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GoldenEye 007

Ren of Heavens

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Only had time to play the first level today because of work but so far it's fantastic!

I got the classic controller with it so i have been using that and the controls once you get used to them are really good. Staying undetected is really satisfying and if you get caught then the gun battles are really good fun.

The voice acting in this is brilliant, they have changed the characters and the way the story pans out in certain ways and i don't think they've butchered goldeneye at all, it all flows surprisingly well!


Definately going to play more of the single player tomorrow and will be playing multiplayer tomorrow evening.


Overall impressions so far: Surprisingly awesome, enjoying it more than any CoD game i've played, great controls, voice acting, story.


Glad to see the goldeneye name hasn't been butchered this time round, (rogue agent...urgh) and it actually lives up to the name of Rare's master piece in my opinion. Obviously it'll never be as good, but it's damn close.


Oh and a little bit of info which may help you if you had an issue i had. If you have a gamecube controller plugged into controller port 1 and your trying to play with a wiimote or classic controller you won't be able to get past the 'create a save to start the game screen.' That puzzled me for a few minutes.

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Just found these instructions on the Gamespot forums, on how to get World at War/Modern Warfare Wii style controls on this game. Ideal if you want the best set-up without messing about for over 30 minutes in the options.


Go to the Wii's controller settings on the GoldenEye menu, and click Customize.


Go into cursor settings and do the following;


Set the deadzone to 15 above, 35 across.


Set the maximum turn to 100 (which is default)


Set the horizontal speed to 30


Set the verticle speed to 9


Set the cursor sensitivity to MAXIMUM.


Now go into the ADS options, and do the following;


Set the deadzone to 17 above, 17 across.


Set the maximum turn to 90 above, 90 across.


Set the horizontal speed to 20


Set the verticle speed to 10


Set the cursor sensitivity to MAXIMUM.


Now exit those options, and set the camera to; Wii Remote Turning, and turn 'Look' OFF.


Have the Auto re-centre and Turn while cursor off-screen settings ON.


Just had a quick go with this set-up and I think I've found my match :yay:


Thanks to 'TQ_NintyNoE' at the Gamespot forums.

Edited by welsh_gamer
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Just found these instructions on the Gamespot forums, on how to get World at War/Modern Warfare Wii style controls on this game. Ideal if you want the best set-up without messing about for over 30 minutes in the options.




Just had a quick go with this set-up and I think I've found my match :yay:


Thanks to 'TQ_NintyNoE' at the Gamespot forums.


Experienced 3 mode is fine the way it is, feels just like red steel 2.

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Completed this today and the whole single player really holds up well, great campaign.

Tried multiplayer splitscreen too and that was fun, though the maps i tried were hit and miss, the best i tried being Station and Jungle. Haven't tried all the maps out yet though.

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Just found these instructions on the Gamespot forums, on how to get World at War/Modern Warfare Wii style controls on this game. Ideal if you want the best set-up without messing about for over 30 minutes in the options.


Just had a quick go with this set-up and I think I've found my match :yay:


Thanks to 'TQ_NintyNoE' at the Gamespot forums.


WOW, thanks mate, I needed this. If we ever meet the beers are most certainly on me!



Nice one, love your Youtube channel. Look forward to those BO vids.


Just finished the single player game. I love what they did with the last stage, it looks incredible! :o

Can't wait to re-play it all. :hehe:


Time to focus on multiplayer now though. ;)


I could have finished it, but I keep going back to do bits I've already done as they're so incredible. Plus I want it to last longer! Just got Nigeria to conquer now.

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Bought this yesterday and I'm working my way through on Agent. Never played the original and even though I know this is a reimagining, I thought Agent would be a good enough difficulty to start on seeing as the last FPS on the Wii I played was back in March.


Enjoying it so far. Liking that you can choose to either be stealthy or go in all guns blazin'. Done a mixture of both myself and liking having that option there.


Just completed the nightclub level. Really liked what Eurocom did with that one visually. Even with the silhouetted crowd and the static 3d models at the bar, it looked very impressive. Eurocom certainly know how to make a game look great and atmospheric (Dead Space Extraction for example).


Had a go online as well. Only one match of Team Conflict and it was ok. Map I was on wasn't great though (don't know what it's called but it had all the fuel tanks in it).

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hhhmmm... Zechs, reading your posts are making me considering cancelling my Black Ops preorder and gett this instead...


I've just finished this, and as I was the biggest fan of the original, I am qualified to say this:


Goldeneye Wii is the best single player FPS available SINCE Goldeneye N64. It's magnificent. Bizarrely the only mission I didn't like was the last.


But, it depends what you're looking for, I would say if you want online and coop, COD is the way to go. If you're looking for the best single player FPS for a long time, this is the way to go.


Goldeneye is good online, but it's not as good as COD.

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You guys have basically made me decide to get this game. No complaints about it at all? I'm gonna go watch the gametrailers review and see what that says (I agree with their reviews more than any other so I tend to trust their judgement :p ) then probably either go buy it or put it on my christmas list :D


Aaaaaaaaand it's on the Christmas list :) looks pretty awesome overall.

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Just completed the "prologue" of missions (Dam, Facility and Runway) and enjoying it so far. I had to fiddle with the pointer settings quite a bit. So far the only big annoyance is how tilting the Nunchuck tilts the view when aiming (with, stupidly, no option to simply turn it off).


I can't help but think that the end of Dam is a big reference to how Rare didn't program a bungee rope or anything in the original.

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Just completed the "prologue" of missions (Dam, Facility and Runway) and enjoying it so far. I had to fiddle with the pointer settings quite a bit. So far the only big annoyance is how tilting the Nunchuck tilts the view when aiming (with, stupidly, no option to simply turn it off).


I can't help but think that the end of Dam is a big reference to how Rare didn't program a bungee rope or anything in the original.


If you're having trouble use Welsh's tips above^^^


They really helped me, I was finding running really odd, but then I set the camera to; Wii Remote Turning, and turn 'Look' OFF. Otherwise you won;t run properly!

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I already praised this game on how good it was but i forgot to mention the little bits i didn't like, this may be just me but hey, my 2 minor complaints:


1) No pickup weapons in the multiplayer levels. This has always frustrated me that so many fps' now days don't use this, halo probably being the notable exception. It's just something i liked, which is probably why i like halo multiplayer.


2) The maps seem a bit too arena-like. The original Goldeneye had maps like caverns and facility, (which i know were taken from the single player), but they were fun with many paths and not too big. All the maps this one has seem a bit smallish and the Facility level to me is a big disappointment if you compare it to Goldeneye 64's Facility. Which isn't to say that it doesn't have good maps, of the 5 i've played i enjoyed Jungle and Station, but i feel they could have added a little bit more.


Nitpicking i know but i loved the rest of the game and the multiplayers vast choice of characters and mods (Singularity + paintball + rubber grenades in multiplayer = awesome).

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Hi im on my 1st play through and my game has glitched out i think i started the game on Agent, im now on the Bunker level , but my health bar has gone to non regenerating and its 10 times harder, glitched into classic 007 mode i have no idea why its done this :S and i cant find a way to change it back ?

Edited by yesteryeargames
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I just finished the first three missions (Dam, Facility and Airfield) and boy am I having a good time! In fact I had to redo facility because I missed one of the additional objectives the first time. The great thing is that redoing the missions is in no way a chore. Every time you can play through it differently and take slightly different routes. The first time I was taking it slow and stealthy, but on my second attempt I adopted a more "run and gun" attitude, and it almost feels like a completely different level depending how you play it.


I also tried some multiplayer which I enjoyed quite a lot. Even though I get eliminated much more than I kill, it is still very fun. I am on level six now I think, so I just unlocked some fun things to play with.


So far I have been playing with the Wiimote and Nunchuck setup. By following the settings that welsh_gamer posted I think I have found my optimal control settings.


Overall I am enjoying this game a lot, and it really has a great cinematic quality to it.

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I've just finished this, and as I was the biggest fan of the original, I am qualified to say this:


Goldeneye Wii is the best single player FPS available SINCE Goldeneye N64. It's magnificent. Bizarrely the only mission I didn't like was the last.


But, it depends what you're looking for, I would say if you want online and coop, COD is the way to go. If you're looking for the best single player FPS for a long time, this is the way to go.


Goldeneye is good online, but it's not as good as COD.


It is actually the single player that is attracting me most to this.


And the online is what is attracting me to COD... COD won my hard earned cash mainly cuz most of the N-E Brotherhood from Monster Hunter 3 (yourself included) seem to be getting COD and the added voice chat (if I can ever get that damned headset... they should have added WiiSpeak too :heh:).


Hopefully I can get Goldeneye before (or for) Christmas... maybe I can get another Youtube cheque soon... gotta try make more vids (ie: you all should go watch my vids and click adds so I can buy more games :heh:)


Was in Tesco yesterday too, walked past their games section, there were 3 kids looking round the Wii section, prolly 11/12 years old. One picks up Goldeneye and


Kid1: "What's this, you think it's any good?"

Kid2: "Never heard of it"

Kid3: "It's probabaly crap.... oh look FIFA 11"




I wanted to go and smack them :heh:

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