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Sonic Colours

mcj metroid

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From the main site:


We’re excited to announce a brand-new game for Sonic the Hedgehog! Sonic Colors is a high speed action-adventure in which Sonic races through theme park-inspired worlds to rescue a colorful alien race from the clutches of Dr. Eggman. An extraordinary amusement park has been seen orbiting around the home planet of Sonic the Hedgehog, and rumors are spreading that an alien race of Wisps, who have a unique colorful energy, are being held captive there by the evil Dr. Eggman. Soon after arriving at the amusement park, Sonic discovers he is able to use these mysterious alien forces to help the Wisps escape!


Sonic Colors will be available on the Wii and the Nintendo DS around holiday 2010. Sonic Colors for the Wii seamlessly combines both 3D and classic 2D game play perspectives, while the Nintendo DS version takes full advantage of the console’s dual screen.


discuss.. and no crying :D

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An extraordinary amusement park has been seen orbiting around the home planet of Sonic the Hedgehog
We're finally going home!


I'm interested... so long as there's no 'gimmick'... and you're just rescuing/collecting these Wisps.

Looking forward to seeing more!

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^ Unfortunately, it does sound like there is a gimmick of sorts. The wisps have different colours that give Sonic different powerups. E.g. yellow wisps allow him to drill into/through the ground while cyan wisps allow him to turn into a laser (wtf?) and pass through obstacle unimpeded.




From those bits, it does sound a little SMG-esque but it'll be interesting to see how it turns out. About 3 weeks until E3 so we won't have long to wait to see some actual gameplay footage.


And I have to say, I'm digging the music in the teaser trailer. Hopefully we'll see something along those lines for the entire game.

Edited by Ganepark32
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I wonder how this one will turn out - never really been a huge Sonic fan but who knows, Sega seem to finally be realising that whatever they've been trying to do with Sonic for the past ten years isn't really working so maybe we're in store for a treat :)


I also agree about the music, seemed pretty funky.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Reminds me of Sonic 3D where you had to rescue the flickies.


But hopefully nowhere near as awful despite the mostly excellent soundtrack.

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This one sounds promising. I loved the day stages in Unleashed, and this looks like it's taking that route. And the "gimmick" this time is just power-ups, which isn't gimmicky at all and it's in the series since day one.


I'm looking forward to know more.

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Guest Captain Falcon

As long as it's like the day stages from the HD versions of Unleashed and not the Wii one - I thought they were much better.

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im exually quite excited about this game dispite the awfull 3d games of yester years. And the "sonic cycle" was broken with sonic unleashed, not saying that the game was perfect but the 2d/3d sonic levels where excelent and all i hoped for a 3d sonic game(still could use some improvements)


And looking at the press release this game looks like a spiritual successor to sonic unleased with the fat burned off(wherehog ewww) and one big pluspoint its not taking place of earth but a fantasy setting like the old sonic games.


Please sega dont screw this one up like you did with sonic unleashed, first show the good stuff with sonic only and than release info on yet another gimmick: the wherehog that they where hiding from evryone because they knew it was bad.

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Now officially been confirmed that Sonic Team are handling the Wii version while DIMPS are doing the DS one.


Guess we can definitely say how this'll turn out now, with the Wii version probably turning out to be average at best and the DS one being pretty good. I'll still wait and see but Sonic Team really haven't done well with the license in almost a decade now. You'd think based off of that they would be due a good game but they never seem to learn from their mistakes.

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Now officially been confirmed that Sonic Team are handling the Wii version while DIMPS are doing the DS one.


Guess we can definitely say how this'll turn out now, with the Wii version probably turning out to be average at best and the DS one being pretty good. I'll still wait and see but Sonic Team really haven't done well with the license in almost a decade now. You'd think based off of that they would be due a good game but they never seem to learn from their mistakes.


Indeed. They've got a great IP with which they could clearly do some really good stuff yet recent Sonic games to me have just been incredibly boring and uninspiring.


They should really get some fans on board, you know like ask them what makes Sonic great, what doesn't and perhaps most importantly what could be done to improve it. Nintendo does fan service quite well (well, in terms of gaming content), don't see why Sonic Team can't just put their hands up and say, tell us what you want and we'll try our best to do it.


Secondly, they really should do a Mario and just shelve the story - make it as simple as possible and just let people play the fun bits.


Given the solo-console approach on this (from a home console perspective) I imagine this'll be another one destined for the bargain bin. But, I do hope that I'm wrong!

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(from what I've seen reported all they say about de Blob is new characters, moves etc (the usual add ons) and more to be revealed next month/E3)


Would people hate me if I change the title to accurately reflect the game's spelling? :p

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Would people hate me if I change the title to accurately reflect the game's spelling? :p


Don't change! I like the British spelling. Keep it! :grin:




-Sonic Team only screwed up half of Unleashed. That half seems absent from this game;

-De Blob sequel! :yay:

-Why is there an orange/yellow striped squid?

-What kind of info is there in Nintendo Power on Sonic Colours?

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