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Mock ups should take something into account: If it's backwards compatible, it'll need a d-pad!


That's one thing that has me a little skeptical on it having an analogue stick, if it has one then it'll need both a stick and d-pad. Would Nintendo do that on a handheld? Will it work comfortably?


It won't need a d-pad. Analogue sticks go left, right, up and down just like a d-pad would. When I play the old Sonic games on my 360, I don't use the D-Pad even though the Megadrive had one. For comfort reasons a d-pad would probably be better but if there's no room for one then it won't be that much of an issue. We don't even know the shape of this thing yet, logic says it'll be book-shaped like the DS but you never know.

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Although not completely related I felt I should post a YT video of what was proposed to be the Samsung p4. I think this sort of tech would be great for the 3DS. Noted it won't be as close as nintendo quote near seamless but anything like this would be great.


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Sony just baffle me. Nintendo have been making handhelds since the 80s, and have consistently beaten any competitors in the portable market every year. Would Nintendo really just chuck any old gimmick out there and hope for the best without doing as much research as Mr. Koller appears to have conducted before making his incredibly informed statement?


that's just trash talk... They all like to take little digs now and then even if they make fuck all sense at the best of times.


Mock ups should take something into account: If it's backwards compatible, it'll need a d-pad!


That's one thing that has me a little skeptical on it having an analogue stick, if it has one then it'll need both a stick and d-pad. Would Nintendo do that on a handheld? Will it work comfortably?


I wouln't say it NEEDS a dpad to be honest. beat em ups depend on dpad and there really isn't much of those on the ds. I don't think it would REALLY hurt it if a really GOOD analogue stick took the place of a dpad.


Well, if it has an analog stick, lets hope they don't make PSP's mistake, only having one.


Doubt they'll have 2.. you know nintendo's thing about making something that LOOKS intimidating to the casual. 2 analogue stick goes against everything.


Besides 1 and touch screen would work fine I think.

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It won't need a d-pad. Analogue sticks go left, right, up and down just like a d-pad would. When I play the old Sonic games on my 360, I don't use the D-Pad even though the Megadrive had one. For comfort reasons a d-pad would probably be better but if there's no room for one then it won't be that much of an issue. We don't even know the shape of this thing yet, logic says it'll be book-shaped like the DS but you never know.

Of course you use the stick when playing Sonic on 360, the 360's D-pad is absolutely useless for precise control. Trying to press left should not result in multiple ups and downs and uplefts and downlefts, but that's what happens.


Although not completely related I felt I should post a YT video of what was proposed to be the Samsung p4. I think this sort of tech would be great for the 3DS. Noted it won't be as close as nintendo quote near seamless but anything like this would be great.



That's pretty awesome other than the horribly loud noise it makes when folding close.


This gives me a thought though,

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Doubt they'll have 2.. you know nintendo's thing about making something that LOOKS intimidating to the casual. 2 analogue stick goes against everything.


Besides 1 and touch screen would work fine I think.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense actually, cant believe I didn't realise that.

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I forgot OLED screens are potentially foldable. That would be a great solution.


As for the d-pad, I always used the analogue stick on the GameCube for 2D games because the d-pad was so bad. Admittedly, the DS has a good d-pad. However, maybe Nintendo have invented a really good analogue slider (after all, this is a handheld) that "snaps" to left, right, up and down slightly easier than it does the other 356-degrees.

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I forgot OLED screens are potentially foldable. That would be a great solution.


As for the d-pad, I always used the analogue stick on the GameCube for 2D games because the d-pad was so bad. Admittedly, the DS has a good d-pad. However, maybe Nintendo have invented a really good analogue slider (after all, this is a handheld) that "snaps" to left, right, up and down slightly easier than it does the other 356-degrees.


I think we'll have trouble no matter what if we are trying to choose a direction to the exact degree. 45° would be much more acceptable. ;)

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My first thought were this sounds waaaaaaaay to gimmicky. But then again, I thought the same about the DS initally, and see how that turned out. ;)


I'm intrigued, though. 3D without glasses. I wonder if they mean real illusion of depth, of more like that recent DSi letterfinding game. If it's the first, I fear for the rather large amount of people outthere who don't have sight of depth. The 3DS might not be appropriate for them, just like movies in 3D don't work for them.


Now, please... a change of name!

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Well here's some impressions of the screen rumoured to be used in the 3DS handheld..


Engadget On Sharp Screen, coming in at 3.4 inches and a 480 x 854 resolution, I'm going to keep an eye on this for the price. Although Nintendo has always aimed to be the most accessible in price, I have a funny feeling these 3D screens which require a large resolution on the x axis may set the price up, presuming these are the screen's they use, which may not be the case as you've probably gathered any way.

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Amazing 3DS mock ups




Okay, these blow all the other mock ups out of the water, both in just how they look and the fact that they’re technically possible (even if unlikely based on Nintendo’s history of design). Either way these are worth checking out simply to admire their futuristic sleekness









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I'm absolutely gobsmacked by those images.


Who would put that much time into making a pretty well-made model of something that badly designed? They've got nothing right.


I love how the people who did that paragraph confused "futuristic sleekness" with "A cheap 80s LCD toy".

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I'm absolutely gobsmacked by those images.


Who would put that much time into making a pretty well-made model of something that badly designed? They've got nothing right.


I love how the people who did that paragraph confused "futuristic sleekness" with "A cheap 80s LCD toy".


They clearly just went 'right let's make it look like a shit version of the old PSP with a fold up screen!' I mean seriously, the shoulder buttons, the cut out bottom corners and the position of the buttons is just a PSP with a nintendo badge and an extra screen.

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Yep, getting excited now (even though there hasn't been any new info... My excitement-engine needs some maintenance, it seems).


I was wondering about one thing, though. It'll have 2 screens, probably tilted in a DS-like way, albeit closer together. I understand from the Sharp-screens (which will likely be the screens used or tech very similar), you have to look at it from a straight angle. No prob on a handheld, but with DS, you don't usually look at both screens straight-on. So I was wondering if the 3D-effect will be implemented to work on both screens at the same time. You'd have to tilt the DS slightly when looking at the other screen to see the 3D in that screen.


Ah, speculation. The fuel of internet forums.

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Yep, getting excited now (even though there hasn't been any new info... My excitement-engine needs some maintenance, it seems).


I was wondering about one thing, though. It'll have 2 screens, probably tilted in a DS-like way, albeit closer together. I understand from the Sharp-screens (which will likely be the screens used or tech very similar), you have to look at it from a straight angle. No prob on a handheld, but with DS, you don't usually look at both screens straight-on. So I was wondering if the 3D-effect will be implemented to work on both screens at the same time. You'd have to tilt the DS slightly when looking at the other screen to see the 3D in that screen.


Ah, speculation. The fuel of internet forums.


I don't think it'll make a huge difference on the vertical plane. Your eyes are separated horizontally. It could be an issue for games where you hold it like Brain Age.

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