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Seriously Awkward Moments Thread


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Being at a barbecue populated entirely by evangelist Christians, bar myself, was made more awkward than usual when the conversation turned to homosexuality, or, more accurately, how wrong and horrible it was (th Uganda video in the Funny Videos thread is oddly reminiscent). I decided, given the numbers of them, to keep quiet and work my way through the barbecue. When the loudest/most dickish one asks me, not knowing really anything about me other than I was a school friend of the host, what I thought, I had become really quite angry at the shear idiocy of them all. My response of "well, as I'm not a massively bigoted uneducated small-minded little shit of a homophobe, I think it's safe to say none of you have ever actually met someone who's gay," could have been more diplomatic. Needless to say, the atmosphere was not helped much.


Elsewhere, being the moderator in an argument between your housemate who you're friends with and your housemate who's your ex who's insane about the latter being too noisy during sex is certainly not a situation in which you feel entirely normal.


A few weeks later, my ex's new boyfriend shouted at, and physically threatened my other housemate (a very timid, quiet girl) for literally no reason whatsoever. After physically ejecting him from the house, sharing a lift with him two days later was, needless to say, somewhat uncomfortable.

Edited by The fish
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I sleep in my boxers, and one day I woke up and was in that still asleep state where you aren't really aware of anything. I wandered out of my bedroom to go to the toilet at the same time that my sister was walking by. It was at that time that I realised I had raging morning glory and quickly jumped back into my room (making it seem really suspicious) to hear her screaming something at me. After I'd showered I went down for breakfast and my dad was in the kitchen making wanking/nob jokes.

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Just thought of one for both me and Goafer.


When we were still in school we went and stayed around at someones house with a load of mates for his birthday. As with most teenage boys we ended up watching the more "erotic" channels at around midnight. In the morning all of our friends but me and Goafer went out, one of the parents of our mate came in to talk to us and managed to slip into the conversation that their tvs all picked up the Sky signal in the house and were watching it with us the night before.


IIRC correctly the exact sentence that revealed it was "So...enjoy those German channels last night?". It was back in the day that the German channels all showed porn. Or at least what young teens class as porn.

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I can't think of one from my own life at present but here's one about a friend (I was there but obviously not about me).


In college we had a teacher called Mr Orgee (pronounced "or-jay" apparently but obviously...never done) and we were discussing it in a popular common gathering area (there was no common room) and my friend said "Mr Orgy, ha!" (generally laughing at the name) when she realised he was walking past.


Oh and I suppose my lecturer saw me drunk in a lecture once. She went on to become my work supervisor. Thankfully never mentioned again.

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Oh, here's a multitude of awkward moments


Whenever my friends introduce me, they introduce me as "This is Joe, he owns the biggest Pokémon site IN THE WORLD". Half the time, it kills conversation and makes everything awkward. The rest, they're call with it, ask me about it etc. It always tends to end with them throwing numbers at me and me giving them the Pokémon and them checking the site, which leads to more awkward moments when people remember how geeky I am.

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Oh, here's a multitude of awkward moments


Whenever my friends introduce me, they introduce me as "This is Joe, he owns the biggest Pokémon site IN THE WORLD". Half the time, it kills conversation and makes everything awkward. The rest, they're call with it, ask me about it etc. It always tends to end with them throwing numbers at me and me giving them the Pokémon and them checking the site, which leads to more awkward moments when people remember how geeky I am.



So, I...uh... heard you like Mudkips...

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Oh, here's a multitude of awkward moments


Whenever my friends introduce me, they introduce me as "This is Joe, he owns the biggest Pokémon site IN THE WORLD". Half the time, it kills conversation and makes everything awkward. The rest, they're call with it, ask me about it etc. It always tends to end with them throwing numbers at me and me giving them the Pokémon and them checking the site, which leads to more awkward moments when people remember how geeky I am.


But you're internet famous!


Even I've told my friends about you!


*puts on internet crown made from wires and... cum*

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It gets ultra awkward when they introduce me to a hot girl like that. I'm convinced that's why I'm single at the moment. I'm not a bad looking guy and I'm very loveable but yet cold and alone.


Anyway, I've derailed the thread somewhat.

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It gets ultra awkward when they introduce me to a hot girl like that. I'm convinced that's why I'm single at the moment. I'm not a bad looking guy and I'm very loveable but yet cold and alone.


Anyway, I've derailed the thread somewhat.


I think it's awesome you own and run a successful website.


Believe me, I've had my fair share of failed websites.

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Ok, so this one has more to do with my brother than me but I was there so it counts as an awkward moment for me:


My brother and I were at the Glasgow ABC for a concert. Believe we were there to see Paramore. Anyway, support band had finished up their set and we were all waiting while the set change happened. So the security starts handing out cups of water down the front where we are because it's really hot inside and so the cups come back, I get one and take a drink and then pass it on to my brother who's in front of me quite a bit. He's standing right behind a group of girls hanging on to the guard rail at the front and instead of passing the water on to someone else, he decides to drop it on the floor. Unfortunately, although hilariously, it goes all over one of the girls in front. There's a piercing screech as this girl turns round and screams "Ah...... someone's peed on me!"


My brother, standing behind them, starts to laugh and so do a few others including me. He looks at me and the girl follows the look and starts staring at me thinking I've done something. I'm telling her it was my brother who dropped a cup of water, pointing to the cup, so she goes back to glaring at my brother. Became incredibly awkward for the next 5 minutes or so before the band came on as she wouldn't believe that my brother had dropped water on her, rather peed on her. :laughing:


More funny than awkward as we were all laughing about it later, including the girl, but it was rather awkward after she screamed that out, especially with the security guards hearing it and getting involved.

Edited by Ganepark32
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I'm convinced that's why I'm single at the moment. I'm not a bad looking guy and I'm very loveable but yet cold and alone.

Maybe we need to help you find out what type you are and what your weaknesses are. If your skills haven't evolved enough we may need to hone them in order to make them super effective.

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