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Election 2010 - Con/Lib Government


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If I could vote I'd probably vote Labour. They're experienced, the Conservatives aren't an option, and I just don't think the Liberals have the depth to be a successful government.


I'm fairly happy with what I have at the moment, and I have a bit of trust in Brown that he knows his economics and won't make a monumental error.

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If I could vote I'd probably vote Labour. They're experienced, the Conservatives aren't an option, and I just don't think the Liberals have the depth to be a successful government.


I'm fairly happy with what I have at the moment, and I have a bit of trust in Brown that he knows his economics and won't make a monumental error.


Well Vince Cable has a PhD in Economics, so I'd say he probably knows his stuff.

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Briefly - very briefly - Ladbrokes Online had the odds for the Conservatives winning Hitchen & Harpenden - my home constituency, which I know is Tory to the core - as 500/1 instead of the intended 1/500. Sadly, they fixed it before I could create an account. I honestly would have stuck £500 of my overdraft into that, and, given the nature of the seat, been not that annoyed if the Tories didn't win it.


That would have been utterly epic. Harpenden Hitchen is probably about as safe conservative as it gets.


Nice response poster to the painful Sun one that's out today.




I shall I think be voting Lib Dem, they're likely to get re-elected in my constituency (which is largely students) so yeah. Awesome sauce. Though I was tempted to turn back to labour...

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Just a general opinion on how they look likely to gain a majority on the non-bias polls (If I was a gullible sun reader, I'd be dead confident they'd win, gotta love their 60% conservatives on their 'poll) and bookies odds.


So, what do you base this Labour will not get the majority opinion on? A third of votes are still undecided, that could surely make the Labour scenario still go anyway.


All the polls conducted in the past two years or so.....


Still not going to predict anything, it could still go to them. It's just unlikely.

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Well Vince Cable has a PhD in Economics, so I'd say he probably knows his stuff.


He also worked as chief economist for Shell, iirc.


Much more qualified to run our economy than Gideon, who's entire reason for being Chancellor is, um, he was once a member of the Bullingdon's at Eton, and... no, wait, that's it.


Has anybody seen the frontpage of the sun tomorrow, fucking hell:




Wondering how that sentence ends?


"Yes, Nick Clegg sounds reasonable. But the Lib Dems would increase immigration, free criminals and join the euro [sic]. Above all, voting Lib Dem will ensure Gordon Brown ends up squatting in No10."


"We would have the nightmare of a hung Parliament, with Britain plunged into Greek-style chaos."


"City financial traders will be at their desks at 1am tomorrow ready for a crisis over the Pound if a hung Parliament looms."


I know the press is always opinionated, and all that, but this is simply fucking lying.


That would have been utterly epic. Harpenden Hitchen is probably about as safe conservative as it gets.


Nice response poster to the painful Sun one that's out today.




I re-uploaded said poster, it wont let you link to it:




The Tory majority in Harpenden & Hitchen is falling over the years, though neither you nor me are helping their decline. That said, I'm voting in Guildford, one of the bit Tory vs Lib Dem battleground. The Uni's expanded considerably over the last 5 years, and the Tory majority is about 300. I predict a swing...

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Its cruely ironic that they're ripping off Obama's posters (although Cameron looks more like he's undergone a body temperature scan) considering their political ideals are opposite, and the American equivalent of The Sun is against Obama.


Hopefully anyone who is so easily swayed by TS (and has yet to already be completely swayed) will vote before picking up the so-called paper.

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The big problem with papers is they their owners will fall in the category of the "richest people" who will get an absolutely colossal tax cut if the Conservatives get power. The Daily Express (the paper my grandparents get) also say that Cameron is our only hope.

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PLEASE, if any of you are considering voting Tory because you've been taken in by this "compassionate conservative" stuff, at least read this article for me first.




Cameron is not the first social conservative to go for this angle to try and get into power



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EDIT: Just re-read this, some pretty strong language, sorry if any one takes offence.


Same shit as the 80's, 'Labour isn't working' bollocks yet again. Do people seriously want another fucking thatcher? Rich smarmy cunts, every medium owned by that cunt Murdoc is spewing the same conservative tosh, Simon Cowell preaching about it too was the final nail in the coffin.


Fucking terrible ploy and even worse, I personally think it's going to work. They've gone for the papers with a large lower class customer base as they know the majority of them don't have the first clue what to do. And they entice them all in with shitty movie 'related' garbage, Page 3 will apparently be banned if Labour or Lib Dem's got in power. What a load of fucking bollocks. They could only entice the rich, now look at the angle they've gone for.


Some one kill this cunt. I don't care what I'm saying is rash, but if he isn't for electoral reform, it just shows how much further we are going to slip into an undemocratic state, the way it is at the moment is fucking pathetic.

Edited by Debug Mode
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I'm gonna' go for the Lib Dems. I've been undecided as to if I should go for Lib Dems or back to Labour but I've made up my mind... my only worry is that, as far as I can see, the Conservatives are going to win. This isn't an educated prediction though, i'm just going off what the majority of my friends and the people around me are going to do. Why do people like these homophobic, posh twats so much? Even my parents are voting for them!

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Dem Dems will be getting my vote today, fuck the rest of them. When Conservatives fuck it all up at least we can tell the people who voted for them "We told you so!" with a big smug grin on our faces as we pull the beneficial rich and prosperous along in their shining gold chariots in place of horses.

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Just a general opinion on how they look likely to gain a majority on the non-bias polls (If I was a gullible sun reader, I'd be dead confident they'd win, gotta love their 60% conservatives on their 'poll) and bookies odds.


So, what do you base this Labour will not get the majority opinion on? A third of votes are still undecided, that could surely make the Labour scenario still go anyway.


I don't think I've seen a single poll that puts the Tories on 60% of the popular vote...


Nobody knows who will win yet. If the polls are accurate then it's a Hung Parliament and nobody will know who will come out on top there. It all hangs on whether or not Gordon Brown resigns, if he doesn't and can't secure the votes needed to push the 'Queen's Speech' through Parliament then get ready for another election. If he does resign then we'll either have a minority Tory government or (if it will shift the balance of power) a Tory/Ulster Unionist coalition government.


That's the reason for the paranoia among the Conservative media. They can't afford a Hung Parliament because everyone knows Brown will do everything he can to keep the Conservative Party out of office. That doesn't necessarily mean Brown will stay, there's the possibility (though I doubt it will happen) of him resigning after the Queen's Speech.


It's going to be a very interesting couple of weeks if there's no majority government ;)

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I just really don't see the point in all this debate over who's better. They're all as bad as eachother, none of their campaign promises will come to pass. Whoever's in charge tomorrow will inherit the national debt issues that have accumulated over the last few years and will have to do some bad stuff for us to fix it. They'll all be hit by wars and disasters, whether natural or economic, regardless of which one is in power.


This is how it always happens, history continually repeats. The country gets hyped up in all the false promises from each and every candidate, but in actuality, in 2 months, it'll be the same old shit just with a potentially different bloke to blame.

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I just really don't see the point in all this debate over who's better. They're all as bad as eachother, none of their campaign promises will come to pass. Whoever's in charge tomorrow will inherit the national debt issues that have accumulated over the last few years and will have to do some bad stuff for us to fix it. They'll all be hit by wars and disasters, whether natural or economic, regardless of which one is in power.


This is how it always happens, history continually repeats. The country gets hyped up in all the false promises from each and every candidate, but in actuality, in 2 months, it'll be the same old shit just with a potentially different bloke to blame.

Truer words never spoken. They're all arseholes. It's amazing that people think one party is better than another (BNP aside), or that certain parties are just automatically 'so bad!' because the supporters enjoy going around hitting poor people (Conservatives).


Really, really; they're all going to lie, cheat, be sleazy and steal your money. It's the same with every politician; so I can reassure people that you shouldn't feel disappointed with whoever comes to power; they'll be just as capable of being a moron as anyone else.

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Truer words never spoken. They're all arseholes. It's amazing that people think one party is better than another (BNP aside), or that certain parties are just automatically 'so bad!' because the supporters enjoy going around hitting poor people (Conservatives).


Really, really; they're all going to lie, cheat, be sleazy and steal your money. It's the same with every politician; so I can reassure people that you shouldn't feel disappointed with whoever comes to power; they'll be just as capable of being a moron as anyone else.


Yeah they're all the same. We've only seen two parties in power but all the others are definitely the same. Without a doubt, everyone is 100%, no question, absolutely certainly lying thieves. It's not like there's any decent humans in the world or anybody that actually wants to change the country for the better. No definitely not, they're all scumbags.

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Yeah they're all the same. We've only seen two parties in power but all the others are definitely the same. Without a doubt, everyone is 100%, no question, absolutely certainly lying thieves. It's not like there's any decent humans in the world or anybody that actually wants to change the country for the better. No definitely not, they're all scumbags.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


There's no point in denying that our system of democracy doesn't work :-/

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