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My last unit of work at my art college had to be about "Games People Play" and... I guess I'd have to revoke my membership from this board if I didn't do something about video games.


Specifically I did retro games and MORE specifically, I mainly did Nintendo games cos... well... that's what I'm more familiar with.


I'll probably post my whole unit here but I can't upload the rest of it till next week. Anyway, here are some acrylic paintings on wood. The quality is a bit poor cos I had to take these pics with a digital camera but oh well.


Childhood Friends




A triptych in acrylic paint on wood. A4 each.


The painting depicts scenes from three video games I used to play when I was younger on my older brother's Nintendo Entertainment System. The games (from top to bottom) are 'Super Mario Bros.', 'Metroid' and 'The Legend of Zelda'.


As a slightly nerdy, lonely kid, these three characters came to be the friends I played with as a child. I've painted them how I remembered them, where I used my imagination to gloss over the slightly dodgy graphics of the original games.


September 2009


Amazing. I absolutely love the stylised Mario, the colours in the Metroid one and the intricate details of the Zelda dungeon. Please do post more, the three so far are really great.


These are awesome! Nice stylization on the characters. And of course a great acrylic technique. =D

Would love to see more of your work. ^_____^


Really great work Spune!!


You have a great way of bringing them to life... be it the shading of Mario to make him round and lifelike, full of character, the lava spray throughout the Metroid scene, and the expression and dynamic lighting on Link.


Very Nice!!


Your Metroid one arouses me immensely. :grin:


I'd never thought of having sex with Mother Brain before...




...and I still haven't because I've not descended so far past insanity that I now have sexual fantasies involving video game enemies!




I do like your artwork. :D (that's all I had to say)


The mario one is definitely the most characteristic, but I'd say the other two don't rate as well. The other two are very static and pallid and they lack and real focal movement, but then in a way you're restricted by copying the 2D perspective. With mario you've caricatured him but the other two seem fairly lifeless and standard by comparison, and don't really leap out as the main aspect as the "friends" that you claim them to be, but still I'd've loved to have seen your DK one, and I'm very fucking jealous of your brush skills :)


Like many, at first glance i liked the Mario one the most. But the more i look at them, the more i like the style of the Metroid one - you should be hired as the artist for Other M!


You guys are so kind. :)


I am working on making Prints available off deviantArt. I know they don't give you much money though... but whate'vs as long as some people buy them. :D


Also for Spune fans... try and find my unique way of putting my signature on the Donkey Kong pictures.

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