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Heroes that let you down


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I'm actually struggling to think of any 'heroes' of mine that have let me down in their actions. People that inspired over the years are the likes of Michael Schumacher, Gandhi, Luther King and simply because of his ability to write Eminem. Thing is they wouldn't be a 'hero' of mine had they let me down by their actions so there you go.


Actually, Michael jackson to an extent. He meant nothing harmful by his actions but jeez I remember being 13 and thinking 'ANOTHER KID?!', until it turned out it was more than one and they blates just wanted his money. But still.

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I honestly don't expect a lot of mankind or celebrities, so it's very hard to let me down or disappoint me. I'm actually struggling to think of anyone who has and it's bugging me because someone must have disappointed me initially so I'd abandon faith in humanity.


Repressed memory? Molested by Macho Man Randy Savage? I just don't know.

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While I can certainly follow Goron in his thoughts about male and female sexuality (I do believe I've read somewhere that men in general have a larger sex drive that women), I certainly don't think a woman should be left with the choice of either having sex with her husband whenever he wants or accepting him cheating on her. Especially not in this case when it is clear that he was suffering from an unusually large sex drive and lack of self-control.


I'm not judging his way of life - if he wants to live that way, be my guest - but he treated his wife horribly. She had never agreed to him sleeping around, and I do believe the idea of marriage is to agree on things like that.

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Heroes that let me down? Can't think of any. I found it hilarious that there were people out there going 'Tiger has let his fans down'. Fuck that. He's a man, if he's not getting enough at home and he's got girls all over him, fair play. If anything it's her fault partly too, he's her man and if he needs a 3 blowjobs a day she should have bloody been there on the tee of the first hole going 'I'VE GOT THE DICK DON'T WORRY, I GOT THIS!'. Then you have all these sponsers and that fat guy in charge of Augusta saying shit like 'Tiger let us down, and his fans'. Hell no, you're only saying that cos no one's trying to blowing you. At the end of the day, men are only as faithful as their options and the Tiger debate was stupidly OTT.


Wow, this is single handedly the most fucking retarded thing I have ever read on the forums. I bet you don't have a girlfriend, and if you do, I can't see you lasting long.


-Woke up.

-Pleasured myself.

Thought as much.

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Wow, this is single handedly the most fucking retarded thing I have ever read on the forums. I bet you don't have a girlfriend, and if you do, I can't see you lasting long.


Haha calm down! That entire thing was quoted from Chris Rock's Bigger and Blacker :laughing: As if anyone could genuinely think like that. Surprised no one picked up on it actually, that sketch won some awards I think, or maybe it was his 'Blacks vs Niggers' sketch i'm not sure. But yeah both the posts I put on the first page are quotes, im surprised people thought I meant that given i've posted like the opposite over the last 5 years!


Lol at some of the replies I got though haha.


And indeed I do have a girlfriend, however I wont see her for another 2 weeks as we are home from Uni and revision is taking up our lives. Oh well.

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^ Same.


Considering Alien actually stuns and terrifies.


Ridley Scott did Alien. James Cameron only directed the second, Aliens. :)


This has been tricky, but I'm going for:




For the simple reason that he has left the band, in the year where I actually have the money available to see them. Been skint every single time they've gigged, or had no-one to go with. So very gutted. Probably will never get the chance to see them live, as a complete band. :(

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I don't see why the private lives of celebrities and politicians should have anything to do with their credibility unless it directly interferes with whatever it is they do. This has always been the case with academics - since when did anyone claim that the number of extra-marital affairs Bertrand Russell had undermined his analytic philosophy?


Maybe I'm being pedantic but I wouldn't put Bertrand Russell into the same category as the actors in Heroes for instance.


But then I don't particularly look up to anyone who is famous.

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Aliens is just as good as Alien, though.


Plus, T1/T2/The Abyss.


Oh yes, I know. Just wanted to let the driver of Chairs know. :heh:


Hmm, I'm not sure which film I like more: The Terminator or Aliens. So very hard to choose one over the other.


Don't forget he directed True Lies, as well. ;) I really like that film, although it's different to the other films you've mentioned. True Lies is less serious. Just a fun action film.


Oh. I swear on the Avatar trailer it says Alien and Aliens.


Makes too much sense, considering Alien was a stunner.


Heh, well now you know. :D

He did a great job with Aliens, though. Took it in a different direction to Scott, but it was still great.

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Haha calm down! That entire thing was quoted from Chris Rock's Bigger and Blacker :laughing: As if anyone could genuinely think like that. Surprised no one picked up on it actually, that sketch won some awards I think, or maybe it was his 'Blacks vs Niggers' sketch i'm not sure. But yeah both the posts I put on the first page are quotes, im surprised people thought I meant that given i've posted like the opposite over the last 5 years!


Lol at some of the replies I got though haha.


And indeed I do have a girlfriend, however I wont see her for another 2 weeks as we are home from Uni and revision is taking up our lives. Oh well.


Were they both Chris Rock quotes? I recognised the second post as one, but the first post I did not. It's funny(or maybe not) how it's funny for him to say, yet not for you...

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Maybe I'm being pedantic but I wouldn't put Bertrand Russell into the same category as the actors in Heroes for instance.

That's precisely my point - apparently being an academic and activist in the past has more lax "rules" than being a contemporary actor. Note also that the sort of people who know who Bertrand Russell is are more likely to be offended by these things. And if you meant in terms of popularity, Russell is undoubtedly better known worldwide than any heroes actor.

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Were they both Chris Rock quotes? I recognised the second post as one, but the first post I did not. It's funny(or maybe not) how it's funny for him to say, yet not for you...


Indeed they both are :) Absolutely love that sketch, it's hilarious. Though yeah, it's funny for him to say it as that's his style of comedy; he makes points and backs them up in hilarious fashion. I probably sounded like a dick :heh:

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That's precisely my point - apparently being an academic and activist in the past has more lax "rules" than being a contemporary actor. Note also that the sort of people who know who Bertrand Russell is are more likely to be offended by these things. And if you meant in terms of popularity, Russell is undoubtedly better known worldwide than any heroes actor.


Yes true, I've slightly forgotten the point I was trying to briefly make last night.


Damn it all. :hmm:

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