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[E3 2010] New Design Xbox 360 - 16th July - £200


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Be sure to write down your serial number so you can sort out the license transfer.


Also, locked game (like Fable 2 and Mass Effect 2) saves can't be copied, but they can be moved (so it'll remove it from the HDD when you put it on the stick).




Oh, and it's completely impossible for the new model to get the RROD error...




...they've removed the red lights.

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Ah, cool. And is there a format 360 thing so I don't leave any details on my 360?

Yeah, go to Memory Settings, and hover over the drive and press Y. It'll ask you for your console serial code, enter it and hit A and it'll go ahead and format it. I've done it countless times now at HMV/Game :heh:


Aren't some saves locked? I still haven't completed Mass Effect 2.

I havn't heard of this being the case, but I think if you use "Move" instead of "Copy" it'll be fine.


Definitely trading in my 20 GB 360. Is there any way to transfer my stuff though? I only have an 8 GB USB stick. Reckon that's alright?

I plan on using a transfer kit, alternatively you could store it online using Microsoft's Airdrive or whatever it is. Get the data on a USB stick, upload to the net, rinse and repeat til your hard drive is copied. Then just copy it right back!


I wonder if I can get anything for the Wi-Fi adapter too...


If you're looking for a decent amount for it, sell it nooow. Or at the very least before the new Xbox comes out. If I remember I'll find out how much you can trade it in for at GAME tomorrow. : peace:

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Awesome - how did you get this info before me?! I've been waiting for it :heh:


I'd get £60 off by trading in my current 360? Hmm.. tempting.


Secretly I never left... :heh:



I wonder if I can get anything for the Wi-Fi adapter too...


Yeah although only expect £10-15 tops.

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Great - hope to see you on XBL soon then! :D


Fingers crossed, on the 16th of next month!


Yeah although only expect £10-15 tops.


Pretty much what I was expecting. It's useless otherwise so I might as well.

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I wonder if I can get anything for the Wi-Fi adapter too...


Over here Gamestop has the adaptors listed as $40 and $50 (g/b and N respectively).


Which is as much as a 120GB HDD ($40).


I can get the slim down to 135-165(depending on if I swipe a 20GB HDD from a mostly broken 360 that isn't mine). Still a little steep, and the deal only goes into the second week of July. I'm not willing to pay quite that much just to get built-in wireless (my laptop handles it fine) and a quieter system.

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I would but I'm so stunningly lazy I'd rather just trade it in with the 360. If you're going to the KNEE meet and I end up coming that'd be easiest. Although, I'm gonna haggle and say £15? :heh:



...since I feel utterly ripped off by Microsoft for their RRP. :nono:

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Oh, and it's completely impossible for the new model to get the RROD error...




...they've removed the red lights.


To me that just screams 'Yes it will break, but you won't be able to tell'. But maybe I'm just being incredibly cynical of microsoft.


I'm still not caught on buying the new model, my current xbox works just fine and the new stuff for the xbox I'm not truly fussed about.


I'll wait til one of you guys buys one and then you can issue me a verdict :D

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To me that just screams 'Yes it will break, but you won't be able to tell'. But maybe I'm just being incredibly cynical of microsoft.


The green lights flash if there's an error so now it's the GROD or FGROD.

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I'm trying to decide whether to wait the couple of weeks and pick up the new model or just get an Elite to replace my broken 360. The price will go down no the Elite in a few weeks so there's some more incentive there to go that way and I'm not sure if the 3 year warranty for console failure will extend to this new model (doubt it).


There's also the issue of me transferring data from my 20Gb HDD to this new model as games like Mass Effect 2 and B:BC2 may throw up some issues when trying to transfer over the save files for them because of the one use code, although I'll still be using my current XBL account.


Not really sure to be honest. The fact that when running it's incredibly quiet would suggest the overheating issues that lead to the RRoD have been minimized, if not completely sorted. In no real hurry to get another 360 so I guess I'll have to think about this one. I'll just pass away the time while making the decision trying to get a refund for the 2 months of XBL I haven't been able to use because of the RRoD.

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I'm somewhat tempted to get one, even though I really don't need one. The main attractions are the reduction in noise and larger HDD — I currently have a 60GB, but I have to keep uninstalling games — which would cost me around £80 if I bought one separately. This might seem a bit silly but I also really need a new controller as the analogues on my current ones have pretty much had it, my horse in RDR having a tendency to slowly meander off cliffs, so that would be another £20-30 'saved'.


Have GameStation's trade-in prices been brought in to parity with GAME's?

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The green lights flash if there's an error so now it's the GROD or FGROD.


A more positive approach to when something breaks?


I couldn't afford to spend £200 for now, but I imagine if this version of the xbox doesn't have it's own series of issues that in the future I may buy one.

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