/Arse")


I've always pronounced it "Déku". But without the accent, "Ãrvore Deku" is exactly that, "Tree of Ass" :grin: "Pau Deku" would be even worse :heh:

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Yeah I have to agree, it's part of what gave OOT it's atmosphere and charm.


Tbh I'm somewhat unsure about whether I want to play this remake or not. For the same reason I didn't like Super Mario 64 DS, I don't particularly like my nostalgia messed with... unless the upgrade is a vastly significant one, such as with Goldeneye 64/Wii.


As they did with Mario 64 and appear to be doing with this, simply updating the textures and character models to what they deem to be more realistic ones, doesn't quite sit right with me. Everything doesn't look quite right somehow.


Really? Did you neglect to notice the 30 new stars and 3 new playable characters, some slight different mechanics with them etc? I though what they did with SM64DS was the BEST way to do a remake, remake and update, add something new, not just port the old.



As for the lighting complaints, well, for one a console displays on an external display, so sometimes that's adjustable, the DS is its very own screen. I also find most press shots tend to look more vibrant than they do on an actual console. Having said that, I actually quite like this vibrance! I understand the murky atmosphere was quite a big thing(played some of master quest just tuesday, so i do rather know the feel), but I think if I did invest in a 3DS, I'd invest in this also, depending on the price point.

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As much as I love Ocarina of Time, it still bugs me that somebody will rather play this instead of a fresh new game for the 3DS.


Wouldn't it have been amazing to have a completely new Zelda for the 3DS? Right at the start of its lifespan?


Nah, would rather have OoT. Just can't beat a homeconsole Zelda (despite irony of this is that it's on a handheld)


But yeah, too soon. I want more OoT /bias


Also, i'm never normally hyped for the portable Zelda titles.

Edited by ShadowV7
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As much as I love Ocarina of Time, it still bugs me that somebody will rather play this instead of a fresh new game for the 3DS.


Wouldn't it have been amazing to have a completely new Zelda for the 3DS? Right at the start of its lifespan?


Yes if Nintendo managed to go back in time 3 years and spend all that time developing one from scratch.


OOT will do fine for now.

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