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Summer Tasks


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The summer is nearly upon us for those who go to (or work in) school/college/uni and ummm...the season is nearly here for those who don't :p


But summer is a good time to experience new things, learn new languages, finish projects etc so what are you planning on doing this summer?


Personally I'm going to carry on with the Japanese (again :p). Started again after uni finished (was that really five weeks ago?) and I'm doing better now than any time I've done before so I'm happy with that.


Also intend to read Atlas Shrugged. Got it for my birthday and I have 14 weeks before my course starts so that's about 10 pages a day (can't be bothered to do the exact maths) so that's fine.


And of course do drawing/Maya work to keep my skills at a comfortable level.


How about everyone else?

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Oooh there's a lot I want to do, but probably none of it will get done. =P



- do my driving theory test

- learn to drive finally

- make a website

- make stuff to sell on RedBubble/Etsy etc.

- finish my project and find a place to publish it

- finish some of my games that I have


And much much more that I currently forgot about. =P

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I am going to...


  1. Chill out.
  2. Go to Cambridge for a day.
  3. Do the London to Brighton cycle.
  4. Attempt and fail to read 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra'.
  5. Start my summer job as Junior Designer.
  6. Continue to drop the title of my job into every conversation because it sounds way more impressive than it is.
  7. Finish Catch 22...if I can find where I put my copy.
  8. Get an iPhone 4.
  9. Go on holiday to China/Hong Kong/Italy/America/Greece/Thailand/Other. (This one's multiple choice.)
  10. Practice piano, constantly.
  11. Go to the gym every other day.
  12. Finish my current book, 'Time: A User's Guide' by Stefan Klein.
  13. Consider getting another job after this one's over. Might as well, got loads of time.
  14. Meet up with as many people as possible.
  15. Take my camera with me everywhere and carry on learning its tricks.
  16. Anticipate Tron: Legacy.


What I would really like to do that is highly unlikely to happen is give gymnastics a go. Looks quite fun and it would be a nice supplement to the gym.

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You know, like you Ash I've been thinking about learning a language. You've actually done something about it and started learning one but I haven't decided which I'd like to learn. I did try and start to learn Portuguese a few years ago, with a very helpful online site which had sound clips to help you understand the pronouncation. I'll see how things go on that front as I do miss having a second language and feel a little disappointed in myself for having basically let go of all the German I learnt.


Think I may also pick up a pencil and start drawing again. Not sure what I want to draw but I'm into Cubist art and always have been (like all that artwork done in the 20s where the artists would create their idea of a city in the future with all these bold and very defining shapes) so at least I know where to go from.


Other than those two things, any other ideas are vague at the moment. I am interested in doing some psychology research into post traumatic stress disorder. Probably won't help with university but it'll show some initiative and show some progression in thought towards my future career.


Oh and Paj, Kingston is in England (I'm guessing) so SAAS won't want anything from you and you won't get anything from them funding wise. Even if you are a Scottish student, they'll only pay your fees if you go to University in Scotland apparently (at least that's what they told me). Basically all you'll be able to get from them is a one time bursary for living away from home that's about £900 or so.

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Ah, yes, South Park. Putting Denmark on the map in the world of popular culture. :heh:


More How I Met Your Mother personally with Canada. And basically any non-country is Canada (such as Scotland).


Oh Canada, why do we even let you be a country?


You know, like you Ash I've been thinking about learning a language. You've actually done something about it and started learning one but I haven't decided which I'd like to learn. I did try and start to learn Portuguese a few years ago, with a very helpful online site which had sound clips to help you understand the pronouncation. I'll see how things go on that front as I do miss having a second language and feel a little disappointed in myself for having basically let go of all the German I learnt.


I also intend to pick up Italian again once I'm in London (and will probably see Razz more so I can bug him :p) and my friend is intending to learn French so I'll dip in and out of that with her.


Good luck with your plans. Hope you figure out what to learn :)


Oh and I suppose sorting out stuff for uni (i.e. save up money, make a budget, get a Professional and Careers Development Loan etc) needs to be done but that's boring.

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- Work.

- Get another job.

- Go to Copenhagen with my favourite people. I anticipate Denmark to be nothing like Canada.

- Go to Cheltenham, Manchester and Leeds to visit friends.

- Become a ''friend'' of Aylesbury's amazing new theatre and see everything.

- Go to my cousin's wedding in Cambridge.

- Have a birthday party.

- Exercise loads, lose more weight and tone up.

- Watch lots of sport.

- Sunbathe.

- Read.

- Ooh learn a musical instrument. Piano? Guitar? Who knows.

- See The Comedy of Errors at Regent's Park open air theatre.

- Write a comedy series.

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Who knows to be fair.


I'll probably give an attempt to finish some books i've been meaning to read, same will be said with games i've got around my room.


But the main project this year will be moving house, which could be anytime to be fair. As we own 2 places, the plan for the new house is to do the garden, carpet and curtain the house, move a few things around inc oven. Then when the place is suitable we will then slowly start moving in. Unless this place sells, in which case scrap the above.

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