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3DS Console Discussion


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I love the thing and it's only going to get better. I play it pretty much every day an dhave invested well over 20 hours on street fighter, 15 on pilotwings, near 10 on ridge racer and nintendogs. Awesome. Yeah I obviously can't wait for the big update, more online games, more streetpass, AR, coins usage in the games (if they ever come) but I'm more than happy.


Come May when the browser, VC and 3Dware come out things will get more tasty, plus then the steady stream of amazing software begins, and hopefully come Xmas it will be unmissable!!


And yeah scoop, streetpass is easily the most exciting thing. I'm worried about it being used fully, but potentially it could be incredible. Just need Nintendo to realise that EVERY GAME needs to utilise all the amazing functions and we'll be good to go!

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I just think as a concept it's amazing. So many existing games could make great use of it. I also worry Nintendo won't apply it fully like with so many of their lost ideas, but this has been marketed as one of the main selling points of the console and to introduce it, they'd have to have ideas beyond a small RPG and puzzle swap system.

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Should have made an item in the game accessible via Street Pass, or some random Mii saving dugeon or something. Coins could be used for a certain minigame too. Even the most simple gesture would have been appreciated. Let's hope StarFox and Icarus use it for something.

Edited by Guy
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It's pretty bizarre that Nintendo's 1st-party games don't utilise StreetPass, when you think about it. Zelda could have had a figurine collection you could swap or buy with coins.


Ideally, Project Café should have something really replayable at launch, like F-Zero.

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F-Zero : Maximum Caffienation EXpresso Edition




I don't like coffee but I'd gulp down every mouthful of that..


As for the 3DS, I haven't had all that many opportunities to take it out for Street Pass action but I wouldn't expect it to be that popular in Ballymena, unfortunately :hmm:


As cool as the feature is, it wasn't one of the main selling points for me anyway. I've had a great time with it so far but am now happily playing through games on other systems before the big-hitters start making their way to the console such as Kid Icarus, Paper Mario, Mario Kart and Super Mario. I'm also looking forward to seeing what becomes available when the update arrives in May :hehe:


Pilotwings Resort, as great as it is, has lost a considerable amount of its appeal since completing Free Flight and getting 3 stars on all the missions in Mission Mode so I haven't got any other games to play on it at the moment but I'm really not in any rush. I get the 3DS now and again to play the AR games and I still haven't done much of Face Raiders so I still have plenty to check out.


As far as gaming goes, I'm probably the most content I've been in a long time and am probably more inclined to want to trim my collection at the moment instead of add to it before the 3DS and Project Café really take hold!

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It's pretty bizarre that Nintendo's 1st-party games don't utilise StreetPass, when you think about it. Zelda could have had a figurine collection you could swap or buy with coins.


Well technically we just don't know yet if Zelda might use it in some way or not as it's not out yet, for all we know it could.


A cousin of mine went and got one today with Puzzle Bobble Universe after I been showing off mine to most people I can, haha. Pretty sure they'll be a few other new 3DS owners from that group soonish too.

Now just gotta make sure my cousin knows how the StreetPass works so that I can at least get a pass from him when he comes visit or I go to his :heh:

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It's classic PES, anytime, anywhere. Looking slicker than ever and in eye melting 3Dee!


What's not to like? :)


I have no doubt in it being a great game but I need to be able to play multiplayer and nobody I know has a 3DS so I'll have to wait until the inevitable PES 2012 with online play :eek:

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I just think as a concept it's amazing. So many existing games could make great use of it. I also worry Nintendo won't apply it fully like with so many of their lost ideas, but this has been marketed as one of the main selling points of the console and to introduce it, they'd have to have ideas beyond a small RPG and puzzle swap system.


I still think it will be a big selling point, but I think Nintendo is keeping it all quiet till E3, now with a new system going to be unveiled as well as hopefully a truck load of 3DS content, Nintendo have to try and balance everything they have :heh:

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Yeah, they really do have a balancing act this year. The 3DS needs to be massively supported, that's simple enough. Project Café will not just be shown, but be playable, so obviously 1st-party developers have been working on it. Finally, you could say the Wii is over, but we all know Skyward Sword is on its way, and some RPGs are to be localised. Plus, as killer kirby always says, Dragon Quest is released on the most popular system in Japan, so as much as I'd like it for Project Café instead, it'll be on the Wii. It'll be a massive game in every way - not just an RPG, but the cream of RPGs.

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I'm not one to brag, but...


So the sequel to the 2nd best selling DS game of all time (over 22 million) isn't big software? :heh:


Fair play you might not be interested in Nintendogs + Cats, but trust me it's a big deal for Nintendo and it's going to sell, a lot. ;)


I quite liked the original, it needed better connectivity, but I spent a while on it. However, this time round Nintendogs seems a pretty good example of how schizophrenic Nintendo is with the 3DS launch - it does not know what to put on the system and has knee jerked.


At £120, a DS and Nintendogs would've been at the absolute top end of the present buying budget for average salaried families. So, asking families to upgrade one, possibly more, systems and games while effectively doubling the price on the high street doesn't compute - £250 for a nominal upgrade is well out of reach of families who'd buy into the 3DS. Until the 3DS drops to a price affordable to families, Nintendogs+Cats won't hit the astronomical heights of its predecessor. I'll say 350k in the first month, successful yes, but not the crazy figures of the original.

Nintendogs + cats - 1.71m

http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=15331 :hehe:

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I have no doubt in it being a great game but I need to be able to play multiplayer and nobody I know has a 3DS so I'll have to wait until the inevitable PES 2012 with online play :eek:


Yeah I'd take that stance. Still think its dumb how we get these stripped down versions of games for launches. When every PES since forever has online. Guess its a case of getting these games out ready for launch and not wanting to invest too much in a title that might get lost in the crowd of launch games whilst still getting it out there so its a franchise established on the platform from the outset.

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I'm really looking forward to the late may update, which is supposed to contain the browser and the shop. The browser will be a nice thing to have, but what's even more exciting is of course the shop. As was also recently announced, Excitebike 3D will be available for free, and I sincerely hope that this won't only be a Japanese-only deal. There are some excellent titles that have been announced on the shop, some of them which I am really anxious to play, such as the new Flipnote and Link's Awakening.


In any case, there is roughly a month left to wait for this super-update :love:

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Oh nice :) my 3DS came back today from Nintendo today. I sent it for repair, the wobble on the top screen got to me in the end. My mate got his fixed so i thought why not. It looks like they've given me a new one, supprised to see my data is all there. :)


I shouldn't have sent it in it's original box coz it sure wasn't handled with care :(

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So Nintendo acknowledge the screen wobble as a fault and repaired it? That's pretty interesting.


That it is.. :eek:


I haven't saw a 3DS unit that doesn't have the 'problem', however minimal it may be.. but it did feel a bit annoying during Face Raiders the other day :hmm:

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