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Starfox 64 3D


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I keep thinking how awesome this looks and THEN realising that it's also going to be 3D. Space will just look incredible on rails.

Also...Andross' face jutting out of the screen would be freak-tastic.


I wonder if the multiplayer will return in some format. Online, extended? It was OK back in the day yet could be so much more with more levels and huge cityscapes to blast through.

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I really can't wait for this. Still enjoy playing it on the N64 and this being portable and 3D will be epic. My dad was a really big fan of Lylatwars in the N64 days and played it a fair bit, so much so he'd play it during his lunch breaks. I still remember him fighting Andross, Aqua level and the second asteroid mission. Then him escaping from the real Andross for the first time. Good times. He's gonna love this too.


Gimmie this and OOT and just, well... I don't need to say anymore than that...

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When I see classic N64 games being remade and re-released it always reminds me of the excellent software the system had. It's also a stark reminder of the fragmentation that successful N64 developers have since had. Acclaim and Rare's N64 output would be stellar on the 3DS.

I half expected the DS to become a playground for N64 remakes after Mario 64DS was released. Unfortunately it wasn't to be.


Now with the added horsepower of the 3DS I can once again dream. A new Waverace would be good here as racing games seem to work well in 3D. And with OoT surely a Majoras Mask may appear. Although - tbf - it is probably the least accessible mainstream Zelda game out there.


Back on topic: Any reason this can't be subtitled 'Lylat Wars' in PAL teritories. I'd love that personally.

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:confused: What would they call it if not starfox 64 or lylat wars?


Probably starfox 3d :)


I don't see them reminding us that it was an n64 title. chances are it'll have very different features and look very different by the time it's done. More of an update if you will, just like starfox 64 was an update to starwing.

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Probably starfox 3d :)


I don't see them reminding us that it was an n64 title. chances are it'll have very different features and look very different by the time it's done. More of an update if you will, just like starfox 64 was an update to starwing.

There's a good chance they will keep 64 in the title, because that way people will know exactly what they're buying. I'd imagine there would be quite a few annoyed customers if they think they've bought a new game in the series titles Starfox 3D only to find it's a port of a game they've already played.


Same reason why Super Mario 64 DS kept it's 64 name.

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There's a good chance they will keep 64 in the title, because that way people will know exactly what they're buying. I'd imagine there would be quite a few annoyed customers if they think they've bought a new game in the series titles Starfox 3D only to find it's a port of a game they've already played.


Same reason why Super Mario 64 DS kept it's 64 name.

Most ports do this though.. Metal gear solid:twin snakes? I mean how was the uninformed meant to know it was a port of the first?


Thing is though starfox games haven't exactly changed in plot or anything, so this will FEEL like a a brand new game.. Plus it was called lylat wars over here, and I highly doubt they'll keep THAT name..


Starfox doesn't exactly have a MASSIVE fanbase. If I was nintendo i'd use this oppertunity to get new players in.

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  • 2 months later...
How can this not be a launch title? It isn't like they're creating a brand new game here.


Wrote about the same thing in the OoT 3D thread, but here we go again: They're not designing the game from the beginning, but they will have to completely reprogram it. Decade-old code will hardly run on the 3DS. Don't know about the 3d models, but the textures will all have to be replaced with higher resolution ones (possibly added normal mapping and other fancy stuff?). It's less than a year since they first revealed the game at E3, so it might not be finished at the moment.


On the other hand they announced that there would be a section in their download store for "classical games in 3d". Both Starfox 3D and OoT 3D fit perfectly into that, if you ask me. As we haven't heard much about the online system and the store, they might be even holding the game back if it is finished by now. That's pure speculation though.


I don't know about the popularity of Starfox in Japan, but I know that Nintendogs and Layton are huge over there. I doubt an N64 remake would benefit from launching alongside those games...

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The Landmaster Boss fight looks like it's from a higher quality build than the other footage. That part looks really great, where as the other footage, whilst still nice, could do with more work.


Why are the light spirals from those ships on the meteor level, angular and not curved for example?

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  • 3 months later...

My want for this game is equal to Ocarina of Time. I've wanted a portable version for years, so to finally receive this is truly awesome. With such a short single-player, it's a perfect journey game. I wonder what kind of extra stuff Nintendo will shoehorn into this release... Unlockable 3D Starwing? The unreleased-but-available-for-those-with-Google Starwing 2? Yes please.

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No real interest in this one. I played it to death back in the day and recently enough....


Yep, I agree. Same thing as with Ocarina of Time: I've already played these games through and through, 100% complete! :o No interest / point in doing that again...so come on Nintendo, why don't you make some totally new games instead! 3ds, Wii, whatever...just give us a proper sequel to Lylat Wars!

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so come on Nintendo, why don't you make some totally new games instead! 3ds, Wii, whatever...


What do you think they're doing? Twiddling their thumbs all day? We know now, that at least the OoT remake is outsourced, which means it's likely the same case here. So their top teams aren't occupied with doing remakes of N64 games.


The Galaxy team is developing a 3D Super Mario for the 3DS, they have a new Paper Mario in the pipeline, they're doing the new obligatory Mario Kart and the same Animal Crossing (over and over again). We have no information on what Retro Studios are doing (they said, they weren't going to make a DKR trilogy), having finished Xenoblade, Monolith should be working on something, too and that's only what I can think of off top of my head. It's just all going to take time.

Edited by Burny
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