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Do You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?


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Here is a topic to let off some steam in the horribly stressful month of Christmas. I have nothing to complain at, I'm perfectly happy with my life at the moment, in every aspect. Yay!


Just post what really Grinds Your Gears, and then peace out : peace:

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"People from the 19th century, I mean come on, get with the times."


This is gonna turn into another quoting marathon isn't it. Well I plan to take the first strike.


"You know people like you really piss me off. I mean where in the bible does it say a man can't fire off some knuckle children in the privacy of his neighbours home because he's at work and I don't have a DVD player?"


Great movie

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I was going to make a "Grinds my gears" topic a few months back when I first saw the movie, then at the time I had nothing on my mind that really annoyed me so I passed up the oppotunity.


You know what really grinds my gears... not knowing what the hell is grinding my gears!


Edit - I now know what grinds my gears. Fools who damage a water pipe, without telling the street leaving my house without water for the evening. FFS.

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Thanks Haver! You've reminded me what grinds my gears now.


The whole American Idiot thing, it's so racist and annoying. I would have much more to say about it all, but my rants are better spoken in an argumentative way instead of a essay type fashion.

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People who park on double yellow lines. I mean they're there for a reason so don't use them, for god's sake. Even if your 'only being a couple of minutes', thats still a couple of minutes of annoyance to other drivers. I mean, how fucking lazy do you have to be to go arounf the corner to park. bastards :angry:


A few weeks ago, I was watching Tonight with Trevor McDonald, and this guy got a ticket for parking on yellow lines. And what did he do? Say fair enough and got on with his life? No. He tried to claim it was an unfair ticket because there was no horizontal line at the end of the lines! He even took it to court. I mean, WTF! Surely it would have been easier, and fairer just to pay the fine? Surely?

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pickled onion jars.....they screw them on so tight only the worlds strongest man can open them...you have to bang the crap out of the lid to make it open :(


BMW drivers on the motorway - everytime i get cut-up on the motorway or flashed its 90% of the time a BMW


Market Researchers - when i go through Newport theres loads of people with clipboards from various companies always saying "can i ask u some questions" etc it pisses me right off


Girls Aloud - these girls do my freaking head in end of story!


Chavs - tracksuits/insulting people/tucking socks into tracksuit bottoms/fake jewellery/trying to look hard all the time/no sense of humour....21st century britain and Newport has the wrose case THERE EVERYWHERE


The cramp twins - WROST CARTOON EVER!


Mcdonalds - The food doesnt fill you up wtf...have to get 6 big macs+ to fill me up and the burgers arnt that special either


Crazy frog - we all know why


Ring tone ads - we all know why


"Friends" - VERY unfunny programme never laughed/giggled at a single thing while watching it i never did get why the cast need to be paid $2 million per episode either


people that hate emos - i have no prob with them but there are alot that say they cry alot which is completely bogus and they have crap hairstyles and listen to crap music blah blah blah


more soon...

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All the celebrity magazines that so many people seem to buy into!

That some people want to know EVERYTHING about celebs and they want to hear bad things about the celebs, as though it's going to make their own lives better!


"Top 10 skinniest celebs" "Top 10 best/worst beach bodies" "Top 10 celeb sweat patches!"


Leave them alone!

I really hate this about todays society, that you have be perfect!

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People who ask really stupid and annoying questions at work. People who ram into me with trolleys. People who let their kids run riot until they smash something, then reply with a sheepish "Ummm sorry".


announcers who say "more reasons to shop at morrisons"


or for those foreign announcers "morrisons to shop at morrisons"




the whole damn company...stupid northern pride and values pah....the fact they wank over their shitty pie shop.



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Well, just today...

I was woken up early

A batter leaked all inside my wavebird controller.

Feeder concert got postponed

And worst of all, my drum stool is fucking falling to pieces. I can still sit on it after a bit of dodgy handywork but it doesnt feel very safe, and its still fucked and i'll have to get a new one :-/

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