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Favourite levels and/or sections

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I wasn't sure if TP was classed as retro so left that game out... but now that we're on it, Stallord was insanely cool heart pounding stuff.


TP was pretty good for bosses as another fantastic one:




Something about being on this floating mass up in the clouds, stormy weather, rain and lightning everywhere as you clawshot your way around the dragon, and then eventually on it. One of the two most epic boss battles in all of Zelda I reckon.


TP is a Gamecube game for me :heh:


But still, my original post said to exclude Wii games because of a similar thread in the Wii boards. But since no one is using that thread anymore, I don't see why we shouldn't use this thread for a more general purpose.



A copy of Emasher's post


Ok, seriously, that's the second time you directly copied an earlier post. What gives?

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Hmm, there's a lot of stuff I can think of, but most of it is more appropriate in the best gaming moments thread (probably).


Anyway, for this thread I can probably also come up with a lot of levels, but the one I think of first is (and probably always will be) Click Clock Wood in Banjo Kazooie:



Even the music gets melancholic when you hop from season to season:




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  • 4 weeks later...

There are two games that I love more than any other - Wind Waker and Dragon Quest VIII. Ronnie detailed many of my favourite moments in Wind Waker, so some of ours overlap...


Floating across the gap to the forest on Outset Island


The stormy night on Windfall Island


Placing the Orbs in the statues

This blew me away. It wasn't so much the Tower of the Gods rising (though that was cool), it was more the use of space. I'd sailed across the ocean, placing orbs in the statues on these strange, isolated islands. Then, when they beamed light across huge distances in the gameworld, it impressed me so much I felt it was the best use of space I've seen in a game.


Floating to the Forbidden Forest

Generally I loved any use of the Deku Leaf to fly. If you had asked me if I thought wind would be a good theme for a game, I'd have probably said not. However, I would have been wrong. From the sailing to the flying, it was integral.


The Forsaken Fortress - how I could see the sea outside


Valoo letting loose with his flame breath...


The "colourisation" bit...


Truly, a masterpiece.


My other favourite game is Dragon Quest: Journey of the Cursed King. I couldn't find the right screenshots, so I turned on my PS2 and had a little tour round my favourite locations...



This town impressed me as soon as I'd set foot through the massive doors. Not only do I love the houses lining the sides, I love the way the castle looms in the background.



It's the biggest in the game...



You can climb to the top and get a great view.


Also a view from Ascantha Castle...




I hope one day to enjoy another game as much as these two beauties.

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The stormy night on Windfall Island


Valoo letting loose with his flame breath...


The "colourisation" bit...


Forgot about those! Using the grappling hook on Valoo's tail in the ceiling of the first proper boss battle was pretty special and different too.


Truly, a masterpiece.


Truer words have never been spoken. What a game. I'm just GUTTED about them ditching the two dungeons. I'm not too bothered about the triforce hunt, didn't mind it at all, but having Jabun just hand you the pearl was extremely jarring, and the equivalent dungeon after the Wind and Earth ones would have made the game near perfect.

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Truer words have never been spoken. What a game. I'm just GUTTED about them ditching the two dungeons. I'm not too bothered about the triforce hunt, didn't mind it at all, but having Jabun just hand you the pearl was extremely jarring, and the equivalent dungeon after the Wind and Earth ones would have made the game near perfect.


Totally perfect, I think. I remember finishing the game and was adamant it deserved exactly 98%, because I just wanted one more big island + village + dungeon, and even then I distinctly thought it would add 2% enjoyment.


I can understand your viewpoint, because it's frustrating to think there might be two more dungeons, as magical as the ones that made it, just sitting on a drawing board, right?


What did you think about the graphics in that other game I showed? It's pretty much my perfect visual style, because it's cartoony, but has correct proportions. The real difference with Skyward Sword, I think, is that SS looks a bit "soft", whereas DQ looks "inked", thus I prefer it. Skyward Sword's visual style is so close to brilliance, it just needs an extra dose of exactly that - brilliance. Here's hoping Zelda on the next console has intense cel-shading, like Wind Waker and Punch Out, and features Adult Link. I think that'd be perfection.

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The real difference with Skyward Sword, I think, is that SS looks a bit "soft", whereas DQ looks "inked", thus I prefer it. Skyward Sword's visual style is so close to brilliance, it just needs an extra dose of exactly that - brilliance.


SS looks like watercolour paints to me... DQ looks more like oil based paint in a way.

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I've always been a sucker for those 'Rain' moments. You know what I mean: when the character steps outside or wakes up and your only companion is a gloomy, rain filled sky. Your character is getting soaked and demoralised, but they have only once choice: to keep going regardless.


Resident Evil 4

After defeating the lake monster, Leon gets ashore and collapses. He wakes up 6 hours later. Night has fallen and a storm is beginning. The rain and lightning are relentless and it's here that the game really captures a fantastic sense of reality. Darkness has arrived and the oppressive rain creates a truly atmospheric sense of foreboding.



Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (already mentioned by darksnowman)

It's cliched now, but some of the best stories are told from the vantage point of a young person with no skills whatsoever, rising up to become the hero of their time. The opening to this game captured the start of such a journey with a perfection that is almost impossible to conceive.


A boy wakes up in the middle of the night. A storm is brewing, a faint voice is heard. His father, as any father would, tells him to stay in bed while he checks outside. The seconds pass. They turn into minutes and he gets out of bed, his childhood innocence making him uncertain what to do. Finally, he summons the courage to go outside and face the world. The rain beats down, the lightning flashes and the music is tense with a sense of urgency. The nearby soldiers tell him to "go home, "kid", but he pushes on, determined to find the source of the voice.




Metroid Prime

After the orbiting space station blows up, Samus lands her ship on Tallon IV in a clearing filled with lush vegetation, with soft spots of rain landing on her visor when she looks up at the sky. I swear I could smell the moss when I played this.




Metroid Prime (already mentioned by killer kirby)

Not rain as such, but words cannot express the awe of seeing this majestic landscape blanketed in soft white snow - contrasting heavily with the Magmoor Caverns encountered previously.



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I just watched a couple of Skyward Sword videos there in recent days and I seemed to have got it in my head that the game didn't look as great as it actually does :eek: I'll admit to not really feeling much excitement towards it since it was first unveiled but I'm definitely starting to anticipate it more :hehe:


I was always gonna get it anyway, regardless of how much I was looking forward to it.. even if my current time with Spirit Tracks is proving less than positive :indeed:

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Skyward Sword's visual style is so close to brilliance, it just needs an extra dose of exactly that - brilliance. Here's hoping Zelda on the next console has intense cel-shading, like Wind Waker and Punch Out, and features Adult Link. I think that'd be perfection.


I reckon we've not seen all of Skyward Sword's art style, just the basic model and it'll get a step up for release, mind you I'd be happy with what we've seen but I see your point. Have to say I'm personally not a fan of the DQ style at all, looks a little generic and the colour scheme looks a little off to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a few i can think of right now...


My favourite place in a game ever. Incredible atmopshere...




SA-X! Oh em gee! It was so scary when this happened...




She scared me a lot more than any monster or alien. The pacing of this game was brilliant, the tension was off the scale.


Talking of tension... my favourite ever Resi area. The cabin from REmake. The walk there set the scene perfectly. And as for what's in there... so creepy, so unsettling, so tragic. I loved the character and storyline development from there on, top notch...




Although i find it difficult to go back to this game as it feels so clunky, i remember loving the lunatic asylum from Shadowman 64. Those tall solid brick walls, the floodlights, the fact it was so clinical and sterile. And the enemies inside were scary. Very vicious. Just what the doctor ordered...





Plok as a whole is amazing, but the Bobbin Bros were a definite highlight! That music! And then later getting to go back and fight them in black in white as Grandaddy Plok...




Also, can't find pic, but... racing round the rim of a bath tub in Mirco Machines for the SNES!


And, been mentioned and rightfully so - moon surface in Majora's, and final countdown!

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Pancake, those two bits you posted about Fusion and REmake are two of my favourites, as well! :D


I'm not going to include Wii games as it's too recent and perhaps not retro, but here are some of mine:


Eternal Darkness


Favourite game ever.




Maximillian Roivas goes crazy. The part as well where the city of Ehn'gha is destroyed is another favourite section.


Also, Pillars of Flesh!


F Zero GX




The speed, the look and the mindfuck of this level makes it memorable. As well as this:




We will never get a better racer than this on any console.


Resident Evil: Zero




The whole train section was amazing, especially the ending where you had to make it from one side to the other in a short time limit. Fucking frantic.


Metroid Prime




I found this fucking hard at the time, but so, so wonderful when I did it.


Streets of Rage




The elevator level is one of my all time favourite bits of any game. Music kicked arse, gorgeous scenary and you knew it was coming to the end of the game.


Super Mario Bros 3




This one is about just seeing the World Maps. I love being able to see the outline and thinking wow, there's a lot to see here/do. I don't think I've played a better Mario game since. 2D is where its at. ;)


Super Metroid




I keep watching this clip over and over on youtube. :D The music is outstanding.


Metroid Fusion






Perfect Dark


Two levels here. First:


FrenzyTheKilbot-Perfect-Dark---Chicago--Stealth-e11443126.jpg - Chicago. So stunning, as with the music.


mission16_10.jpg - Attack Ship.


A perfect game. :'(


F Zero X


SILENCE. 0.jpg


A straight track...just simple pure, fun, adreline-fueled racing. Hold me!

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Talking of tension... my favourite ever Resi area. The cabin from REmake. The walk there set the scene perfectly. And as for what's in there... so creepy, so unsettling, so tragic. I loved the character and storyline development from there on, top notch...







Man the first time I saw her it was 2 in the morning lights were turned off and I was very young, she freaked the fuck out of me. (Although going through the game and reading the story behind her just made me feel even worst for her) Capcom did very well with this remake.

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Streets of Rage




The elevator level is one of my all time favourite bits of any game. Music kicked arse, gorgeous scenary and you knew it was coming to the end of the game.


Oh yes. I'm humming the music right now. Got to love the occasional bit of backstabbing-throw-your-mate-off-the-side-of-the-elevator action.


Where is that screenshot from? Looks like a remake.

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