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3DS Console Discussion


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The community stuff sounds incredible. I read somewhere it tells you other results and such that have happened in that community.. Don;'t want to get too excited as I'm just expecting Nintendo to gimp it in some way!!


Does that Swapnote work as an online messenger?


I don't think so. It sounds like a separate app, and will probably work in a similar way to Wii Messaging. You send messages to people but it won't be instant, probably takes a few minutes. Also that it doesn't feed off of your friends list, so you can't look who's online and then send them a message!

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So, 3DS owners, how would you convince me to get a console at the moment? I'm thinking to in future, I just still feel like I need more. Are you all enjoying/getting lots out of it?


To you, Rummy, ....all I can say is wait for Paper Mario 3DS;)


and when Reggie said that line I was all like: 'HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!!?!?! HE DID NOET JUST DO THAT !?!?!? DMAN REGIIE, YOU IS BEAST!'

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So, 3DS owners, how would you convince me to get a console at the moment? I'm thinking to in future, I just still feel like I need more. Are you all enjoying/getting lots out of it?


I haven't touched a 3DS game in months.. that should change a bit next month and December if I get some money coming in, but if there's no titles you're really interested in, wait for the next wave of games I would suggest.


Don't believe what Reggie says, there's nothing wrong with you not wanting a 3DS right now =P (seriously, that line in his video made me cringe with the force of a thousand suns)

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So, 3DS owners, how would you convince me to get a console at the moment? I'm thinking to in future, I just still feel like I need more. Are you all enjoying/getting lots out of it?

All future Nintendo handheld games for the next 5 or so years are to be on this console. That's reason enough

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So...it's going to be really cool, later? I was thinking that might be the case.


Tbh I'm only particularly interested in OoT, SM3DSLand and possibly Tales of the Abyss so far, reserving judgement on Mario Kart til it comes out and reviews etc.

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So...it's going to be really cool, later? I was thinking that might be the case.


Tbh I'm only particularly interested in OoT, SM3DSLand and possibly Tales of the Abyss so far, reserving judgement on Mario Kart til it comes out and reviews etc.

It's cool now with awesomeness coming next month and the month after. It had a jumpy start game-wise, but come on...almost all consoles do.


Remember the N64 only had 3 titles at launch and only around 3 more within the first few months?

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Were two of those only 3 not the best selling titles on the system and two pretty awesome games? SM64 and MK64? Seems the 3DS still needs some time to take off, so maybe I'll wait til new year. Just hope they don't actually bring a system redesign next year!


Btw I've heard about the scratching issues, how common is that and are there any other known ones atm? I saw Agent Gibbs's post that said about the scratches but he also mentioned some sort of screen wobble too?

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Were two of those only 3 not the best selling titles on the system and two pretty awesome games? SM64 and MK64? Seems the 3DS still needs some time to take off, so maybe I'll wait til new year. Just hope they don't actually bring a system redesign next year!


Btw I've heard about the scratching issues, how common is that and are there any other known ones atm? I saw Agent Gibbs's post that said about the scratches but he also mentioned some sort of screen wobble too?

Screen Wobble is only there if you don't have it open to the point it has locked in place


Screen scratching, I've had some issues with that, but not with scratching, just with it smudging. I believe new units have deeper feet on the screen so it doesn't happen anymore.


The 3DS now has great games, with even more coming over the next two months. It has "taken off". It has also been the best selling console worldwide each week for the last 2 and a half months

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Screen Wobble is only there if you don't have it open to the point it has locked in place


Yeah.... that's nonsense. When I use my 3DS, the screen is always in the locked position and it still wobbles quite a lot (trying to play the AR games is a nightmare because of the constant rocking back and forward due to the faulty design). And I know I'm not the only one who has the same experience.

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Yeah.... that's nonsense. When I use my 3DS, the screen is always in the locked position and it still wobbles quite a lot (trying to play the AR games is a nightmare because of the constant rocking back and forward due to the faulty design). And I know I'm not the only one who has the same experience.

Well thats odd as neither of my 3DSs have that...

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So, 3DS owners, how would you convince me to get a console at the moment? I'm thinking to in future, I just still feel like I need more. Are you all enjoying/getting lots out of it?


There's not much outside of OoT (which is a port) or SSF4/Starfox (again, ports), but you've got some decent software next month with MK7 and ofc, Super Mario. Yeah, it's all still pretty much rehashes of the same formula but you're gonna get a fair bit of playtime out of both of them, I'd assume.


That said, there certainly isn't a massive need to rush out and get one if you're not sure. It's going to be around for a few more years yet and over time it'll see new IP's and new games to take full advantage of it.


So yeah. Get one. But maybe not yet.

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Sounds like a plan for now then. Shame there's two large design flaws in the console, I'd be worried seeing these early on given the hinge breaks that plagued the DSes before(eventually striking down my phat sometime last year). I imagine I will get one eventually, I just can't help but worry the longer I leave it the closer I'll end up with one near to a redesign, which I foresee given these problems, the thumbstick attachment, and the already surprisingly low price. All guesswork, of course.

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I don't get all these wobble complaints... anything with a hinge is going to wobble if your shake it back and forth in the direction of the hinge, but when does this ever happen when you're playing a game?


You sit still with the 3DS out in front of you and if you do need to move the console for anything which should only be augmented reality of camera motion controls you do so in a controlled way.


I've never noticed any trouble, and I certainly wouldn't call it a design flaw.


If it's actually loose then maybe that a seperate matter, but I shouldn't think that affects many consoles... and again, is something that could happen to any model DS, or hinged product.

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Sounds like a plan for now then. Shame there's two large design flaws in the console, I'd be worried seeing these early on given the hinge breaks that plagued the DSes before(eventually striking down my phat sometime last year). I imagine I will get one eventually, I just can't help but worry the longer I leave it the closer I'll end up with one near to a redesign, which I foresee given these problems, the thumbstick attachment, and the already surprisingly low price. All guesswork, of course.


I'm not going to talk you into it, but the hinge problem isn't as big as people make out to be, as Retro_Link said, a little is always there with any hinge when you shake it.


The "scratches" also don't scratch unless you shake it. They only really put smudges on and that issue is resolve with later models as far as I know. To be safe, I keep that semi-plastic cloth that comes with it in the system whenever I close it

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My screen is/was locked in place and rocked on its locking position considerably, when closed you could lightly shake it and it would move on the left hinge by upto 2mmhe right hinge stayed fixed


I didn't notice the problem so much until i got OoT and had to aim using the gyro, when fighting Phantom Gannon the screen snapped backwards several times past its correct locking position. At the time i bought an armour case and since those have additional hinges it strengthened the screen and i forgot about it


then Starfox came out and with the slide pad revelation i knew the case would be off, playing starfox i again found the snapping back issue.


I'd say when in the lock position it rocks about a lot and you lose the 3D, the top edge of the screen moves about a few millimetres and is quite noticeable. I've seen demo models in a number of shops and none of them have the same degree of screen wobble mine has


as for the screen scratching/rubbing

the left hand foot (always the left side of my 3DS) didn't meet the bottom of the console at all when closed.

I've gone through 3 or 4 Hori screen protectors due to it, it smudges the screen, you clean it and it goes almost completely, but you can see where its dug into the lacer coat on the protector, after some time cleaning doesn't remove this as the lacer is gone and the line becomes fatter. At this point its distracting when playing, so its time to switch screen protectors


the scratching occurs when closed in a case or on charge, when its not in use. Its not shaking causing it, its the pressure applied on the screens from the springs keeping it closed and the weight of the top cover, its where the screens dig into each other.

The screen is a softer plastic (as are protectors) than the plastic casing around the bottom screen, so under force from the spring loaded hinge they eventually dig into the softer plastic over time.

Scratching is the wrong description therefore, its more like indentations


I think that many screen protectors since launch is a bit much and it needs sorting.


and well now after the failed repair its obviously in a worse condition.

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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