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At the risk of sounding like a stalker...


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I have a question I've been meaning to ask for months, and before I ask it. I just want to say I'm not some sort of creepy stalker kind of guy!


On Facebook I've noticed some people joining groups such as "find out who's viewing your profile" "who's looking at your photos?" etc.


Are these groups real? It's something that has sorta concerned me a little and I've never found out a definitive answer. I'm just curious to see if there are some dogey 3rd party applications or something that actually can do this, I don't really bother will applications on Facebook so I don't know much about them.


Thank you goodnight, Much love.

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Pretty sure they are scams.


There you go! :P


Facebook puts a lot into the security and privacy! I mean the only real way would be if in your privacy settings you havent really restricted any particular group from seeing pictures writing on walls etc.

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Something that just happened on facebook; a 'friend' of mine 'posted' something on my wall via Friends FAQ - the questions are all aimed at people who feel self-conscious, and you can't find out your 'friend's' response unless you allow access to your profile... Which I did to find a long page of supposed responses to questions, but in order to find out who said what I have to earn points by answering questions and... well, I've just removed the app and its access to my info (but of course, the 'contract' I agreed to 5 mins ago still counts so any info they gathered then they can still have now...)


A mate just linked me to this article which is great for any paranoiacs out there. Essentially the UK is third-top in teh world's surveillence-heavy countries, only behind russia and china (!). The article, while promoting a mad-man's movie, does raise interesting points about modern freedom and our relative ignorance about who knows what about us, and what they use that information for.

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A mate just linked me to this article which is great for any paranoiacs out there. Essentially the UK is third-top in teh world's surveillence-heavy countries, only behind russia and china (!). The article, while promoting a mad-man's movie, does raise interesting points about modern freedom and our relative ignorance about who knows what about us, and what they use that information for.


Quite an interesting article, although I'm still not worried. So many unsolved/unconvicted crimes means they're not quite up to 1984/Big Brother standards yet. And even if they were, they'd still need a reason to come after me.


If anything, that article has convinced me detectives are awesome.

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Something that just happened on facebook; a 'friend' of mine 'posted' something on my wall via Friends FAQ - the questions are all aimed at people who feel self-conscious, and you can't find out your 'friend's' response unless you allow access to your profile... Which I did to find a long page of supposed responses to questions, but in order to find out who said what I have to earn points by answering questions and... well, I've just removed the app and its access to my info (but of course, the 'contract' I agreed to 5 mins ago still counts so any info they gathered then they can still have now...)


A mate just linked me to this article which is great for any paranoiacs out there. Essentially the UK is third-top in teh world's surveillence-heavy countries, only behind russia and china (!). The article, while promoting a mad-man's movie, does raise interesting points about modern freedom and our relative ignorance about who knows what about us, and what they use that information for.


You just posted that on my wall...


I wish Facebook had just steered clear of all these apps, bar a couple of half decent games it's just all shit!

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Goafer; yeah it's only really worrying if you start following Maybe Avenue, and while I do genuinely believe that we are left in the dark for... something mystical/conspiratorial, I also don't think I, personally, have anything to worry about at all.


Essentially the data known about us cannot be used against us unless we first need to be defended, i.e. we've been caught for a crime and they are searching the Big Bro network for proof. The danger is twofold - one that with so much info out there, could you prove someone innocent guilty through selection, and two, that our information is being sold to third parties without our express permission, therefore cutting us out of a deal worth MILLIONS... or a few pence, I don't care.

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Yes it's all shite to get you to click on them, I hope people dont click on the 'get a free ipad ' pages. Facebook dont allow apps or anyone to be able to see who looks at your profile, all just junk and some of them are even virus'

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A mate just linked me to this article which is great for any paranoiacs out there. Essentially the UK is third-top in teh world's surveillence-heavy countries, only behind russia and china (!). The article, while promoting a mad-man's movie, does raise interesting points about modern freedom and our relative ignorance about who knows what about us, and what they use that information for.


I enjoyed that, it is quite scary to think though, the ways they got their information and all that. On a slight unrelated note, why is that in the women section?

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I'm guessing those pages where you have to become a fan to see "THE MOST EMBARASSING STATUS UPDATE EVER!!" are shite too?


That one blew my mind. Why on Earth would I sign up to something that would clearly never really deliver, obviously has some ulterior motive and probably doesn't contain anything I can't see on lamebook or similar anyway....

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There's also these "Join if you think this it the funniest thing ever" things where you can't look at what it is until you join the group.


If I can't see it, then how can I make a judgement and join if it is indeed the funniest thing ever.


I also love how a few of my friends join loads of groups that show off the bad aspects of their personalities.

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