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N-Europe London Meet Sat July 24th 2010


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I am awesome and therefore made a surprise appearance today. As te first one off the scene let me say it was awesome finally meeting a good lot of you, especially j7 and Rummy who were exactly like I imagined they would be :p and everyone else too I suppose! Shame I was only able to make it for 20 minutes or so but it was genuine awesomeness and next year I plan to do the whole shebang. :D


Best do, twas a wicked day dude.


Will post the shabbangs when i get home.

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I may be either in New York or at a conference on that date, but if not, I should be able to attend.
Oh, I thought it as a week today for some reason. Either way, too many grandparenty things this weekend and too many New Yorky things the other, sadly...
All the last minutes excuses coming into play right about now. :p

I win at early excuse-making. :heh:

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I missed the drunken shenanigans unfortunately but did get lucky enough to sneak in a couple of games of Paper Telephone which were awesome. I'm just glad I've broken the ice after these 6 years :heh: had an awesome time though, for sure, wish I'd planned my time a little bit better so I could have come for the day to hang with my Ginger Beard Brother and the rest. Next year, eh? :D


Also: Coolness! I'm really sorry I was so flustered when you came and introduced yourself! I'm not sure why but I thought you'd be shorter(!) and I didn't want to say the wrong name out of embarrassment! I wish I'd just come out with it first time as it was stupidly awkward after that. It sucks as I really wanted to hug you too! o_O :heh:

Edited by Dyson
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Just wanted to drop in and say it was a pleasure meeting you guys and girls today. You were all really great and receptive to my out-of-the-blue-last-minute-unplanned-appearance and I was moved by how polite and welcoming everyone turned out to be. Even those of you I've had very little contact with on here.


I do owe a massive apology for bailing literally as soon as I arrived. I think I spent maybe an hour in the group's good company before disappearing off into the wilderness. Having not initially planned to attend, I had something already arranged in the evening that left a very narrow socialising window after wasting like, two hours just tracking you guys down. I apparently still don't know how to navigate a city I've lived in all of my life.


Still, it was pretty awesome. Thank you for all welcoming my buddy too, who despite knowing nothing of this site offered to come along and was instrumental in my deciding to show up. He also felt very welcome, if not a little confused by the bizarre forum stories people were telling of old posters and events.


I also want to say thanks for representing me there as requested, an image of a smiley faced ice cream scoop. It was probably a more substantial presence than I was myself, brief and fleeting. I hope that and the rest of the paper was disposed of accordingly and isn't currently forming the bedding of a homeless park dweller.

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I just want to say, that this was such an awesome day. For once I managed to make it relatively early, and we managed to last til relatively late! I'm totally and absolutely shattered from it for some reason, but I think that's because it was all just too amazing to handle. Everyone was very cool, and for some reason I think I feel an agreement with ReZ in saying that this was one of the best meets I've been to! That's also despite that fucking helicopter, and the fact some gay cycle race was going on in the park too.

I'll put up pictures(lots and lots of Molly, to her delight) etc later on, probably via the bookface. Will take pictures of the Paper Telephone games too and post them here(and also in the playground thread, which everyone is encouraged to join!).


Highlights of the day;

-Ginger Kid getting smacked in the face by ball whilst playing football

-Paper Telephone

-Touching Flink


-Definitely NOT the helicopter. Though ReZ's helicopter rage was a little amusing.

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All the cool kids ;)


Another highlight was me throwin the frisbee right into goafer's face, straight. Couldn't do that again if i tried.


This was definitly a great meet, when i get home (about an hour or so now) i shall go into more detail and include pics

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Just wanted to drop in and say it was a pleasure meeting you guys and girls today. You were all really great and receptive to my out-of-the-blue-last-minute-unplanned-appearance and I was moved by how polite and welcoming everyone turned out to be. Even those of you I've had very little contact with on here.


I do owe a massive apology for bailing literally as soon as I arrived. I think I spent maybe an hour in the group's good company before disappearing off into the wilderness. Having not initially planned to attend, I had something already arranged in the evening that left a very narrow socialising window after wasting like, two hours just tracking you guys down. I apparently still don't know how to navigate a city I've lived in all of my life.


Still, it was pretty awesome. Thank you for all welcoming my buddy too, who despite knowing nothing of this site offered to come along and was instrumental in my deciding to show up. He also felt very welcome, if not a little confused by the bizarre forum stories people were telling of old posters and events.


I also want to say thanks for representing me there as requested, an image of a smiley faced ice cream scoop. It was probably a more substantial presence than I was myself, brief and fleeting. I hope that and the rest of the paper was disposed of accordingly and isn't currently forming the bedding of a homeless park dweller.


You were like....the nicest person ever. Calling us polite? You couldn't have been more polite, and I love you. Also I'm still convinced that I either know you, or you look exactly like some kind of famous person that I see often/have seen recently.


Just awesome. Probably the most fun I've had this year and that's saying something.


Me too. It was completely awesome. There was ONE single moment for about 5 seconds when no-one talked, and I just pointed it out and it was fine, what I mean is, it wasn't awkward at all basically. It was just pure win. Also I love you. Your voice and handsome looks complete the package. *Hug* :)


Aww I wanted to be there so so baaad :(. Mini meet soon anyone?

Yeah fucker. But you were there in spirit. Also...something else that you will see when I upload pictures and videos. Probably tomorow, as I can't really be bothered today (shattered) and obviously got like three days of comic book news to read and absorb.


So yeah it was brilliant.


Left Ayles at about 9:00 by train. Arrived and met up with Goafer, we then went to Holland Park and met up with Jimbob, dumped stuff at hotel. We then walked to Hyde Park. Which was fucking ages. Looks so much smaller on map/. Should have taken train but meh.


I wish the cockpit had a tube station.


Got there and felt strangely bewildered, as there was a huge triathlon international event going on. This did however mean there were toilets which was both good (place to go for wee wee) and bad (encountered....toilet-blood and poo) eww.


Saw The Bard and we were like "Yes this is it!" then very quickly everyone else seemed to arrive. Several times multi-people joined at once. Was great to have surprise visits from Dyson, Scoop and (technically surprise) of Coolness. Coolness...we pissed ourselves at something...what was it? I've completely forgotten.


Everyone was so nice. Seriously. I'm not even going to name everyone because I'll forget, but all of you I love.



- Everything

- Being offered drugs. I think. I thought will was coming so I pointed at him and said "Will.....?" and he walked over, leaned over to me and said "Skank?" and I was like "oh....erm...no?" I assume skank is drug?

- Football playing, Rummy being (gently) hit by the ball, me glancing (glaring) at the kids waiting for an apology and it not being received. Obviously the ginger kid.

- Dorris down the street.

- Consequences/forum telelol

- Possibly shoplifting sunglasses (Daft?)


Just amaizng. Will upload photos and videos probably tomorrow.

Edited by ReZourceman
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- Being offered drugs. I think. I thought will was coming so I pointed at him and said "Will.....?" and he walked over, leaned over to me and said "Skank?" and I was like "oh....erm...no?" I assume skank is drug?

It sounds like he was calling you a slapper or whore in the pejorative sense. A promiscuous ne'er-do-well of questionable standards, if you prefer.

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Finally home despite Chiltern Railways best efforts. Got on the train that was clearly signed as going to Birmingham, with Banbury (my destination) in the list of stops. No mention of Aylesbury anywhere (this is important). Got on the train, heard the announcer confirm the destination and stops (Birmingham with one of the stops being Banbury. Again, no mention of Aylesbury). Once the train was moving, I fell asleep. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in Aylesbury. Now Aylesbury is on a completely different line to Banbury so I worried a bit. It was only after I looked at the map thing on the train and went through a few stations that I realised that it was taking a connecting line so it could divert around something. At no point did the announcer speak of any diversions as the train was sat in Marylebone station or the 20 minutes or so I was awake before my nap. None of the signs mentioned it either. Cunts.



My musings on the meet:


Drug dealers know not of subtlety.

£1.50 for an energy drink is not a special promotion. Definitely not one worthy of a vendor pestering random groups of people

Everyone is ace

Molly really doesn't like having her picture taken

Trying to avoid having your picture taken only results in people trying even harder to take it

Eenuh is surprisingly fluent in English. I expected at least an accent

Our hotels shower only had 2 settings: off and red fucking hot

Current kids TV is shit

Never give Jimbob a frizbee

Never give Jimbob a drink in a can

Jenga is ace




Pictures to follow once they've been edited/uploaded.

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You were like....the nicest person ever. Calling us polite? You couldn't have been more polite, and I love you. Also I'm still convinced that I either know you, or you look exactly like some kind of famous person that I see often/have seen recently.


I kept thinking that too! I've just realised though he reminds me of a friend of a friend called Charlie, so I'm pretty sure we're both just a bit weird.


I'd totally forgotten about the drink 'promotion' man, what a tit.

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Just remembered another hilight. Revealing I was slightly scared/apprehensive of dogs, and then pretending to shit it at the sausage dog. I underplayed it and was massively overjoyed with the laughs it got. :)


I just imagined you in a film, narrating yourself as you make that joke, and then it goes into slow motion with shots of your laughing face, and the few others laughing with you, as you think this is your big breakthrough. "They laughed! It was an amazing feeling!"

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What's paper telephone?

Shit was so CASH.

New ghetto slang. Can't be much worse than "peng" I hope.

Really annoyed I didn't manage to make it. Sounded fun!

Word. I best better get this job I missed the meet to have the interview for.


Only seeing a few of the photos, I noticed ReZ is wearing a conventional hat. Did he not bring/wear one of his more profound headgears?

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So much awesome... Really was the best meet yet. Added like another 6 names to my list! I should probably actually, like, make this list...


I basically left what I was doing totally open -- didn't really check last trains or anything, and the madness on the tubes made me really not look forward to the journey home, so after the ultimate day of win, I went to Bard's mate's house and we stayed up til like 5am "watching" movies, drinking rum and babbling incoherently about existentialism and films and books and anything.


Anyway, some sort of brief summary;


I turned up vaguely bewildered after a near-3 hour journey consisting of two trains and 5 tube rides and a 20 minute walk down oxford street on the road because clearly I'm the only person who knows how to walk properly in the entire of london. Immediately I noticed some strange, (un)familiar faces of Eenuh, Razz, Daft and Jimbob, aside from Flink, Goafer, ReZ, Rummy, Marcamillian, Bard, coolness bears Debug Mode, whom I'd met before (really hope I didn't forget anyone there!). I never know what to do in these situations so I just shouted some sort of greeting, complained about the tube/heat, pointed out my t-shirt, then sat down and asked Marc if he brought a hat or a chess set. It was a chess set! So win. Literally, I WON WOOO!


Twozzok turned up shortly after me, then was immediately pursued by Dyson and his squeeze. Dyson had a hearty handshake, a lack of toffee cider and an all-too-brief sit-down with us (more next time!). There were some phail 'signs' that did nothing but hurt a tree a bit, because I, for one, enjoyed almost joining several other groups of people while uncertain whether they were 'us' or not (if that makes sense...).


It all starts to get a bit hazy here as I was a couple of cans and a strong bottle-or-two down, but I think molly turned up with her ceremonial Drink Of Unknown Origin Is It Olive Oil Is It Mead Is It WTF I Don't Know Either But It Tastes Gooood, at some point Goafer had set up his tripod in a sort of "hey kids, let's pretend we're fruit for uncle goafer! You can be a banana, and you can be an orange, and I'll peel you both, now let me just set up the video camera..." kinda way, and some sort of group photo was taken but I have no idea when or what pose we were pulling. We talked much about doing a human pyramid, perhaps even inverse with ReZ at the bottom, but no effort was actually made.


Despite close proximity of toilets, Bard still preferred to mark territory closer by and peed on the tree we were sat under. I chose once to pee in a bush, and decided against it for future occasions due to several people joining the previously rather exclusive list of People Who Have Seen My Penis. A game of Jenga was played while me and Marc had our second game of chess (I AM WINNAR), but we caught the end where flink failed us all. I think that was the reason why I threw a bottle at him and eenuh. Eenuh punched me in the arm and it's bruising today.


Scoop arrived with a pal, but again did a dyson and dissapeared pretty much as soon as I started talking to them. I'm obv. a bit of a repellant. Sorry guyzzzz!


I'm freaking out a bit now because I can't remember if anyone else turned up. shitshitshit... I don't think so.


Very glad we had Daft with us who knew a local, fairly cheap pub for after the park. Me, Rummy and Marc sat down with our pints and kinda realised that nobody else was around... they'd all scarpered off to get food someplace. Rummy expertly spotted an open table and we drank and fended off several vulturous swines who tried to nick our stools we'd saved -- We lost a couple, I'm sure, but eventually everyone else turned up and we proceeded to drink more than I dare to remember. I think at some point I was the last one with a drink and everyone was making me hurry up, or something. I don't really remember the goodbyes, just that ReZ, Goaf and Jimbob dissapeared before the pub -- probably got food and left? Razz scarpered too, and Coolness left earlier saying he had work the following day (booo)...


OH WAIT THERE WAS TOTALLY SOME TROCADERO GOING ON I can't believe I almost forgot that! Me and twozzok couldn't find anyone for ages. Bard sucked at street fighter, then sucked some more at virtua soccer. I played flink at air hockey but GENUINELY could not see the puck we were playing with, so I lost badly. WILL HAVE A REMATCH IN BRIGHTON BITCH. Debug mode wasted all his coppers, and some mario kart was Happened.


I don't really remember much of the pub besides at some point having an animated chat with Molly about something I've completely forgotten, and would very much like my mind refreshed!


Ultimately, it fizzled or whatever, but me, Bard and his mate Scott went and got a subway on the way back to his, bought a litre bottle of rum (cannot believe we drank the whole thing on top of the entire day's doings!), were told by some dodgy geezer to "bet on spain" and another guy shouted at us that he was getting a stripper, or something, and now I think we're back to the start of the post!


Had about 5 hours kip then we watched The Dark Knight while feeling sorry for ourselves, bought some lucozade, eventually begun the epic horrendous jouney home, with Bard sharing a tube for a few stops while we completely failed at being alive, functional human beings nearly getting on the wrong overhead etc.


The journey home = tubes to St. Pancras, trainfail, tube to london bridge, ticket barrier man making me miss my train, wait for 30 mins, train to brighton while savouring my leftover can of cider and just letting the day soak in, then wait for train at brighton to portslade that totally destroyed my spirits, then... urg, just shite trains all weekend.


HOME NOW! SO effing tired/stinky. So much other stuff that I've forgotten to mention that'll just fade into my memory. Got stung by stinging nettles! I remember that. Anyway, enough! BRING ON THE PICTURES/MOVIES!

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