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An Ode to the Crisp Sandwich


Crisp sandwich, such variety,

Crisp sandwich, the snack for me,

Crisp sandwich, soft and crunchy,

Crisp sandwich, a thread for thee.


I love a good crisp sandwich, and I'm sure at least some of you guys do too. Here is a place where we can share our love and admiration for one of the most effective yet easiest snacks one can make.


Ideally I'd have those with a high tech picture box perhaps take "photos" of their endeavours and share them with the forum for rating, repulsion and discussion.


For those uneducated in the art of crisp sandwiching, first allow me to demonstrate how not to make a crisp sandwich.





Walkers Salt and Vinegar crisps used without permission from Walkers.



And now... the titan I moments ago created and that which inspired me to make this silly thread.




A fusion of three pieces of bread and two entire packets of crisps, the Crisp Mac is a tribute to the famed McDonalds Big Mac towering at an impressive 5cm tall (4 when crushed down), incorporating both Beef and Onion/Cheese and Onion flavours.



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I like crisps, and I like bread, but the idea of this baffles me. The breads too...big in comparison to the amount of crisps, it kinda serves no purpose, other than to be all big and carbohydrate-y with no other flavour. I'd rather just have a sandwich (with something substantial in it) or a packet of crisps. :woops:

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The breads too...big in comparison to the amount of crisps, it kinda serves no purpose, other than to be all big and carbohydrate-y with no other flavour.

Who cares about the logistics. Try it, it's a love-or-hate thing. I love, especially at night after a few drinks when you have a salt craving.


I've even had hula-hoop sandwiches.


Edit: but the best is probably Walkers MAX Paprika.

Edited by Shorty
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I like crisps, and I like bread, but the idea of this baffles me. The breads too...big in comparison to the amount of crisps, it kinda serves no purpose, other than to be all big and carbohydrate-y with no other flavour. I'd rather just have a sandwich (with something substantial in it) or a packet of crisps. :woops:


that suggests you've never actually tried them? I don't know how people can brutalise an idea without having experienced its awesome.



I'll make some for ma lunch later and take photos, promise!! ^_^


Best comfort food EVER. <3


edit: sammiiiich!




crusty bap, garlic and herb philadelphia, cheese and onion pringles.




(p.s you rock scoop! Noiice thread idea)

Edited by Raining_again
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This just looks reallllllllly weird to me. Doesn't seem very nice. Like, too dry. Bread is so lovely, why ruin it by putting dry crisps in between it? =P


And no I haven't tried it and I never plan on doing it either haha.

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Today's Top Tips from Professor Loaf.


"Make sure you butter the bread for essential moisture. Crisp sandwiches can be a very dry, salty snack."


"Be sure to flatten down your crisp content to minimise cutting the roof of your mouth and for ease of eating."


"Try more exotic crisp flavours for better results. Also it's not unheard of to add some cream cheese or other fillings to bulk the sandwich out."


"Girls are usually too fussy to enjoy crisp sandwiches. It's true."

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Fuck Yeah, Crisp Sandwiches.


My favourite are Walkers Pickled Onion sandwiches. Yum yum. As Ell says, McCoys work lovely, too.


I love the crunchy sound it makes as you chomp through it. Medium to thick bread, a big amount of butter and pickled onion crisps. So incredible.

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Who cares about the logistics. Try it, it's a love-or-hate thing. I love, especially at night after a few drinks when you have a salt craving.


I've even had hula-hoop sandwiches.


Edit: but the best is probably Walkers MAX Paprika.


I do like a good hula-hoop sandwich but the Hula-Hoops need to be crushed first which can be an effort in the middle of the night!


They CAN be nice, but it's an exact science! The bread has to be thin, and full fat butter used. And a very generous layer of a suitable crisp.


I was recently converted to having butter in crisp sandwiches and haven't looked back since. I only ever have them after nights out and didn't used to bother.


I quite like the Chili flavour Doritos in my sandwiches or a good flavour of McCoys.

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A sandwich of McCoys Mexican Chilli + tuna ftw!


Fuck yes. I thought I was alone with my mixing tuna and crisps in a sandwich fetish. The exact same crisp as well, well done sir.


Do they still do those Hot and Spicy wotsits? Cause packing them in a sandwich and punching it down was amazing beyond belief.

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I was just saying I was really put off by the idea. The concept of having butter and crisps together also really frightens me.


I thought that the idea of pineapple on a pizza was the most gross thing ever, until i actually sat down and tried it.



Yes ell, the crunchy baps are king of crisp sammich :3

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I kind of knew before reading your comment that you were too sophisticated for crisp sandwiches Paj.

I've only ever had one and I thought they were OK. But I prefer meat + cheese + reggae reggae sarnies. (Among other, more traditional sandwiches)

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